starting to get bored of tamagotchis


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Apr 13, 2006
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i hav a tamagotchi and its on its fifth generation and at the beggining it was fun but now its kinda boring. i mean u do the same thing over and over but i still wanna no in my hed there still soo fun!!help me get my passion back for tamagotchis.all i need is sum sense into!!give me codes,cheats,anything just get my absession for tamagotchis bac.


tama name~riley






tama name~chuck






tama name~lissygender~girl


age~4generation~seven :ph34r: <_< :furawatchi: :wacko:

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I know a website for cheats&codes!!

Hope it helps!

Don't force yourself to keep doing it if you're just bored of it. I stopped a couple months, I do it off and on, I dont know, do something fun with your tama.. :furawatchi: REmind yourself how much you love him/her.

[SIZE=11pt]That's okay. I take breaks quite often. I've been playing with tamas on and off since 1998. More on than off :D Go ahead and take a break. Tab it up. There's nothing wrong with that. Sooner or later, you'll miss the little guys and take it out again.[/SIZE]
Yeah. :(

You could also try to buy another Tamagotchi such as an Angelgotchi etc.. You might love it too. :D

hmm.. i dont know if taking a break is a good idea.. i mean, i did that with V2 and i never went back to it! maybe you should get two V3s or more so you can connect them always..!

Yeah. :(
You could also try to buy another Tamagotchi such as an Angelgotchi etc.. You might love it too. :p
where can u get an angelgotchi!?? not online shopping plz i dont want broken stuff! =P

Do you know how to get a clone and a pen. If you want the codes mail me on tamatalk please

P.S. you can not find these in a shop or anything like that

Hey, I didn't like tamagotchis anymore at one point because, you know, I only had v1 and v2 and I was getting bored because you only play a few games and I didn't have a V3 yet.

So I kept letting it get sick, die, and start it up again, sick, die, start up, sick die, start up, you get the idea.

But when I got a v3 now I'm taking better care of it, making it turn into good characters. And I actually started that with my v1 and v2 again also. My v3 helped me understand how much I love tamagotchis, and I'll never stop liking them. :huh:

Also, on you can shop online and find Entamas, which are the king of tamagotchis and 1997 editions and lots more!

when i got my first tama i got bored after the fourth gen

took a break that seemed like a year (dunno)

then i wanted it back SO badly...

so i got a v3 and got a new batteri then YAY its back! i love em now. i told my sis's if they get tired of them they can give them to me! ME!!!! same with you lolz jk (just kidding)

so take a break or sell your v??? and yah if you want to play with it just buy a new one....

hi look i was soo bord with tamagotchis and then my friend told me all the codes and now i am having lots of fun hope this helps

:angry: :huh: i first alresdy bord but if want some pation just think all the goods time had use cheats codes in wat genaraion like ........ igot nothig :hitodetchi: :angry:
I got kinda bored with tamas, then looked on eBay!!!! I got a Dinkie Dino a japaneze gen1 tama (I like the bike character at the end :hitodetchi: ) about 5 v1, 1 v2, 1 v3 and an angelgotchi who arrived today!!(he/she just woke up!!!!) Remember there are lots of diffrent types of tama!! Not the V1, V2 or V3 there are Oceangotchi's, Forestgotchi's, Santagotchi's, Devilgotchi's, Mortha's and lots more!!!(the devilgotchi's are expensive tho')

Get your tamas happy!!


[SIZE=11pt]That's okay. I take breaks quite often. I've been playing with tamas on and off since 1998. More on than off :furawatchi: Go ahead and take a break. Tab it up. There's nothing wrong with that. Sooner or later, you'll miss the little guys and take it out again.[/SIZE]
how do u tab your tama? plz tell me, sorry if this is off topic but i wanna know! :)

Hey, I didn't like tamagotchis anymore at one point because, you know, I only had v1 and v2 and I was getting bored because you only play a few games and I didn't have a V3 yet. So I kept letting it get sick, die, and start it up again, sick, die, start up, sick die, start up, you get the idea.

But when I got a v3 now I'm taking better care of it, making it turn into good characters. And I actually started that with my v1 and v2 again also. My v3 helped me understand how much I love tamagotchis, and I'll never stop liking them. :)

Also, on you can shop online and find Entamas, which are the king of tamagotchis and 1997 editions and lots more!
thanks good tip, not to be rude but at the site shown above i typed in tamagotchis and there were some **** tamas, like v5 as some belive to be fake, well just givin a heads up before someone buys a tama and have to learn the hard way that it is fake, if u want a fake tama then ok just thought id warn u. :furawatchi:

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