I remember in 1997 when they first came out, so many people had them at school. Our school proceeded to ban them after a while. I don't remember them being banned, I just remember people didn't have them anymore after a certain time (I was only 7 at the time, I didn't pay much attention).
My Tamagotchi was one of those imitation things. It was just a pet dog. And it died the first day I tried looking after a character. Hahaha, I was so bad.
Once the newer Tamagotchi came out, I was in year 9, so I would've been around 15. I only knew of two other girls who had them. We used to play with them at lunch times and stuff. I don't think the teachers at my high school really cared what we did, as long as we weren't doing anything bad...
I remember when I was 11, Digimon caused more problems than the Tamagotchi ever did. Digimon ended up being banned. I was the first person at my school to have a Digimon, then my friend bought one. We had a battle and all these kids were watching us...haha it was cool. Then everyone seemed to have one.
Last year I bought a V4.5 and the girl who sat in front of me in Religion class had one. I made a new friend out of it! Ha.
I go to Uni next year, but I can't imagine Uni having any rule on them. I know that at work, I can't have anything (not even a mobile) on me. So I have to leave my Tama at home.
I feel really old. Really...really...really old.