tama logs!


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[SIZE=14pt]id like to make this log not just a log but an information center, also user friendly. i had an idea (all of my ideas havent worked out in the end so far...) that id do a little tama log of the week or something. because i have a billion updates a day and push some good logs down the pages, i decided that it would be fair to nominate someones log and have people rate and read it. am i crazy? no. my ideas should work. its just i suck at making them work. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]ive decided to do the mimitchi report a little early, since my cat was being so nice and i felt very happy. want a :D ? one stop shopping right here![/SIZE]

life cycle: petitchi, :D , :D , :mimitchi: .

special behaviors: when it gets close up to the screen, it wiggles its ears. likes to sing. best charicter ever!

care: i let ichigotchis hungry hearts go down two hearts! *gasp! no way!* *way.* otherwise i fed it its meals ahead of time, got it full training, etc.

younger forms: kuribotchi: excellent care. Ichigotchi: also excellent care. try to never give it snacks. at most, 2 a day. (thats a guess) i also accidently gave kuribotchi a time out. *gasp! no way!* *way.* it wuz for giving a bad gift. but it didnt work. he just got mad. also i never ever got it sick (the first time when a baby gets sick, once, is timed. theres nothing anyone can do about it.) keep them healthy weight. even generations only!

so anyway, i think that "play jump, bump, and heading in the stage its introduced" cheat is a complete loony.

i hope i could help u!

[SIZE=14pt]ive got those two Z's on limes screen. ive decided over the cat names and am going to name the baby boy "grape." and my mimitchis baby (IF i dont miss the matchmaker AGAIN!!!!) as u might have guessed on my love of soda.....[/SIZE]





.....hahahahaha!!! fear my long annoying pauses! bwahahah! hahahahahah! i will dominate! and you will feel the wrath of the annoying pauses! (im probably the only person it the universe who does this... but its sooooo fun! haha! i am...











.....am i annoying you?







SODA!! any way, sorry about that, i just had to do it, i wont do it again, i know it can be really annoying. highlight my post for a surprise!

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[SIZE=14pt]its coming to nine now, and all my tamas should be waking up. if i have to, i can force the matchmaker to come, but i really cant, id really screw up the time. im reading the logs for the fun of it at mimitchi.com. the logs are really awesome! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]well, im going to screw around again. still waiting.... man this is boring. highlight my post.[/SIZE]

hellow all u peoplz! lime is brushing his teeth! brushbrushbrushbrush. it is 9:37 right now where i am. i wanted to make a bunny wabbit but it would come out all wrong becuz u cant put a bunch of spaces to make a "pet."

[SIZE=14pt]the matchmaker came at 10:30. she brought me a nyorotchi for my mimitchi. i didnt hesitate. there were fireworks, and the baby and my mimitchi jumping around. :blink: you rock, mimitchi![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=14pt]in a coincidal event, joy turned into a nyorotchi. hope a... tarakotchi. oh well. that stinks. they are partners! [/SIZE] the have hearts on the screen when they connect. its cute! well anyway, hi to u pplz!
[SIZE=14pt]fizz turned into a kuchipatchi, and elz a gunjerotchi. its like having cream and soda all over again! when joy coils up she looks like shes sitting in a poop. oh well who cares.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]i debugged my tama! i downloaded it so fizz, you better be thankful that i dont hate you. i debugged by pink with hearts tf collection. i might do the one with my mimitchi next. i took a picture of the inside of my tama, and a group pic. if i can, that will become my avvie. if i can.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]i got bored so i took a screwdriver and took out all the backs of my tamas and then changed them around and screwed them back in. ex: on my red hearts collection, the back plate is pink. :( [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]i hafta debug better. im going to go do that now. also, i answered my own question: does the matchmaker make any noise to show arrival? yes, it sounds like a beep for attention, but its really the matchmaker! if u already knew that, good for you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]lotsa stuff to report today. i fineally got to see how the parents have tamababies! so anysay, when u connect them, they first say no, and shake their heads. but then, one of them goes to the others screen, and then they are level. a heart comes over their heads. the screen goes black on both of them, and then fireworks show up on both screens. then the female is there, and she opens and closes her mouth, and a tamababy appears! she does it again, and another one appears! they jump up and down and then one jumps up to go with the father. then the process is complete![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]i forgot to mention the tamababies are a pair of boys! im putting together a review on kuribotchi. it will be ready for posting in no time. but for now... (runs off to improve debugging)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]*note* i made a mistake in my inbox and accidentaly deleted four messages. if u pmed me and havent gotten an answer back, i suggest u pm me again. i dont log out, but keep the window open. i have a suspicion that it looks like im onliune all the time! but the way to tell is if i post new updates, then im online. if im second or farther in the log line, then im offline.[/SIZE]