Tama go?


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Aug 21, 2011
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I'm looking for honest opinions.... Is Tama go really worth it?

Is it a big change from my music star?

Why is it more expensive than my music star was?

Is there different characters this time?

things like that.. I really want one, but I don't know if I want to pay $20.00 for something that wasn't really worth it.

If you have time, I'd highly recommend looking through binary's TMGO log. There's a lot of good detail in there and you can see for yourself if it would be something you're interested in. If you'd like my opinion though, the TMGO wasn't my cup of tea. I got bored of it after a few generations, and this was with the figurines. Some say having the figurines makes the experience a whole lot more interesting, so there are people in both camps, as you can see in THIS topic.

The Music Star and TMGO are pretty different, in my opinion. On the Music Star, you have to earn skill points, attend concerts, keep stress levels down, and all that good stuff (which could be kind of a hassle if you're strapped for time) and it all centers around music. The TMGO kind of goes back to basics a little bit.

The TMGO doesn't have to be more expensive than your Music Star. It all depends on where you got each and what condition they're in. If you're in the U.S., TMGOs these days are way less than $20 in stores like Target, Wal-Mart, and they're most likely marked down at Toys 'R' Us too. Prices for TMGOs are also going down on Ebay.

You can find a chart of TMGO characters HERE.

Hope this helps! :)

Thank you so much.. Binary's log was actually what made me think about getting it, but I wanted to see if everyone else thought it was worth it. Again thank you :)


I've had mine since xmas, and unfortunately was not able to really use it until about a week ago, work and whatnot.

I think it is hugely worth it. Even though I've been reading guides and logs, reading Binary's log about his, and then the other one he got, was freaking brilliant. There were things in there that I had no idea of. It was awesome.

The one that was given to me for xmas was apparently $24.99 +tax and honestly, it's completely worth it. Running on regular batteries, for one makes it last ages. And secondly, the options, functions and hilarity that you can accomplish on that one device from any given moment, is pure fabulous.

So in my opinion - HUGELY worth it.

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