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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
Yo! I just put new batteries in my V4.5 today because my little sister and I decided to do a contest to see who could get the healthiest adult! Unfortunately, I didn't want to reset it just yet so I still have a teenager pet, while my sister has an adult (I think all the V4.5s in the house are mine, actually, but whatever). However, now, I'm on a mission to get UraVioletchi! So, then, let's see how that goes. ^.^;



My name is Kisa. I am currently a UraYoungVioletchi. I'm writing this from bed! I'm about 2 years old. I can't wait 'till I grow up. Oops, lights about to turn off. Got to go, but my entry will be far more interesting tomorrow! I haven't really done much today, anyway. I slept most of the day.


Somewhat basic, but I just wanted to get the idea out! ^.^; I might update tomorrow. :3

Well, I woke up this morning at about 9, much to my owner's dissatisfaction. She had that chagrined look in her eyes when I finally got up. Hey, it's not my fault that I wake up almost 3 hours later than she usually does! Very frustrating. This morning, after some games and a quick snack, I weigh 2 pounds. And I'm still only two years old! How very, very distressing.

I just went to TamaTown for the first time! I must confess, I didn't really like it; there's nobody else who I can meet there, and the games are boring! I dunno, I've heard that TamaTown was really awesome and that you could have your own room, but apparently that's for different Tamas, which is a shame.... However, going out was sort of fun! I may do it again. Right now, I weigh around 8 pounds. Hah, really packing on the weight.... Oh, I wish! I'm still a bit light.

I also met Claw today, another Tama. He's a Togetchi. Very cute! I think he would make a good friend for me, but I'm not too sure yet. I've only really hung out with him a few times already, maybe 4 in total, so we'll just have to see how that turns out!

Guess what; I went to the store, bought some batteries, and put one in my Music Star! ^.^; So.... :3 ....For anyone interested, here is Sara Pet's diary entry for today! ;D


I was just looking through my family tree books, where it lists all my previous family members and how successful they were with their bands. Wow... I hope that I can be as good as them! I mean, I'm only 4 years old, but their 999-level skills and all that are most definitely something that I need to gain, too! So, maybe I will; maybe I won't... but I'd better do it, if I want to live up to their legacy!

I mean, I've been practicing quite a lot, but now I'm stressed and kind of tired. I'm really not too sure as to what I should do!


And, now... back to your regular programming! ^.^;


Ugh, waiting to grow is just SUCH a pain! I hope I evolve soon. I really do want to see what I'll turn into! Hopefully a UraVioletchi or something, but only time will tell, right? Maybe... hmm... is there a way to grow up faster? I sure hope there is! However, I should be careful, as I saw a video in TamaTown where this little boy was trying to impress this little girl, and he really loved her, but then Mametchi and his two friends (I think it was... Mimitchi and Memetchi?) passed by, and she ran off after them! So, he ate and ate and ate and ate as an idea to evolve faster, but really all he got was fat! So, that's a bad idea. Well, I'll come up with something by later, I'm sure!

Hey hey hey! Kisa has grown! ;D


Well... today, while my owner was studying, I grew into a UraVioletchi! Or should I call myself a UraFurawatchi? I really have no idea, since I've heard many different names for it! Ah, well; doesn't matter.


And now... for a deviation from the norm....


Phew! Today has sure been an interesting day! Let me start by telling you that my band and I went up in front of the judges, but, unfortunately... we only got two perfect O's! We all screamed together in unison once the judges had left, and then I went home. Later, of course, we got called out to a gig - but there were only 4 people there! We were a little disappointed, but did it anyway. Hey, I mean, at least we're moving up in the ranks, right? Right!


Gotta study! ^.^;

Guess what!!! I have EQAOs in two days! Ahhhhhh!

Anyways... I didn't take my Tamas to school today. ^.^; I had a test, and thought that I should focus on that, y'know? ;O But, I'm taking one tomorrow! ^.^; Possibly my V4.5, but, then, I'm not too sure.... :3


Today was rather uneventful for me so far, I must admit. I'm enjoying my new adulthood, though! I'm also looking forward to talking with Claw some more. I'm finally old enough for him!


And, now... for a deviation from our usual programming! ^.^;


I met up with the band again recently, and we decided to practice more. And more. And even more! We're very, well... busy, I guess you could say. We will get that 3-O's ranking this time. We WILL!

Honestly... what have I done on my V4.5 today? :huh: Hmm, not much, admittedly. However, I'll still come up with something, at the very least.... ^.^;


Hey, y'alls! Well, I spent the evening looking through old family books. I also wonder when I'm going to get a job? I mean, it's been almost a day since I evolved, yet I still don't have one! How messed up.


And, now... for a deviation from your regular programming! ^.^;



I got a call from the Pro Tama Judges today, telling me to come down. I was slightly confused, but I went down, anyways. There, I met David (the Togetchi) and Paul (the Kuchipatchi), both of whom had also been called down. They'd brought their instruments, and upon looking down I was admittedly quite bewildered to find the handle of the bag that held mine safely clutched in my hand. I couldn't remember taking that! However, the band and I had practiced a lot lately, so I simply assumed that it was now an unconscious reflex. David almost threw up just before the audition, but I held him steady! I told him that it was no big deal, that we could always try again if we failed this time like we had last time, and he simply nodded and seemed to quickly calm down right after that.

I went into the audition extremely nervous, but somehow that just made us all play better. I sang at the top of my voice, and when we were done, Paul nearly burst an artery in his impatience. Finally, however, the judges turned to us, held up their boards, and... all three were O's! I went home, happy as could be, singing at the top of my lungs.

We also went to two gigs today, and we are steadily gaining more fans! Although, last time I checked, we were still ranked 999th, but... hold on. Just lemme check again!

OMGOMGOMG!!! We are rated 44th, which is a HUGE improvement over what we had before we passed the Pro Debut, and we have just almost 106 million fans!

I have lots of stuff that I've done on my Tamas lately! XDD In addition, I've also done some battery-swapping, and here are all my current running Tamagotchis! ^.^;

P1 - 1 yr - baby - male

V3 - 1 yr - teenager - male - Tom

V4.5 - 0 yr - child - male - Claw

V4.5 - 5 yr - adult - female - Kisa

V5 - 3 pets - children - 2 females & 1 male - LUISA family, Blended

Music Star - 6 yr - adult - female - Sara Pet


Hi! I was just born! Not much to report, but I hope to evolve soon. And... that's about it!


Hi! I'm currently a teenager! Not much to report on this front, as I haven't really done much lately. However, more news shall come later!

**V4.5: Claw**

I heard my predecessor, Claw, a Togetchi and also on the 3rd Generation, was murdered? That's absolutely terrible! I sure hope I'm not murdered.... *shivers* In any case, I'm probably due to evolve into a teenager sometime soon!

**V4.5: Kisa**

Yes, so, I got a job at the Hospital! I'm very pleased, especially as it's quite fun. I'm... what... 5 years old? Ahhhhhh! I might get a mate soon! Also, I went to my owner's school today! I didn't really do much (A/N: she spent most of the day on pause, because I had classes which I had to CONCENTRATE (Wow, what a concept!!!) in), but I DID get to play a few games today! It was fun.


Yo, so, we hung out a little bit today! Not much to report on the family front. I'll get back to you! I'm a Belltchi, by the way; I'm the best writer in the family!

**Music Star**

Guess what, my star ranking is currently 4th!!! I'm kind of excited. Hmm, I wonder when we'll get to 1st? I can't wait for the gig that officially pushes me up into the high ranks!

Well, I have put three of my Tamas away, leaving me with only... 3! ^.^;

The peacock-shelled V4.5, the Music Star, and the P1. :3


Hi!!! Guess what I am?!?!?! I'm a Kuchitamatchi! My Mom just left recently. She stayed with me for a few days, but, then... well, this morning she was suddenly gone! My name is Phea (A/N: I found that in a fanfic somewhere). I cried and cried until my owner FINALLY woke up, and FINALLY fed me!

**Music Star**

Guess what! I be old. I don't think that old people are liked very much... simply because even before I evolved into an Otokitchi, we were losing fans steadily for days on end! We're still #1, though, so at least that's good.


Not really much to report, at least, not on the evolving front.... I'm still a Marutchi! Aww. I should evolve soon, though, as I just got sick recently, and I heard that's just your body building itself up to evolve within the next 24 hours; so, yay!

OMG, I was just reading through one of my old Tamagotchi Logs (I found it on Google, when I was searching for my Blogagotchi, which I luckily also found - but lost the password to - BLAAAAAH), and I was so immature back in 2006! XDD Haha, it was a log for my very first V3 (which later had a button fall out), and I think I was in either the 4th or 5th grade... and I am quite embarrassed at some of the things I wrote back then! Haha! Here's a link, if you want to read it:

I believe that was also the log where somebody told me to make it more interesting again! x3 It got rather boring, I think, and that was the motivation behind them asking me to do so.... ^.^;

OMG!!! Yes!!! I didn't see it, because I was clearing up some laundry and letting the cat outside into the cold, frigid, and especially freezing air, but when I came back to my computer, I looked at my P1, and he has evolved into a Tamatchi!!! :3 I am happy. ^.^;


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