Puh-lease. v.v
Look, neopets is a virtual pet site. It really doesn't matter if you do not like some of the policies- it's not that easy to change a million dolar company. The reason they don't have them out all the time is because they are supposedly special and not everyone gets one- that is the point. They make people want to have them because they are different.
Ristar, it really isn't cool to start flame wars and to be a smart mouth like that. I don't understand how you started it or were 'ignorant' but at this point it doesn't even matter. Seriously, arguing over neopets is rediculous.
Some of us like neopets and others do not- it's called an opinion and person preference. Please be respectful of others, though. There are nicer ways of saying you don't like it than saying it 'sucks'.
*closed due to pointless flaming*