Well-known member
i've kinda fallen back into dangan ronpa hell oops
why did u fall back into 2014i've kinda fallen back into dangan ronpa hell oops
it happens my dude i was playin it againwhy did u fall back into 2014
I've been using the same phone for 5 years because it works. I have an Android tablet for any mobile games I want to play.The GazettE, my new phone, I freak out if my phone's battery is under 50%, translating Japanese words into english
YEEES!!! YES YES YES!!! SORRY IF I SEEM ANNOYING BUT OH MY GOD HUNCHBACK IS HONESTLY SUCH AN AMAZING FILM, EVEN TRANSCENDING ANIMATED STANDARDS OH MY GOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH IM SO GLADCurrently I'm obsessed with Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. I recently rewatched it and I forgot how much I loved it! I consider it one of my all time favorite movies now.The music, animation and the characters are fantastic.