Sweet n' Awesome V5 Log!


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Well, do you know what it is right now?

[SIZE=21pt]Your 100th post in your Log![/SIZE]

You got it, Zac! Let's celebrate with pictures!

My Cotton Candy V5 in the Box!

Are we Familitchi? Uh, yea!

All of My Tamas!

Cotton Candy V5 still in Box!

Cotton Candy V5!

Well, since this is a celebration, let's make this kinda long! Let's have every one welcome the Azuki Family!

Who are the Azuki Family?

They are the new V5 I got.

You replaced us?

No, of course not!

Mom! You didn't tell us!

Wait, first, get to know them a little, please! Melody, wanna go?


Hi, Melody.

Hello, person.

I'm Josh.

Hi, Josh. Well, I'm Melody Azuki. I'm happy to be here!

Hi there, I'm Danny Azuki. I like singing alot, like Danny Noriega from American Idol.

Hiya! I'm Cindy Azuki, and I'm so grateful to be here! Thanks!

Hi you guys!

Hi there, Danny.

Wanna play?


Melody, wanna play with me?

Ok, sis!

Can I play with you guys, too? I'm Jazz.

Sure, you can play with us! Come on!

Zac, wanna play with me?


Well, see ya later!


What, what?!

I've got a job offer.

Open it! I'll pick your job. *2 minutes later* Oh, rejected for everything! Let's play games!



Hey, Cindy! Danny! Let's raid that fridge!



Mm, that yogurt is soo good!



What are you guys doing?

Oh, jeez.

Don't talk with your mouth full, man! Stop raiding the fridge, you guys. It's..gross! Now go back to the room, and shut down the computer!

Sorry, mom. Bye TamaTalk..forever!

[SIZE=21pt]Big News![/SIZE]

Oh my god! So sorry for not updating, too busy! Well last night, Josh and Mark both got jobs! Josh is a gymnast, whose job is soo easy, and Mark is a Banker! And, today, Josh had the name glitch and his name is now Hosh! He is about 6 years old now, so he can see the matchmaker! I'll go try it, so see ya in a few!

Well, I took the twins and the triplets out to Tama-Expo, and they enjoyed it! Also, I posted a poll in What's on Your Mind and it's about none other than Josh! I want to know which character to mate with Josh, as he is desperate to find out!

[SIZE=21pt]Please please help me! I want a baby girl today![/SIZE]

As he said! Well, see ya!


Well, just as I was eating my sweet and sour mango powder, I trained both V5s and saw that they both have 100% bonds! I spent almost the whole day yesterday raising their bonding! It finally paid off!


Keep reading!


Edit: Eighth page!

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I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, as you may have noticed my excited self. Tomorrow, the twins will mate! I'm still choosing between Jazz and Zac, they are the best I've ever had!


No, I didn't mean--

Yes, you did!

No Danny, I didn't!

Shame on you, Mom! I spent my whole day bonding with my siblings just for you!


Hey! I'm sorry Hosh--I mean Josh!

Come on! It's not her fault that we are the best ones!


But she loves us equally, according to my calculations!

Man, Mark! You're smarter than I thought!

That's what I get fro playing Shapes all the time!

Ah..well, now that this problem's solved, post later!

[SIZE=21pt]Special Thanks![/SIZE]

Also, a special thanks to bubbly-****oo for complimenting my log! Here is a quote on what she said in her log about me!

well my tamas still havent evolved i am guessing that they will evolve today or tomorrrow!! i am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was reading lilanglebaby1989's log and if u read this lab1989 i just wanna tell u i love ur log so much its great very orginized and well i just love it when ur tamas talk to the computer!!! so if u dont mind i am going to start doing that hehehehe well if u dont want me to just PM me!!!
Thanks a lot, bubbly ****oo! That means alot to me!

Well, I have gone with SkyCrystal's advice, and will take whatever the matchmaker brings to Josh! Here it goes...


What?! The matchmaker brought me a..MukiMukitchi?! I was so scared when this happened!

Eww..a boy!

Exactly! Matchimaing issues come again! Well, see ya later when I solve this problem!

Ok, now I officially think that Otokitchi the Matchmaker is now creepy. Her legs are like a spider when she comes up to offer Josh and I a mate! Creepy..I reset and downloaded, now I'm gonna try again!


Oh, jeez! The matchmaker brang Josh a Horoyotchi, which made me think of..Zalli! She was good, great, drunk! Well, I'll try again.


Well, the Matchmaker brang Josh an...

[SIZE=21pt]Ura Debatchi![/SIZE]

Here's how it happened:


Ura Debatchi met up with Josh. The Ura Debatchi started clutching her buck teeth, and Josh kissed her. They fell in love, and had a...


You really wanna know? Well, they had a...

[SIZE=21pt]Baby Girl![/SIZE]

Can you stop now, Mark?


Well, I think I'll name her Zera or Zelda. I think Zera is nice. Well, later! Also, again, the V5s are on 100% bonding!


Today, the triplets evolved! Melody is a..


Danny is a..


And Cindy is an..


Also, the twins got to use the Dating Show! I chose Jazz to mate, and on the first time she used it, there was a Planetchi as the host! Planetchi gave me a Sunnytchi, and they evolved into a Planetchi and Mamametchi. They had a baby girl Iwatchi, who then evolved into Hoshitchi! This was fun, and cool! But I still got Blended Family. Hmm.. well post later!

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Well, we've got a new member of the Log Family! Please welcome..

[SIZE=21pt]Zera, the Kuchitamatchi![/SIZE]

Also, please welcome..

[SIZE=21pt]Peach the Hoshitchi![/SIZE]

And, here is the new color scheme!







Sorry for short updates, but I'm sick right now! I'll try to post later!

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Well, there has been 3 evolutions today! First off, Peach evolved into a..


The triplets' evolved too! Melody evolved into a..


Danny evolved into a...


And Cindy evolved into a..


And Zera evolved into..

[SIZE=21pt]Ura Young Yattatchi![/SIZE]

I was so excited today! I'll get to use the dating show in 2 days! Yippee! Well, post later!

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Yeah, that is nice Mark! Well, I'm excited to annouce that Mark had a..

[SIZE=21pt]Baby Boy![/SIZE]

Yay! We're both feeling good, as I am better and he is anxious to play with his baby boy from last night. Well, please PM me for some boy names! Thanks, catch ya later!

[SIZE=21pt]What's a PokePlushie..[/SIZE]

Since many people are wondering what Pokeplushies are, they are little cute adoptables that hatch on a certain date, and I have a PokePlushie named...



Swirls will hatch on the 19th, and his level is about 3, so please visit him in my signature! Feed him a candy if you want to! I just wanted to announce I have a Plushie, and he is so cute in his egg! See ya!


Yay! Swirls had hatched, and thank you to Cyann from Tama-Zone for helping me out, the hatch date was the 14th, not 19th! And, big news today! Zera got her teacher, and she has Mr. Turtlepedia! And, the Azuki family mated today! I chose Cindy to mate, and on the first try, the matchmaker brang me a Mumutchi! How could I possibly not say no? I mated them together, and voila! A Meme Family came up! I was really happy, since this is the 2nd time I've had a pure family. And, they had two very lovely lady babies! They had a Memetchi and an Imotchi. Cindy named the Memetchi Lola and the Imotchi named Alondra! Lola and Alondra are doing great, more news later!

[SIZE=21pt]More News![/SIZE]

There are more news! Greater than ever! We've got a new member in the Log Family, and his name is Azuki! Really catch-up on the Family name Azuki, am I right? Azuki is currently a Puchitchi, lovelier than ever! He is not a pre-schooler yet, but he will! Here is the new updated color scheme!


Peach-Hot Pink




Zera's got the name glitch, same as Josh and..Zalli! Her name is now..Xera. Weird I always get the name glitch. Well, catch ya later!


I've adopted another PokePlushie, and his name is Wubbzy! Wubbzy won't hatch until May, so please keep on visiting Swirls? Thanks, and post later!

[SIZE=21pt]Group Hatch[/SIZE]

Earlier today, I have joined Squiddie's hatch and will reset the Cooki family. Please PM me if you want to suggest a differnt tama. Thanks!


Azuki and Zera evolved today. Zera is an Ura Yattatchi, and Azuki is a Gourmetchi. I'm at a party today, so I might not post as much as I usually do. Later!
