Tama-Go Log


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765 views. I really think I'm making progress! Anyways, now I have 5 figures, 2 lite figures (1 hopefully being sent off with my Music Star and Familitchi for a Famitama), and a recorded 8 figures on my -Go. Note: When adding 2 lite figures, the -Go will only read it as sliding one figure in twice.

So recently, I have received a rude PM from someone that will remain unnamed (LittleChocoWolf) who complained about me bashing other peoples' threads. In that same PM, "unnamed" also said my log was stupid and uncreative. I've got pictures, Youtube videos! What could be less creative? Obviously, people are just angry because their ideas aren't appreciated. But geez, accept a little C.C.

On a side note, I'm in the process of making a video of the Tama-Go dying. This may very well likely be the first one, and I am very excited to see what it's like.

I'm going to start uploading my newest "batch" of videos soon. On a side note, DO NOT take your +C out of sleep mode on a day with a thunderstorm. It's so annoying.

For all you arachnid fans out there, I just bought two 2nd instar Avicularia Versicolor slings. They'll most likely be here on Saturday.

I am constantly getting PMs about people thinking my log is too short or too rude, things of that sort. Newsflash, if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT! Geez, at least I update it often with little details. And just a note, it's hard to update a blog when your whole life doesn't revolve around Tamagotchis. I have a 1.25" tarantula sling that keeps barfing up water in its container, 2 peachicks (self-explanatory), 3 extremely messy button quails, a sick puppy, and I still have time to upload videos. Even so, I've still been trying to study the new Tama-Go and I'm typing up a blog. I honestly don't need, or deserve, any more PMs bashing my log. I honestly don't care what anyone has to say about it, no offense. Not even if it's something nice, I already know my log is down in the dumps because I've been (quote) "bashing everyone elses' logs." I have a ton of other things to do and I can't even be free in my own log. It's just sick. I mean, is it really worth sending me a whole !@#$ing PM about my posts being too short? How do I add more stuff otherwise? There is one important detail and everything else is just boring or there is nothing. Plus, this is a Tamagotchi log. Obviously, it's not my Royospets blog. Let me just say this one more time to hammer it into all your heads: If you have something to say about my log, keep it to yourself. I know everything about my log already. Instead of being "creative," I'm trying to be original. I know my sentences are too short. I KNOW I HAVE ANGER ISSUES!!!

P.S. Congratulating LittleChocoWolf on her new Tama-Go.

Well, this is very...scary? Sad? I looked at my log. It had 911 posts! Anyways, my Tama-Go STILL isn't dead yet. What a bummer. I paused my white Tama-Go. Aaaaand my +C. Eh. Anyways, I have a package deal of a Music Star (used) and Familitchi (used, no jewels) with a free lite Kuchipatchi figure. It's ready to ship. Also selling/trading my Tama-Go(s). Plus, I have every figure except Mametchi and lite Mametchi for sale/trade/etc. Honestly, just PM me your offers. I cannot be scammed ;) . What would really work is if you have an Avicularia Versicolor 2nd instar sling. Although, I doubt anyone would want to trade a live blue tarantula for a Tamagotchi.

P.S. I'm not selling my +C.

As of right now, I am in Palm Springs, typing on my iTouch. It's surprising how quickly my log got so far behind, and yet it almost has 1,000 views. Tomorrow, I'm coming home. I brought my +C, but I'm purposely taking bad care of it. That's really all for now. The Tama is an Ichigotchi currently.

Over 1,000 views and fast! I know what all the people that have a bit more views than me are thinking-

"I see you aiming at my pedastal

I betta let ya' know

That I, I, I, I'm so hard

Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard " (-Rihanna)

Well, you know what?

"They can say whatever

I'ma do whatever

No pain is forever

Yup, you know this

Tougher than a lion

Ain't no need in tryin'

I live where the sky ends

Yup, you know this " (-Rihanna)

Anyways, my videos are almost done uploading. Please subscribe to Trufflepop.

Well, I've been a bit busy lately. I can't really post many videos, but I've been browsing Youtube and saw these awesome vids of the +C. If you have a computer, you need to see Mamegotchi's videos.

Right now, we have some financial problems. My dog chewed up my $400 mouthguard that kept my teeth straight (I got my braces off a little while ago) and my parent's can't afford a replacement. Also, I'm trying to get my peachicks to stop their incessant squeaking. Overall, I've just been a little busy to worry about Tamagotchi. I got a Marotchi on my +C, by the way.
