Tama-Go tips?


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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2012
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I ordered a Tama-Go off of amazon for 12 bucks. Yeah. Anyway, is there anything I need to know about it before it gets here? Thanks!

*Topic moved to 'Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners'*

It may help other users answer your question better if you ask more specific questions regarding your new TamaGo. What kind of things are you wanting to know?

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Thanks for moving my topic to the right place. Anyway, I was wondering three things:

1. How do you pause on the Tama-Go?

2. Can you turn it off, so...it won't...you know, be on all day?

3. What kind of care do you need to have to get KuroMametchi?

1. To pause you need to press button A and button B

2. Unfortunately, you can't turn it off.

3. You need perfect care to get Kuromametchi, look here for more information.

Thanks guys! Got it in the mail this mornin'.

I got a belltchi, she's so cute.

How do you pause on the Tama-Go? Press A+B in the same time.

Can you turn it off, so...it won't...you know, be on all day? If you want to turn it off (which you cant) you could just takeout the batteries.

What kind of care do you need to have to get KuroMametchi? It needs Perfect care.

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