Tama-go Twins!


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mimitchi ^o^

Well-known member
Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
Hello everyone, yesterday was my birthday, as of some of you have might known, and I was very suprised to open a package and see a kutchipatchi and mametchi Tama-go right beside each other, so I Was back in a flash to start them up. Lets start with the log.

6:04 PM

Right now I have a Mattaritchi on the mametchi tama, and Ahirukutchi on the kuchipatchi tama. It is very fun to play with, including the new friendship part. Let me explain.

Icon 1 = The status icon. on the first page it shows the tamas, how old they are, their weight and generation. on the second page it has the hungry and happy hearts. Though on the third page it is different. They have brought back the training bar, but there is a new friendship part. It has 6 hearts and you have to fill it up while your bonding with your tama. the fourth page shows how many figures you've put onto the tama, and the last page shows the tamas name and how much gotchi it has.

Icon 2 = The food icon. For the food it is pork and beans. And for the snack it is milk.

Icon 3 = The toilet icon. if your tama has pooped on the floor, you use this icon to clean it up. If you catch it doing the potty dance, then it goes on the toilet, Also filling up your training bar.

Icon 4 = If your going out, the fourth icon is the one. There are four places to go, I will explain later.

Icon 5 = if you have a figure in, you can click this icon to play the game or go to that town, though if you dont have a figure in, then you can not use that icon untill you put a figure in.

Icon 6 = The praise or time out icon. It will also raise up your training bar.

Icon 7 = The medicine icon. If your tama is sick / have a skull above its head, go to this icon.

Icon 8 = The connection icon. You can connect with other tama-go's, or v5's / v6's. I do not know yet, I will figure it out later with my other tamas.

Icon 9 = The memory icon, you can look at friends you've connected with, or parents, grandparents, etc.

Icon 10 = the last icon. Though you cannot use it, it lights up when your Tama needs attention.

Back to Icon 4, The first place to go is the Game place, There you can play shoot the bug or long jumper. Th second place is the shop, you can buy foods and other items there. The third place is the park, you can meet with friends and play, and the fourth icon is the PC. If your going to Tama Town, then you use the PC selection.

6:21 PM

Both of them went to the park. Mattaritchi met Wooltchi, and Ahirukutchi met.... Lovelitchi! Mattaritchi and Wooltchi swung and managed to get off okay, but Ahirukutchi and Lovelitchi fell off the swing. Then they went to the park again! This time Mattaritchi met Wooltchi again and played on the teter toter, but Ahirukutchi didnt meet anyone. :D They connected and played a skateboard game where you have to stop at the edge of the cliff and not fall off, or scoot back. Mattaritchi scooted back, and Ahirukutchi won.

This about wraps it up for today! See everyone later!

~ :( mimitchi :D ~

Hello Everyone! Ive got some awesomeness news! Yesterday I ordered a Tamagotchi-iD off of ebay! But, lets start the log.

11:19 AM

I just caught the white tama doing the potty dance and - oh! Its a kilalatchi! The green tama was a kilalatchi yesterday but its a necktietchi today :angry: ! Kilalatchi was needing attention, but nothing was wrong, so he got a time out, and it raised his training bar, oh that reminds me, ill do a chart.

Kilalatchi = 2 yrs,59 lb, 1G, All hearts full, 7 training bars full, 2 friendship hearts, 1 character figure has been put in, 1400 gotchi.

Necktietchi = 1yr....? Thats weird. 56 lb, 1g, all hearts full,4 training bars full, 1 friendship heart full, 1 character figure put in, 2800 gotchi.

11:27 AM

They went to the park! :angry: Necktietchi didnt meet anyone :mimitchi: And kilalatchi met makiko. They went to the park one more time, Necktietchi still Didnt meet anyone, and kilalatchi met chamametchi.

Sorry today was short, but i gotta go!

~ :D mimitchi :D ~
