SToRy TiMe! :D


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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2008
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The moon
OK, Geez... I mistreat my tams

Try to debug a v4.5 (not a good idea)

Lose my Mini in Africa :D

Try to take the paint off my v4 and completely water-damage it

Completely take apart my V5 Celeb, snip the sound wires, change the background, and replace the buttons with some old ones that was missing the 'C' button.. LOL

Drop my tam while walking in the rain

Dangle it boredly over the banister.. then almost have it drop

Let my baby brother drool on my V5.... Eww..

Give half my tamagotchi collection to Good Will

Drop my tamagotchi out of my purse right in the middle of the classroom at school

I think thats all I've done. Does anyone else take worse care of their tams then me?? LOL I doubt it. Most people are very careful with theirs. Anyway, its story time and you can tell all your-tam-abuse stories :D

Once when taking care of my friends tamagotchi v3, I was at my middle school's football game.

I was wearing gloves, and the tamagotchi was shoved inside my glove, I thought this would protect it from scratches.

After the game I went to congradulate some of my friends, and mindlessly took my gloves off to give them high 5's and stuff. The tamagotchi fell and the only thing I heard was a loud crash, as if something had cracked.

The tamagotchi had smashed onto the ice that was along the sidelines.. I got a huge crack across the screen..

My friend never forgave me.


well, opening it up and get the background sightly damaged ._.

I was biting and chewing on my old v2 (please, oh please, don't ask) and it always made wierd noises (I never looked at it, because I was afraid to find out what happened to it, but what probably happened was it was dying. ) but biting and chewing on your tama still isn't a good idea :D


I dont think i really did anything that bad to my tamas!


Put my v4 in my pocket while i was going to petco and drop it which made horible scratches!

Take the same v4 with me at school and lose the dang thing :) while i was running to my bus!

Break the star off my old v4.5 in wisconsin!

Break the keychain off my v3 and lose the back to it on my v4(the one i lost!)

Scratch the screen a bit on my Music S..S...Star!

Have my Tamagotchis on music star leave me because i was sleep twice :lol: :D

(by the way, they were a androtchi :lol: and serbetchi! :( )

Let my V4.5 Die while i was sleeping again.(on the first gen.)

Nothing really bad happened to my V5

I guess i had a lot of stuff happened to my Tamas! :lol: :D :eek: :kusatchi: :p

Anyways, im really sad that my music star left me twice!

Do u think i should restart the MS so i wont feel so sad and record my other tamas

or keep going with the same download! :kusatchi:

Plz help me decide cuz im really sad! :( :(

Once my dad wanted me to do my homework and I had my tamagotchi in front of me.When it beeped I picked it up.My tama's ended up on the floor.*Silence*

I picked it up later.The screen was blank and I freaked out.When I next picked it up it was back to normal only the time had reset.I set the time.

The next day,my mum told me the batterys went funny so she took them out untill I came back then I put the same battery in as before which really wasen't a good idea.It was ok at first,but then the screen blanked out again.I sighed and told my mum.While we were having our snack after school,it beeped and came back on again as an egg.I downloaded it which caused the same problem.

Yup.During tea was a very inconvinent time to play up. This time it blanked out for so long I thought it woulden't come back on. It did,but some lines flashed first. Clear black lines.This time it reset itself.It was ok the rest of the day and rest of my life.I still coulden't help buying another one,the pink v3.

Now I finally got them both to work,they connect.Mine's getting married soon!


You poor guys's tamas D:

I dont think I have ever had a tama die unless it was on purpose or I lost it somewhere.... LOL

I've noticed that when I drop my tamagotchi, I tend to leave it on the floor for a while before I pick it up. Its weird. I usually like, freak out or something.

Hmm... I dont know.


I tried to hack off my v4.5's antenna.... LOL I got tired of doing that, so I stopped and so now the antenna has a big dent in it..... I'm bad XD

I think I've played soccer with my tamagotchi too...... that was actually kinda fun XD

Apparently I put my tamas (4 of them on a tama lanyard) in a bag full of yarn (I love to knit), put it on my bedroom floor and lost track of them for about 8-9 months. I just found them last night! I'm so happy!!!!

:lol: + :( = <333

when i was 6 i had a bath with my tama. the tama survived.
How old are you now? LOL

and leandrahime:

I love knitting too! ;) Why did you put them in a bag of yarn though? XD

Here are some stupid things I've done: T_T

- I either lost my v2 when I was in 4th grade or my mum picked it up and threw it out since the battery was dead :(

- I took a bath with my v3. (It only got a LITTLE water on it) :)

- I paused both my v3 and v4 when I was bored with them and left them lying on the floor for a year (their batteries died) :p :p

- I started them up again with the wrong type of batteries and they got all glitchy and broken. :p :eek:

- I neglected them a lot so they always turned into either Masktchi :( or Gazarutchi :p :p

(I only got TWO good adult characters on them, and they were Memetchi and Pyonkotchi :D :( )

I think I already posted the stupidest thing my bro did to his v3 in a few other topics, right?

Well, I'll tell you anyway. He was playing with his v3, and he had this stupid idea that he wanted to swing it around. So he tied a string to the keychain, swung it around, and it hit the wall hard. I didn't see him do it, but then I started to question him because I had seen the broken tama. He told me the story. He never got another tama again. (Well, he deserved it :blink: )

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