Stefan's Log


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Stefan Bauwens

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2012
Reaction score
My (green), boring, picture-less, rant, annoying Tama-Go log:


1.You can't blame me for reading this log.

2.You can't blame me for getting bored, or anything else :

3.You will follow any rules I decide to add.

So currently I have a green, first wave Tama-Go with a homestuck faceplate I "created" myself. With create, I mean, "shaped it" to a Tama-Go faceplate form with ps.

I'm in 4th generation and my toddler "Clueless"(So I have name him) is an Ahirukutchi.

He's still 0 years old, and finally chased his mother back to her planet.(I'll explain my "hate" about his mother later).

My older( :rolleyes: ) sister hid my Tama-Go today so I was unable to give it the care he needed. Therefore I missed 2 toilet training-points. (That kid just did it on the floor.) Also, so far, trough my fault, I've only trained him one time. However I have all his friendship hearts full already.

Maybe it's a good thing he isn't best cared of, so I get another teen-character.

Family History:



and 3gen was also Chamametchi. Therefore I got so sick of her. 2 times in a row is just wrong. Happily I've a boy now. Hopefully he won't become a kikitchi.

To prevent that from happening I'll probably have to take pretty bad care of him. I think I've already taken too bad care to get an excellent character.

Anyway, my current background is the "japanese" one. It costed 50 grand, which is pretty a lot of money to get without a Tamatown. I hope the other secret remodel themes don't cost that much, but they probably will.

Also, there's a christmas tree in the corner.

I know this is a boring start, but yeah. And before I forget, I don't have any non-lite figures so it will be EVEN MORE boring.

Responses, suggestions, and other things are completely welcome! ^_^

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So, my little villain when to sleep. Didn't catch it though. "Happily" all the hearts are full. He weighs 19LB and has 4 training bars.

And if anybody's interested he has 79270 points currently.

NOTE: I always move my tam a to clock screen, to avoid using to much energy.

So when I checked my tamagotchi this morning all his hingry and happy hearts were empty and had 2 poops on the screen. YES!--Well you know, I didn't want to get another kikitchi.

However he had already evolved to Kilalatchi. Why? That's the good-teen iirc. So far I have only once potty trained it and yet his training bars are at 6! I guess I just wont clean his poo anymore and try not to fill his friendship hearts up.

Anyway, I fed him and gave him snacks, cleaned his poops and now he looks pretty healthy. But not for long. I'm gonna stuff him full with snacks soon. HAHA!

Take that Clueless!

/me stuffs him full with snacks

Hmm, he's already at 99lb but nothing happens.


Whatever man, I'm gonna make it hell for you.

Not really I guess, since I'm not that bad yet. :p

Hey look! 1/3 of his happiness went down! Oh yeah!

Sorry good caretakers. Normally I'm good to my Tamagotchi's too, but sometimes you want to make sure you want to get the same characters. So what I'm doing is tottally normal and humain(Yeah right!)

So Clueless went to bed--Oops, seems I woke him up by checking his stats.


He weighs 99lb has 2 hungry hearts filled and only 1 happy heart.His friendship hearts are 4,33333... filled.

Oh yeah, there are two piles of poo. I love it when he walks passed them and looks with a sick face at it. Just nasty. :babytchi:

On a side note: I'm going to replace my current Homestuck-faceplate with a christmas-tamagotchi faceplate I editted myself.

If you guys ask for it, I could upload the faceplates, only if you ask. :p

So, when I woke up today I heard already sounds coming from my Tama. When I looked at it, it was calling my name. That was just adorable(besides the 4 piles of poo next to him ofcourse). To put him out of his misery I gave him one meal and one snack so it would stop complaining.

A little later it evolved to Shimashimatchi. Yes! Another character I haven't seen yet. But I noticed it was overweight. (He was still at 99lb). So I cleaned first the poo that was still hanging around. The I injected him with a medicine to go easier to the toilet. He couldn't hold it up any longer and let 8 piles of poo out.

After cleaning that up I fed him and let my sister play some games with it.

Also, he doesn't seem to be potty trained, which I personally like; at least I have still some stuff to do.

So I'm pretty happy with Clueless now.

So, nothing particullary special happened today.

it just proved once more several times today he wasn't potty trained. :p

I bought food, played some games, gone to the park and all like I always do.

Just always trying to keep his friendship hearts at max.

I was wondering if I should marry or if I should let him grow old. What do you people suggest?

Oh yeah, his current weight is about 60 iirc. It's still pretty high of when I stuffed.

Remind me next time to treat my child better. (Not really)

Clueless is now sleeping. Sleep tight villain. zZ

Okay, so I had no time to post yesterday(and also little time to check on Clueless in the evening).

Yesterday, I sent him to The Games(!) so he could lose some more weight since he looked a bit chubby. We got it to around 35 lb iirc! Wow, Clueless, you lost 30lb! Well done lil' fellah.

Later on, as the evening dawned on us, I got less time to check on him since I was working(I don't have a job, but you know, just working in the house.)

However, I did get the chance to turn that pesky light off. Light can really hurt your eyes when you're trying to sleep.

So today, I kinda overslept a bit and when I eventually looked at my green clump I saw there were 2 surprises waiting for me to clean up.

Probably one was still of yesterday! Hopefully it didn't stink to bad while he (tried to) sleep.

So I cleaned them up. But also Clueless had only 2 happy and 2 hungry hearts filled. So I stuffedhim back full, played some games instead of feeding him snacks and his weight was at 31.

So his diet isn't easy, but it's quick.


Clueless just went to bed. So far I haven't noticed him once brush his teeth, but maybe I missed it.

If not, I guess it's because he's not well educated. Seriously parents, you must do a better job next time, which there won't be( I'm not to blame for Clueless' misbehavior, but I am responsible for his good manners) :rolleyes:

So I went with Clueless to The Games. He(No,I) chose Shoot The Bug. I didn't want to play Long Jumper since that takes too long to finish. I mostly win it, but I get the impression that STB(Shoot the Bug) can take a lot shorter. It is however more hard to beat.

When we noticed that all his efforts seemed in vain, since his minimum weight seemed to be 30lb we noticed the money we were making. And then, eventually after playing some more games over the day we reached 100000GP!

I hope more background options are going to appear now, but I somehow think the next backgrounds that may show up might cost double. Without Tamatown, earning money on a Go isn't so quick.

Anyway, Clueless is 5 years old, which kinda corresponds with 15 years for a human. I calculated that by the fact that on the age of 6 he is old enough to marry. That means 6 corresponds with 18.

18:6=3 == 5*3+15

In other words, just multiply his age with 3 to get his age "humanised'. ^_^

So, I am doubting: Shall I marry him? Wait with getting married or shall I try to get an oldie?

I know you aren't allowed to post in other people's logs, so if you want to suggest something you can PM me or send me a status update. :)


Day 6 for my little fellah, which means he's old enough adult to marry.

But the question was: To marry or to Oldie?

Well, sweetpea40998 suggested me to marry, and I agreed. Else I would have to take horrible care of it and probably wait at least a few days more. No guys, that treat is for next time if I don't forget it. :p

But before we talk deeper into this subject let me tell you a little about Clueless' day.

When I checked on my baby adult, I was just on time to see Rudolf(?) and the sleigh appear on the screen(Like they mostly do 2 times a day). Clueless was happy to see them. I on the other hand, wondered if Santa gave Rudolf permission to leave the North-Pole alone or if he just ran off.(No, I wasn't really thinking that, but I'm thinking about it now)

So then, when I went to the park, who did I meet? His mother(Chamametchi)! Well, maybe it was the grandmother. Anyway, I didn't even want to look. You know I dislike his mother.(It's her fault he doesn't brush his teeth and all). I just put my tama out of my sight. :p

*looks at Clueless*(he just fell asleep, but he isn't alone ^_^ )

I also decided that I will try never to marry a character that looks the same as a character I already had or married and will try my best not to get same characters.

ANYWAY: I finally decided to go to the Date Place. And guess who showed up: Makiko. And since she was the wife of great-grandfather he had to say no and also because she was the only girl my Tama ever married.(This is just the second time I got a boy).

Anyway, they both looked pretty sad with the rejection, but yeah. To cheer him up I wend straight back to date place, and there he met the girl of his dreams: :)

Yup, Memetchi! I already wanted to marry her in Gen1, but she didn't show up.

I quickly selected YES and then they kissed. :wub: The crowd was well pleased as well.

So, just for a few minutes still ago they were blopping around the screen. They basically just now went to bed.(They look pretty sweet together). So that's it for today. Hope you liked my choice.


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Well, it seems like Clueless' wife has been teaching him good manners. I catched them both brushing their teeth.

(That's a good excuse for me: I'll never brush my teeth, but when I get married I'll start :p )

Anyway, to be honest I neglected them a bit today. On a certain moment I saw that the hungry heart had dropped to one. :eek:

It wasn't on purpose of course, I just didn't have that much time.

Anyway they seem to be pretty fine now. Well, they're sleeping. :p

And I'll leave my tama alone now, since I guess Memetchi is pregnant already. And pregnant tama's need rest. ^_^

We'll see tomorrow if it'll be a boy or girl. I don't think I'll mind any gender, as long as I can let them grow into a character I haven't gotten yet.

Anyway, I mustn't take care of that kid right away. The parents will stay with him for 2 days teaching him bad manners. :p

I must in those 2 days decide what to do with the kid(e.g: bring him to an orphanage )Either, take brilliant care of him, but to do that, I'll probably have to put him on pause a lot, which will cause him to probably evolve slower, or I can treat him really bad. I don't wanna give OK care since I don't want to get Kiktchi or Chamametchi AGAIN.

Anyway, feel free to suggest then. But first, there's still a baby to be born. :babytchi:


It's a boy! Hooray!

And that isn't all, because when Clueless went to the shop today a new remodel them was available(The one with the pillar). However, I didn't have enough money. D:

It costed 120000GP and I had 104000. It's wasn't such a big difference so I played still a few games till I earned like only 2000gp more. :p

I didn't have enough time to play that much with it so I had to stop.

I also noticed that since his marriage I haven't seen any poo. I don't know if this means he is potty trained, since I also haven't seen that.

Anyway, I was planning to let my sister play some games on my "green bomb"(That just means, my tamagotchi :p ).

An easy way for me to earn cash. $-)

I had just left it a minute or so in her hands when she came to me to report the death of Clueless that my batteries were dying. Yup, it had given The Symbol.

However It wasn't such a surprise. I get this message almost once a week. :p That's right, I break the rules: I use rechargeable batteries. :p

Anyway, I put a new pair to charge, which seem to be done now. However, I think I'll change them tomorrow. It's anyway past Clueless' bedtime. This probably means that he'll be a year younger. :eek:

I guess I'll fix that somehow, some other day. ^_^ We'll see tomorrow. Cheerio for now.


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Okay, the reason for not posting yesterday was that I didn't even put my batteries in(I did finally in the evening) because I had a busy day. Which means my tama is one day behind somehow.

So, I started playing lots of games with Clueless. He jumped in to the Tama-spaceship and began shooting at these flying bugs or something. :p

I only ( :rolleyes: )had to earn still 10000gp. And then...

we reached the the goal of 120000GP. But I hesitated. Should I give all my money for this, or should I save a bit longer for another background. :huh:

Doubts, doubts...

When I checked my tamagotchi this evening, it was 20 past eight o' clock. He soon should be sleeping. I guessed that tommorow when the parents abandoned( -_- ) their child, the shop would restock with the regular items.

I went to shop and just payed the money. :eek:

I was 120 000gp poorer and had only 100gp left. :p

But I do like the new royal theme. And with Christmas coming along... ^_^

So that's it for today. Let's hope Clueless son doesn't become an annoying character. <_<

So, I guessed my tama would be on a kinda pause. You know, after the parents leave you just see that crying baby with the Boy or Girl sign above it. Then you gotta press a button and the pause goes off and you start taking care of the baby.

But, somehow the button pressed itself( :p ) when it was in my pocket. So I look at it, and it's sleeping so I turned of the lights.

When he woke up I saw he had been already a while off pause. 3 piles of poo and a skull. BAD TAMA! BAD TAMA! :p

So I took care of that, and guess what? He was calling my name. So desperate. I know it's kinda my fault all this happened. I had switched his sound off. :/

I stuffed him and put him on pause. I wanted only to take care of him when I got the time for it. Yup, I wanted to go for a excellent character.

However, later that day it had gone of pause again and even had evolved already. My chances for an excellent character was getting smaller...

And oh yeah, there was a surprise waiting for me too.

I took once more care of him, played some games. His friendship meter is now on 3 filled hearts. He hasn't gotten any training point yet.

I put him again on pause and before put it back off. It was time to sleep, so he did.

That's it for today. :)

Excuse me for not posting earlier, but I was ill, and my tama was most of the time on pause.

RIght now he's 2 years old. Cool enough he's turned into a teen only today(Kilalatchi). However he only has one training point. I've missed a few "cleanups", but only max. 4 in total.

It looks like care-points-things don't repeat if they "happened" in pause.

Looks like I won't get an excellent character at all. :p But perhaps a(nother) bad one. :D

So, I'm already buying expensive foods on my tama, which I plan to let Clueless jr. eat on Christmas.

So far only got Lobster and Mega Pizza. Need to get still beef and deluxe pudding.

That's it for today. ^_^

Man, I wrote a whole post, but by accident pressed backspace. I'll therefore write a quicker log, or at least try to . :p

My tama had apparently gone of pause for already 2 days or so and was now evolved to NecktieTchi, had 5 poops, lost all his hearts(friendship was still 2 though :p ), and was calling my name, which was still pretty cute.

Apparently my ingenious tactic to gain a perfect character didn't work at all. He has only one(!) trainingpoint! Duh, ofcourse this fellah aint potty trained. :p

I'm happy though he's evolved into this character since it's a different one. Also now he's grown up, I can leave him off pause and chillax with taking care. :p

He now is sleeping and has on all the heart-bars all but one heart. I'll try taking care of that tomorrow.

Tomorrow we'll be looking out for SANTA! I'll try to take a picture of it, although I can't guarantee I'll upload it though.


I know I'm late with posting, but it's christmas time and I just had not that much time.

Anyway. On Christmas eve I gave Clueless jr. the most expensive foods I had, which were sadly only a mega-pizza and some lobster.

As a desert I gave him a (no deluxe) pudding. Though it wasn't such a great meal, he enjoyed it apparently.

Or maybe he didn't and that's the reason he didn't want to stay up late.

Then at around 10:30PM I took him out of my pocket.(Yes , I let my brother grab a camera to film it, but I don't think I can really upload that now).

Santaclautchi came from the sky into his bedroom. He first did some kind of dance or something and a big heart appeared for a short time. Then he "flew" back up and dropped a "little"(well, as big as a himself) heart next to the bed of Clueless jr.

Then santa dissapeared. However the heart didn't. Also it sometimes made a little movement, almost like an egg! The egg stayed there still for five minutes. No buttons worked, so I though something would happen only in the morning.

But when I looked at it a little later, the lights were back off. I think I may have missed something. Perhaps not though, since there wasn't a present in the morning waiting for my tama.

Anyway, it was fun nevertheless.

So, on Christmas-day itself, I just took regular care of Clueless jr. . I may have played a little less games with it, but he's still alright. :p

But now, the big problem. He's already 7 years old and unwed. I told you last time that the "oldie" treat was for next time.

So, I won't break my word. I'm going to take awful care of my tama. D:

You better don't die! :p

Finally it changed. I haven't fed it or cleaned it poops the whole time.(I did once heal it though).

But this evening I checked it, and saw that it had evolved to Ojitchi, a male senior. (or oldie)

I cured his illness, cleaned up his 8 piles of poo and fed him. I played some games with it, and took a few strolls tough the park.

All his hungry and happy hearts are full now, just his friendship is halfway. But I'll work on that tomorrow since it's a sleep now.

He's 9 years old now. I wonder when I should marry him since happily that option hasn't disappeared.


Due to the the fact that my tamagotchi yesterdays magically switched on pause mode, my oldie is only 10 years old.

Anyway, yesterday I noticed that there was a new theme! The jail theme, and "only" for 4000. Seriously, the man who made up that algorithm? First pricy themes, and then less pricy? :p

Sadly enough, I only had like 20000. So I let my sister play a few games.(She won about 3000 for me).

Today, I played quite some games and his gotchi points are above the 30000, so I'm getting there.

I'm wondering when I should let him marry? Maybe I'll drop into date-place today just for fun, and maybe if there's somebody nice I'll marry him.

I just hope that since he's an oldie, he will still have the choice to choose and not forced to marry the female senior, although I must admit they'll probably fit together. :p

Okay, that's it for now. I know it isn't anything special, but there wasn't much more to note.


Okay, excuse me for not logging earlier, but I really didn't have that much time.

Clueless jr. is 15(!) years old. He only married yesterday with the female senior. In other words, the only one you can choose after declining the first 3 every day.

So, I bought the jail-theme. In fact I believe I bough it the same day of my last post. :p

So far, me being very busy I've only seen the living-room and bedroom. I still have to see the bathroom.

On newyear I forgot to look so I guessed I missed the fireworks, if there were any. However on 2 january, I got a message saying "Happy New-Year!". It was the same kind of way, when the sleigh would come. So probably the first 2 days of january it was showing that message at 1 and 5 pm.

A thing I noticed though, is that the Christmas tree is gone. And when I thought about it, I think it must have disappeared on the 2nd christmas day or something.

I've been playing hardly any games with my tama. Therefore his weight is at 50 an his money is very low(less than a thousand).

On a side note, I'm pretty surprised I didn't get the battery-symbol. Normally it last about less than a regular generation. In fact I was already guessing on christmas eve that it would display the message. The contrast is on the minimum and the sound off, but that's always the case actually.

Maybe my tama-go, which is still fairly new, finally has adapted to this kind of batteries. :p

Anyway, thanks for reading my log. Till my next update. :)

So, my Tamagotchi was getting quite neglected by me since I didn't have too much time to check on it., let alone playing games with it.

So he was around 70lb and his friendship level was basically at 0. I didn't think it was worth it to try to get that back up if he anyways was soon going to get a kid which would again have an empty friendship bar. So the baby was born. It was a girl.

When the parents left I didn't look at the baby. It evolved to a toddler and had 6 poops. I decided to do what I did. :p

I pulled out the batteries. Yup, I've stopped my tama from running. After all, he had lived for 5 generations non stop. I was getting a bit tired and just was having too little time. It's kinda pathetic that I didn't even reach page 2 on this thread. :p

So I won't be posting any updates in the near feature. Perhaps in a few weeks, months, years or possibly even never anymore. :p

Thanks for reading. I hoped you liked it. ;)

