After the camp closing on October 1st, it is suggested Tamas should be registered into a school. To register ahead of time so your Tamas are ready, I have the names of schools I suggest your Tamas could go to:
By PonytchiLuv:
Tama Chef Academy
This Academy is where your Tama can learn to cook! For teen and adult Tamas, this is a wonderful school! Upon graduating you are offered a job.
By *jenny*:
tamagotchi day care
For younger Tamas, this day care is a great way for Tama kids to make new friends and have FUN!! There are snacks, coloring tables, toys, and a Tama playground!
tama hair styling school
Here your Tama can become an expert Hair Stylist! School shop carries everything you will need to go to the school and have a successful career for your Tama!! For Tamas of all ages!!
tama modling school
Another great school for all ages! Tamas can model off their styles at this special school!
tama art school!
Great school for tamas with artistic ability! Art learning, fun, and friends at another successful school by *jenny* !!!
By porygonlord:
Tama school
A great school for a well-rounded Tama! This school is for all Tamas, and adult Tamas can become a teacher or take special classes!!!
Please consider joining one of these great schools!