Tama-Go "Battery Low" screen keeps on showing up


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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2013
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Whenever I put new batteries in my Tama-Go, the screen saying the batteries are low keeps showing. It happens with every pair tried. The batteries may have been fine, but it keeps saying they are low.

Is this something wrong with the batteries...or my Tama-Go?

I would try putting different batteries in before worrying about your Tama Go. Batteries get old. Try buying a new pack of batteries and see if they work.

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Worth trying. Only the ones I've tried are expiring in 2016!

maybe it's the brand of batteries? i heard some kind of brand of brand wasn't working good in tamas, i believe it's called sunbeam or something like that

I managed to fix the problem. I did use a different brand (thanks tamafan325). It was the batteries. I know because when I used them on my plus colour, it happened on there, and not my Tama go.

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