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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2010
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Hello readers! I ended my old log cuz of lack of interest. Ok so here are the stats for my music star and v4. so.... everyone is still the same color!!!

Music Star: Nathan

Age:1 tama year

weight: 24 lbs.







Fav. Music Genre: Asian


Toy: Train



Elaine the Chamametchi on the Violin

Paul the Hinotamatchi on the Trombone

Nathan the Kikitchi on the Guitar


Age: 2 tama years

Weight: 31 pounds





Thats it for now and when Nathan or Lily evolves I will post again!(If I am awake)

ok so nathan evovled into a shimashimatchi and hes very happy cuz he loves cats and not soybeans cuz mame literally means soybeans in Japenese( i found out that on the internet!) he didnt pass the auditions after 2 tries so im waiting for later! hes practicing his guitar right now and can you guys pm me for what the last judge needs??? its always the last judge.... :p

ok so lily evovled into a i have no idea....its like a girl with a hat. i have no idea what it is! :)

thats it for today! see you tommorrow!!!

Nathan just had a concert....and there was no people!ahhh!!!!!!is their band's music ear-piercing???


i think my dad(who is in california)says hes gonna get me a tama-go! which color should i get????white, blue , or lime green?please pm me!!!

oh and another thingy!!!!! nathan just had 2 concerts and the first one had no people and then the other one had 5 people.

Edit:for the first one i already said in a previous post

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ok so this morning was kinda boring,but i did practice a lot with the nathan and the band. his skills are 999/999/914. are those good enough to pass the auditions??? well, i forgot to tell you what the band members evolved into:the Chamametchi called Elaine evolved into a Chantotchi and the Hinotamatchi named Ryo evolved into a Mametchi! So currently no Auditions have been passed and I'm gonna pause my v4 until Nathan passes the Pro Debut. So...I will post when he passes!!!!but this is a little something i heard after practice this morning.

Hey Elaine, you look beautiful today.

Thank you, Nathan.

Come on, let me take you to my house!

Sure :(

Come! Its raining!!!! Get under my shirt!


At Nathan's house....

Wow! your house is huge!!!

Thanks, and I built it myself!


I will get you some clothing of mine for you to wear.

sure and can i stay at your house for a night?

sure why not?

kewlios!!!! :eek:

so...what should we do? want some hot cocoa???


*get hot cocoa*

tastes really good....

sure does.....

*both puts cup down and starts kissing*

after they kiss:

that sure was nice.

yes yes it was...

we better get to sleep, mkay?

ya, sleep sounds good.

after 10 minutes...both of them fall asleep.

the few hours later:

oh my gosh! we are late for pracitce!

lets hurry before Ryo finds out what we did!

go get your normal clothes!!!!

got it!!

lets go!!!!

*both of them goes to practice*

I guess both of them fell in love huh? well i have to go to!!! bibi!!!!!!!!!

so Nathan had another audition an hour ago and he didnt pass again! On one of the topics in Tips and Tricks, it said that the last one you need to practice your instrument. So right now Nathan is pracitcing his instrument and by the way these are his skills:999/999/999. So since right now is 3:38 PM, he can practice until4:14, and so see you after the next audition!

Guess what???

well you guessed wrong. Nathan didnt pass the auditions but I am getting a tama-go when i move back to California!Yes!

i found out what lily evolved into. its like puramatchi or sumthing. and that lily is a v4.5 not a v4. guess when i was reading the box i only saw the 4 :eek:

ok another audition not passed! should i reset it???no? ok then. lets wait but im gonna post topic in help for new owners!

sorry for this not postin thing....school started in california and there is a lot of hw! im starting a new log on me tama-go!
