Taking tamas too seriously?


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I know some people, and when their tamagotchi dies, they go in their room and cry!Or, they talk about it being their best friend ever.

What do you all think about taking tamas TOO seriously?
ugh i know, i'd have to agree.

I'd get upset if my tama got run over by a car or something..

or if i had devoted my personal life into it and it died(which i'd never do)

but i dont think id cry.

Its not even real...

I only cried one time over a tamagotchi, and it was when I was 9. xP

I had this really awesome tamagotchi named ''Tammy'' and I have no idea why, but I loved her ALOT, like she was a living thing. Well, when she died, I cried and wrote her a bunch of poems. Wanna hear one? I had them saved to my computer. o_o' Or maybe I shouldn'tshow one. Looking back, they were pretty embaressing. Oh well. Hopefully you won't laugh!

You were my one and only

I feel lost with out you, by my side

I think I'll go to run and hide

With you gone, I feel so small

When you were around, I felt so tall

Now I'm lost

Without you

I don't understand

Why did you have to goooo??

You were my sunshine on a rainy day

We had time, to go and play

But now your gone

I feel so lost

Come back to meeeeeee!

My baby....


Come back my angel of light.

You guided my way through life.

I will never forget you. Never.

I will pray for you, each and everynight.

Praying that you are alright.

Ok, enough of all THAT. xDD What!? I had only just turned nine when I wrote that.

I think that some people do take tamagotchis too seriously. For example, when somebody takes a video of them smashing their tamagotchi, people usually get upset over it.

Tamagotchis are there for your enjoyment, but they are a toy. They don't have feelings, and cannot feel pain.

It's good to get attached, but don't let them take over your life. :p

Well, I think I COULD live life without a tamagotchi. I really like them and all but I'm not like super crazy or anything. :) When I got my first ever I WAS super crazy about it. I never ever left it home alone, always had my eye on it, and checked it almost every three minutes. I was a super mother to my little tamagotchi and I laugh when ever I think about me like that. :)

:p B) I talk to my friends about the same thing yesterday and when there tamagotchi dies for the second time they get furious with it maybe smashes it on the ground or puts it in water then it dies forever then they cry because they didnt mean to do it.After there parents dont buy a new one cause there abusing a toy like that and because of how the price is. THAT'S SAD! :blink: ;)
I think of my tamagotchi's as a virtual freinds.Not best freinds.I have a lot of freinds so I don't need to rely on my tamagotchi's frendship to keep me company. ;)

Well, I personally really luv my tamas because they are the only thing that are always there with you. I know that sounds really stupid but it gives me something to be proud of and something that always agrees w/ me no matter wat. They just plain make me feel better.

I do get pretty sad when my tama dies because I like to collect items, and skill points and money, and when it dies, it all gets erased...

My Family Just Yells At Me And Blame Stuff On Me... :(

but i dont cry over a tama tat dies =\

i dont really care if my tama dies and dont really care my family yelling at me

i just go *blah blah blah blah blah* in my head :eek: than its all betta~ :lol: :lol: :lol:

:D :p :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

I like my tamas simply because I enjoy playing and looking after them. They are like little electronic critters that need my care. But I still love my pet rabbit more, and I would definately cry if he died, but not over a tamagotchi. I just poke the reset button on the back and start again. However with real people and animals, you can't "restart" them, when they are gone, they are gone.

I get pretty upset when my tama dies because I remember all the hard work I have put into it. For example I haven't played with my tama since the one died that I kept alive for a whole six months. but I think I will get back to playing with tamas they are to much fun and the new v.5 sounds like fun!

ok i get a little mad but not really. i think its kinda dumb crying

im tired of people saying "well its like a real pet we have to care" well its not so stop over obbsessing about it. its a toy. play with it. enjoy it. dont go overboard. i think some ppl do take it a little too seriously because it gets you mad when you work hard for it and get annoyed then all of a sudden it dies. dont get me wrong, i hate that.

but the difference between a real pet and a vertualized pet is that sure vertualized pets are realistic, but not here cravings. V.pets use the bathroom every 30min. eat once every hour. and you litteraly come a part of its life. real pets you just put them their food and litterbox and they're done for the day. but V.pets u have to actually watch everything it does.i like tamas, i used to love um. but face it, sometimes they arent as fun to have around :)

I only cried one time over a tamagotchi, and it was when I was 9. xPI had this really awesome tamagotchi named ''Tammy'' and I have no idea why, but I loved her ALOT, like she was a living thing. Well, when she died, I cried and wrote her a bunch of poems. Wanna hear one? I had them saved to my computer. o_o' Or maybe I shouldn'tshow one. Looking back, they were pretty embaressing. Oh well. Hopefully you won't laugh!

You were my one and only

I feel lost with out you, by my side

I think I'll go to run and hide

With you gone, I feel so small

When you were around, I felt so tall

Now I'm lost

Without you

I don't understand

Why did you have to goooo??

You were my sunshine on a rainy day

We had time, to go and play

But now your gone

I feel so lost

Come back to meeeeeee!

My baby....


Come back my angel of light.

You guided my way through life.

I will never forget you. Never.

I will pray for you, each and everynight.

Praying that you are alright.

Ok, enough of all THAT. xDD What!? I had only just turned nine when I wrote that.

I think that some people do take tamagotchis too seriously. For example, when somebody takes a video of them smashing their tamagotchi, people usually get upset over it.

Tamagotchis are there for your enjoyment, but they are a toy. They don't have feelings, and cannot feel pain.

It's good to get attached, but don't let them take over your life. :)
ya so true. and cute poem...

Some people may not have friends so they turn to tamagotchi to be their friend because they know it has no decision to be their friend so they won't be rejected. Some kids may not have much of a family so they get love and care from the tamagotchis. Personally I don't do that becuase I have friend and loving familyu members (and a cat!) so yes... I am upset when it dies but I do not cry. I think you can like your tamagothis and make house for them but... keep in mind they are virtual and exist but not in a certain way like meaning being a human. And I consider my tamagotchis my friend but not in the way that you bring them to school and sit them in a chair I talk to them though. I have other firend but I love my tamagotchis

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