Tales From Mimitchi Dance!


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Dec 21, 2010
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4th of May

Hello! Well today has been awful! First of all I planned to get my website updated with new logs and finish my Angel page. It turned out that I was unable to that because of our stupid wifi box. Today it decided to cut off our house phone and then decided that the Internet was to be cut of too. I thought about using my Mobile as a modem but I could not because of the signal that Virgin mobile provide is awful! I gotta say, I can't wait till my contract is up. Only 14months left and O the Joy. 

As some of you may know, I decided that I was going to buy a new vintage Tamagotchi. A P1 to be precise. Well I was about to buy it and someone else snatched the Buy-it-now price of $19. I really wanted it so instead I snatched a Japanese Angelgotchi. It should be here in late May or early June, I'll just have to wait and see.  

Now onto the Tamagotchis, My Kusatchi died at age 9 just as I predicted. So later on that night I rehatched him. Which could be the last time as his buttons are not responding. Anyway my other P2. Changed into Hashizotchi, the character I was aiming for. He is doing fine. So that's about it for this log and I will post again soon. Thanks for taking your time to read this log,


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4th May 2011

Today the Internet started working again which was good! I finally could update this log. I have been waiting to do it for like a WHOLE day! :) hehehe

I decided today that ivwas going to retire my Mimitchi Tama. The main reason for it is because the button had gotten so in responsive that it was unusable and I had to use a pen to get the A button to even notice ne pressing it. Poor P2 Tamagotchi.

I had to find a replacement to run in his place, inended up on decided to unpause my Tama-go and start up my Osutchi and Mesutchi couple. My Tama-go is Currently 5 years old and a pipotchi. I plan on letting it find love with the very old character called well I don't know! I'll edit this in abit and replace it with the correct Name.

As with Osutchi and Mesutchi, I pressed the reset button on the back of them and set the time. At 17:25 they hatched into the Gen 1 ir TMP 1 one baby. They were cute and kind of looked like little poops! My good way of describing them. Hehehehe

Not ling after that they turned into little Mohawk little characters ( once again I'll replace with the correct name.

Well I think that's about it for now. Next log I will post in about 2-5 days,

Regards Jordboss


Well it's been a while since I last posted! Since then not much has really happened I'll start off with the P2. I worked so hard to Hashizotchi and he sadly passes away yesterday at 1:00pm At the ages of 8. He left younger than my Kusatchi and he was a healthier character, I guess it was his time to go.

The TamaGo turned 7 today and the date place was avalible so I decided to marry her. My pipotchi married (woolitchi) I think that's a nickname but I guess you all know who he is. I hope that by the next 2 days she will have a son or a daughter.

As for my Osutchi an Mesutchi: they turned into Obotchi

and the other matching character. I hope that they will turn into adults by the ages of 6 so that I can see them mate and have cute little babytchi. Not long o suppose since they will be 3 tomorrow. Well that's about it. See you soon!

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It's been a while since I last updated. Mainly due to having no time and I might be enimic. ( makes you sleepy all the time) however I still manage to play with and keep my Tamagotchi running. I'll have to do a little bit of catching up but rather than leaving it and making more for myself. I'll post the logs in a bit! :)

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14th May 2011

Osutchi and Mesutchi

Today my little Tamas turned into adults. I was so happy that I didn't end up as the unmatables! Anyway I'll post a picture of Bunbutchi and Bunkotchi! So that was all that happened with Osutchi and mesutchi ! It was quite a quite day!


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Still catching up!

14th May


Today my Tamagotchi angel turned into Kuriten. The one that can evolve into the twin angels. Yeah! There the ones that I am aiming for. If I get them though that is a different story. I hopefully will be able to add some pictures onto here soon! The reason why I hVe not do e so is because I am so tiered when I come home from school. I'm going to the dr's about it! So anyway that's all that's happened with my Angelgotchi today!

I'll be back tomorrow so you can catch up with my tama-go and yesterday's log! Hopefully then I will be up to date! So long :)


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