Story #1


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Franny and me walk around together and ignore the popular people when they tease us.

Suddenly, a ninja appeard!

"Whazza?" Said sandy

"Hi!"Said the girl. shed stimped her foot on the ground, and then 1000 cats appeard!

Please add your own part in the story nothing too violent or anything!

One day Pinky Palm Was walking into her classrom before anybody got to the school. Inside she saw sequins and clovers. There were Lucky charms and a bunch of crayons. she went to her desk and looked inside, a whole bunch of papers were there and each time she touched the paper she felt a tingly feeling. She decided to close her desk. Then she put her jacket away. In just about the corner of her eye she saw a flash of green and a jingle sound like coins in a pocket. She quickly jolted and said, "Hello? Anybody? Please stop if your trying to scare me!" Then she turned around and saw another flash and a jingle sound. Pinky Palm quickly ran out of the room and roamed the halls of her school biting her nails. She watched every step she made cautious of where to go. Then she ran to her Science teacher's room and stared at the screen of the window. She heard the light pitter patter of rain dropping and the window pane was cold. she pulled up the window to feel the cold and before her eyes a coin appeared right out of the blue. "What the heck is going on? Stop tricking me! Just leave!" She closed the window while picking up the coin. Then all of a sudden a shock went through her body. She was now 5 inches tall ( and 1/8 ) She heard the lound clop of shoes and jingling... she looked up and saw 5 foot tall man, "OH MY GOD! You're a Leprechaun!" "Why, yes, I am!" He reached down to shake Pinky Palm's hand. "Oops! Sorry! you're too small. Anyway follow me!" Pinky Palm followed this man into the old room she was in. Then they went through a small portal. " Oh my god!! Leprechaun land! I've always dreamed of this place!" Sad Pinky Palm.. She felt a tap on her shoulder and it was another leprechaun. "Hi! What's your name?"

Please add more to the story!

~_Pinky_~ Palm_~

Dana, had just died. She was taken to the deep deaths of Hell. Her twin brother-Danny- had also died recently. They both had been murded, by the same person! They're last bit of memory alive was when they got killed.

Danny was alone in the park, about 8pm, and a strange man came round. He had a shot gun in his arms, and then...

He shot Danny, and Danny was left there to die.

Dana died by a knife. The same man had came to her house, and kidnapped her. When the man tried to kill Dana, he was at his home, he got a knife, and...

He stabbed Dana to death. And now, they both live in Hell.

The reason for them not going to heaven, is because there is no heaven.

Dana sighed as she aproached the grim reaper. He brought her into the gates of hell, where she met he brother Danny...

Rules: First Story:

1. starts about dogs on mars.

2. Middle ( second page) About lions in outer space

3. End (3rd page) tamas out of tamagotchi!

4: no one dies

5. no swears

Once there was a dog. He had a familly on Mars. Thay ate rocks and lived in a Volcano!

^_^ VIOLETCHI :) was walking along the street, with her brand new purple purse.she just came out of the bank with 9999 gotchi points!!! all of a sudden...

P.S.: follow the tittle and the story and make it interesting!!!

The cats had little black ninja costumes on and instead of purring, they were practicing their moves!

Lorchus frightend PP alot he was taller he was maybe 20 feet and when he spoke his voice boomed and echoed. The other Leprachaun and Lorchus led PP into a bed room here you get to to sleep here ;) boomed :p Lorcus. PP said why can't I go back home when I am done looking around? Because that portal you can only go into not out so you may not return to your school said Lorchus.

Tom got his very first tamagotchi back in 1997.

he loved it very much, and took care of it alot, until one day, it evolved into a pochitchi!

he then went to florida with his pochitchi (named Jello) and then...

Elenn stretched her arms her blanket patterned with memetchi's :) sat gently on the chestnut wood of her bed.Elenn had green eyes she her self was a memetchi :) . She lived in a big rushing city called New Zork. She got up her pink and blue pajamas warm from her blanket. Her father was a scientist he had many experiments stored inside his room. Cheesifier, Zoing-Woing, Apple Blaster, Bop-and-Bop to name a few Elenn knew of. She had gotten up to get some water but she had left her cup in the lab she went to the huge security door. There was a keypad not knowing the code she pressed a huge glowing green button labled open. The door slowly opened spraying out pink smoke. She saw her cup on the other side of the room. Halfway across she stepped on a remote feeling a button she accidentaly pressed with her toe. A huge ray of I ce blue light shot straight up burning through the ceiling. The ray went through the atmosphere and over to earth. It hit a cat the cat dissapated. it had shrunk enough to be tamagotchi size. It fell to The Tama Planet and right through the ceiling of Elenn's Father's Lab. It was a beautiful brown Calico. Elenn knew she was going to keep it and call her Sally. And Sally was hers. :p

Actually, Im not in a chair Said PP and she wasn't frightened and she refused to go to bed.

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Andy was asked out buy this cool new guy, whose name was joey. they went out for a while, and after thier 15th date he asked her over to his house.


Mandy was plotting revenge on her no good "friend"...

a few weeks later...

Zenn loked in the sky just in time to see a girl fall from it. She had pussed the red button to!"hi!" she said. "My name is crystal!" She looked around. "ahhh!!!" she said "Im allergic to cats!" and with that she...

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