Tama-Go Growth Chart


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Yeah, I don't know about all the variables carrying equal weight in determining the level of care for your tama on the tama-go......I got Gozarutchi with full Friendship bar and fully potty trained. I only let either the Hungry OR Happy bar empty more than 4 times in the teen stage (which was Monpatchi) while the other bar still had some hearts filled. I never let both Hungry and Happy bars empty at the same time from fear of my tama dying. So, I reckon it is easier to get a good adult character from a good teen and a bad adult character from a bad teen...

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Yeah, I don't know about all the variables carrying equal weight in determining the level of care for your tama on the tama-go......
Some variables count more than others, but it's pretty much impossible to determine their exact weight, so I'd advise just sticking to all of them.

I got Gozarutchi with full Friendship bar and fully potty trained. I only let either the Hungry OR Happy bar empty more than 4 times in the teen stage (which was Monpatchi) while the other bar still had some hearts filled. I never let both Hungry and Happy bars empty at the same time from fear of my tama dying. So, I reckon it is easier to get a good adult character from a good teen and a bad adult character from a bad teen...
This could be possible, but I don't think bad/good care teens affect adult growth THAT much...

I love Shimashimatchi! He's my favorite Tama-Go male :3

Well, I had the same problem about connecting to TamaTown. I was using Firefox at the time. I installed the latest Internet Explorer, and I was able to connect to TamaTown on that browser every time.

Oh, and you can't marry tamagotchis on TamaTown. You have to wait until your Shimashimatchi gets to be 6-years-old, and then you can use the door icon on your Tama-Go screen to visit the Dating Place. He can get married there. Hope I helped!
oh really? Ok

about marrying the shimashimatchi, i've successfully did it, and he married violetchi, she's so cute, LOL,

i'm still trying to enter tamatown, hopefully i can enter the site soon.

thank u so much sakuranboy!


I just wanna make a small comment :3

I think poop affects the growth cycle.

Allow me to give a example from a expierment I held with two Tama Gos.

Both Tama Gos had their training bars filled by the time they became teenagers.

The first one I left it's hearts(Hungry, Happiness, Friendship.) Mostly down to one heart at most times. However, I always took it to the bathroom once it did the wiggle dance thing.

The second one always had it's hearts completely full, its weight was always at the minimal, and it was basically a very happy happy Tama. HOWEVER, I never cleaned up it's poop until 15 minutes after it had pooped.

The first Tama became Kuromametchi.

And the second became Kunotchi

(Unrelated, but the both Tamas became great Friends and soon had babies! :D )

(Unrelated, but the both Tamas became great Friends and soon had babies! :D )
Congratulations! :D

I just wanna make a small comment :3

I think poop affects the growth cycle.

Allow me to give a example from a expierment I held with two Tama Gos.

Both Tama Gos had their training bars filled by the time they became teenagers.

The first one I left it's hearts(Hungry, Happiness, Friendship.) Mostly down to one heart at most times. However, I always took it to the bathroom once it did the wiggle dance thing.

The second one always had it's hearts completely full, its weight was always at the minimal, and it was basically a very happy happy Tama. HOWEVER, I never cleaned up it's poop until 15 minutes after it had pooped.

The first Tama became Kuromametchi.

And the second became Kunotchi
You are right in a sense. When you manage to get your tama to poop on the toilet, then its training increases. Training is one of the care variables for the Tama-Go; so in a sense, the more you are able to get your tama on the toilet to poo, the better-care character your tama becomes. Hope this clears things up!

Ah, makes sense.perhaps that's how several people get bad care characters from mostly good care! They just miss their Tamas when they poop'

hey sakuranboy its me again! the guy who helped you with the age question just wanna say great chart its really helping me with both my tama-gos!!!

lol.... I was wondering why I kept getting Marotchi... :/ Lol I thought it was just that I wasn't taking horrible care enough of my tama to get a Kunoitchi... ^^

hey everyone. i just also recently got my tama go and i am totally in love with it. however, i have been trying to log in to tama town for several days now and also keep on encountering the erro about my connection. i seriously doubt it's my internet speed so i'm starting to feel a little desperate here. i already emailed bandai but have yet to receive a reponse from them. i also tried using the latest version of the internet explorer but nope. still won't wor. any other suggestions???

hey everyone. i just also recently got my tama go and i am totally in love with it. however, i have been trying to log in to tama town for several days now and also keep on encountering the erro about my connection. i seriously doubt it's my internet speed so i'm starting to feel a little desperate here. i already emailed bandai but have yet to receive a reponse from them. i also tried using the latest version of the internet explorer but nope. still won't wor. any other suggestions???
That was happening to me yesterday, I'm guessing it's server problems ^^

Congratulations! :D

You are right in a sense. When you manage to get your tama to poop on the toilet, then its training increases. Training is one of the care variables for the Tama-Go; so in a sense, the more you are able to get your tama on the toilet to poo, the better-care character your tama becomes. Hope this clears things up!
hi there!

your observation seemed to contradict with mine... to me, it seemed that the training variable would not affect the growth, but only determines whether your tamagotchi will go potty by itself or not.

here's the basis of my claim:

Last Gen:

Tamagotchi #1 (girlfriend's gf): Evolved to Lovelitchi, but her training was only half completed. I assumed she took care of the other variables (hunger,happy,friendship) very well.

Tamagotchi #2 (mine): Evolved into Chamametchi, even though training was fully done. I did let my other variables drop abit due to work, so this is expected.

Current Gen:

Tamagotchi #1 (girlfriend's gf): Evolved to KuroMametchi, but her training was only half completed. I assumed she took care of the other variables (hunger,happy,friendship) very well.

Tamagotchi #2 (mine): Still at toddler Belltchi stage.

Now i am trying this scenario: would a bad care (hunger,happy,friendship) with full training bar give me a bad care character? Based on past experiences, it seemed that it would be.

Will update again. Thanks for reading!

I'm not saying your chart is wrong (don't want to be THAT mean... ;) ) but I got Kuromametchi from bad/ok/good care... His training bar is half full, he always poo'd on the floor, and I'm pretty sure his hearts were not always filled... :( I will have to try for a lovelitchi next generation!


Do you know what makes the difference between the character on the left and the character on the right? (for example, violetchi and lovelitchi)






this chart has matched my care methods for 5 generations.

good work.

i don't know what others have been saying about it being wrong. :huh:

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