Supersize me


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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
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I was wondering if you guys have ever seen the movie. (it is PG-13) Once again it is called SUPERSIZE ME. If you had not seen it 2 over weight girls try to sue Mcdonald because they ate from them and they are now very overweight. But, unfortunately, they have no proof that Mcdonalds made them fat. So a guy eats a whole diet of Mcdonalds food for 30 days straight. He is not allowed to have ANYTHING else in his diet (even water if does not buy it from Mcdonalds.) This makes him rapidly put on weight and have bad health.

Q. Do you think people have the right to sue McDonalds because they are fat form eating there.

I think that people SHOULD know the consequences of eating ANY fast food. They should not sue.


I saw half of that in health.

No, McD's is not responsible for bad eating habits. It's common sense- if you eat unhealthy meal after unhealthy meal then you aren't going to get good results.. :)

I've seen it. Never liked McDonalds, but that made me hate it more. And if you liked it, read "Don't Eat THis Book" "Fast Food Nation" and "McDonaldization of America".

Me and my mom watched that on TLC or somthing.

No, It is not Mcdonalds fault. People should know what's good and what's bad and they should limit themselves to junkfood. There fault. I don't see the point of sueing :/

Hmm... I need to see that movie.

Well, it's not McDonald's fault. They make the food, you choose to eat. The employees don't shove it down your throats.

Thus, sueing McDonald's will be dumb.

[SIZE=7pt]No, I do not think that Mickey D's should be sued for their food.[/SIZE]

Sure, it's a shame that the food is so fattening.

But it's our choice whether we choose to eat it or not.

I think that McDonald's is something to have once in a while, but definetely not on a daily basis.

If people knew how fattening McDonalds was, they would hopefully go against it, and go to a better place to eat.

It's not quite hard, it's all about decisions.

I dun like McDonald's.


I saw the movie. Ehh.. No comment.


People aren't able to sue McDonald's anymore.


I don't really care what people do. They can make themselves fat if they want to.

I seen the movie, interesting yet some parts were disgusting (the part were a guy gets surgery)

I crave mcdonalds now o_O

That was a very good (but disturbing) movie. . .

No, I don't think people have the right to sue, because McDonald's is not responsible for people's eating habits or their weight. If people were smart, they'd stop eating from there so they wouldn't have to moan about putting on 5 pounds.

I think people have a right to sue McDonald's, and don't start saying "it was their choice to eat it" yadda yadda yaaa. Has anyone seen the McDonald's commercial?! they talk about how the food is good for kids and how it's a healthy lunch etc. It confuses kids cause when they see the commercial it might make them think that McDonald's food is good, cause of course the actors are al skinny, so little kids have no idea that their food is soo bad for you. I just think it's false advertisement and it confuses people who don't know the truth. But I hate fast food anyway.

Mcdonalds= marketing geniuses

they aim things for the kids.

mascot- a clown (childish)

and then they say it's a good, nutricious meal.


the place is totally geared at kids! they encourage child's birthday patries to be held there, they have a clown for a mascot, and then they say it's good to eat! GENIUS.

That's why i dislike mcdonalds, but they didn't deserve to be sued.

Commen sense! those two girls should of known that the food would make the their scales fly high when they stepped on them.

As for the supersize me documentary, the guy was faulty. No one eats three straight meals from there. He could of ordered the salads there. Or water. Not coke. Some points I agree with though. Like how it's marketing is aimed at children.

People should be able to sue. Although they claim McDonald's is getting healthier, I don't see much change besides the "Apple Dippers" (which comes with a package of caramel for you to dip the apples in. T_T)

I watched the documentary with my mom. Although we already don't eat there, mainly 'cause my family is vegetarian, I found McDonald's even more disturbing after watching it. Sure, no one really eats three straight meals a day from McDonald's. But some eat at least one meal a day from there, like one of the kids in my class.

Their advertising is false. People should be allowed to sue.

if people dont want to get fat then dont eat mcdonalds every day i have it every month or so and i am not fat i think they shouldnt sue them because its their fault they shoudnt be eating alot of fast foods.

I was wondering if you guys have ever seen the movie. (it is PG-13) Once again it is called SUPERSIZE ME. If you had not seen it 2 over weight girls try to sue Mcdonald because they ate from them and they are now very overweight. But, unfortunately, they have no proof that Mcdonalds made them fat. So a guy eats a whole diet of Mcdonalds food for 30 days straight. He is not allowed to have ANYTHING else in his diet (even water if does not buy it from Mcdonalds.) This makes him rapidly put on weight and have bad health.
Q. Do you think people have the right to sue McDonalds because they are fat form eating there.

I think that people SHOULD know the consequences of eating ANY fast food. They should not sue.

I watched that 2 years ago with my friend Sarah. My dad got it for me. He put on 25lbs from going to Mc.Donalds for 30 days and went all over the USA and ate it 3-4 times a day. His girlfriend was a vegan. He lost 20lbs and never got rid of the other 5lbs. The guy was called Morgan Spurlock and he and his girlfriend gave up veganism and ate a Mc Donalds at the end. He was sick in the car park in one of the parts [eew! :furawatchi: ]

People should be allowed to sue.
I don't eat Mc Donald's, but you can't sue a place, because you get obese from it. That is just like that old woman sueing Mc DOnald's, because her coffee burned her. She had her coffee between her legs.

If we were able to sue people for every lttle thing, stuff would go to hell in a hand basket.

If people wanna eat at Mc Donald's let them. Sueing them isn' going to solve it. It's not Mc Donald's fault. It's the idiots who ate there and got heavy in the first place.

People should be able to sue. Although they claim McDonald's is getting healthier, I don't see much change besides the "Apple Dippers" (which comes with a package of caramel for you to dip the apples in. T_T) I watched the documentary with my mom. Although we already don't eat there, mainly 'cause my family is vegetarian, I found McDonald's even more disturbing after watching it. Sure, no one really eats three straight meals a day from McDonald's. But some eat at least one meal a day from there, like one of the kids in my class.

Their advertising is false. People should be allowed to sue.
Actually, its caramell flavored corn syrup.

I don't eat Mc Donald's, but you can't sue a place, because you get obese from it. That is just like that old woman sueing Mc Donald's, because her coffee burned her. She had her coffee between her legs.
If we were able to sue people for every lttle thing, stuff would go to hell in a hand basket.

If people wanna eat at Mc Donald's let them. Sueing them isn' going to solve it. It's not Mc Donald's fault. It's the idiots who ate there and got heavy in the first place.
Excactly. I usually don't eat out of Mc. Donalds. Why not just set your Mc. Donalds coffee up on your table. Why not have a healthy, balanced meal a couple of times a week? What's wrong with doing that?

I saw the movie 3 or 4 years ago. I stopped watching it after he puked :furawatchi: I like McDonalds,but I only eat there once or twice a year. You know,milkshakes and burgers and stuff every once in a while.
