Tales of TT


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Yeah! How can it be ova, its only 2 pages long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shilo= Goes into that weird cave not far away and finds a note. Gulp thought Shilo, THX must be reading our PMs....Hopefully another member comes here, i cant fight alone....

Then I Love Mametchi !!! hopped on TamaTalk and read the PM

" I must help save TamaTalk" I Love Mametchi !!! said

So he went to find Admin and jappyx but bumped into Mametch 4ever and I Love Mametchi !!! said

" Lets fight the dragon"

I Love Mametchi got his V4 (wich has powers) and destrod the dragon

I Love Mametchi took Tamagotchi Role Play back into TT and it was recoverd

All Role Plays were there

Then Mametchi 4ever and I Love Mametchi !!! set off to find Admin and jappyx

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OOC. I Love Mametchi, Shilo'd here too. Plus, don't make yourself have all the superpowers. Plus, our tamas are dead. And thye aren't there. Oh, and my nickname is Y here.

Y quickly looked up at the dragon with Shilo and I love Mametchi. The dragon melted a rock!!!

Owww! Shilo got burnt! Then she noticed what i love mametchi was pointing at! Tamagotchi RP! But how are we going to get to them she asked Y and I love Mametchi?

Y quickly said: Watch. Y pulls a dog biscuit out of her pocket and throws it out of the cave. Then the dragon chased after. It. Then, Shilo quickly grabbed tamagotchi role play and then they noticed a bright hole and a rope ladder. They climbed up it and then heard a GROOARRR from inside the cave. Then there was a flash of bright light and they were in TamaTalk again and then Shilo posted and the tamagotchi role play on again. Then, there was a new message on the screen reading MWAHAHAHHAAH!!! I have tooken your tama's hearts out and used them to make robotss!!! THANKS FOR MAKING THEM STRONG!! MWAHAHAHA! X

Then they gasped and there was a bright light and then they were....

Back in their studies/wherever ur computer is. Oh no! exclaimed shilo How do we save tamatalk if we arent in there anymore?

An ocean? Thats weird...thought shilo. Then she spotted something in the distance. It was TamaTalk News and Announcements! "quickly everyone, see how close we can get to it!"

But then the storm continued. Then, the water covered their heads.... they couldn't breath... They sunk... But they weren't dead. The 3 twitched open their eyes. Then they said "What's going on?" And there, in the shell, was tamagotchi news in announcments. But then, the shell clamed shut. "Uh oh." Shilo said.

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