stacked rubbish tama log!


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This morning I went ahead and unpaused both my V3 and m V4.5 :rolleyes: I had missed playing with them so much, I could feel the motherly feeling coming over me once more ;o;

The cute part about playing about them once again is that my new puppy doesn't recognize the sound they make, so when I'm playing with them he'll stare at me, cocking his head xD SO ADORABLE but anyway, back to my Tamagotchis, yes?

Both Taco and Ivy back for quite a while since they were paused and everything. Nothing new has happened actually, so it's basically going back to their ordinary lives. Taco received mail earlier today and it was a poop :/ Hating already I see..

Also, throughout the day I completely forgot about my tamas (getting used to them, don't judge) and when I came out of the shower I found them under all of my blankets xD Luckily they didn't die, but instead were starving and needed to be played with. I took care of that now and Ivy went to bed aftewards, about eleven minutes ago, and Taco is still bouncing around the screen.

Taco is still a teen, right? So.. I'm hoping she evolves tomorrow if not the day after. I don't know how I'm going to do it though. I'm going to the mall and the movies afterwards with my friend.. and I really dont want to leave both of them on pause. Perhaps I'll let my mom or even my sister take care of them.

Time for some stats :rolleyes:


Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 5

Year: 3

Weight: 23lbs

PointsL 5807gp


Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Skills: 35-20-14

Age: 3

Weight: 33lbs

Points: 63340gp

I'm off to play with Ivy some more to get that weight down to 30 lbs.. or is it 20lbs? Is she an adult now?? I'm so confused :s I have to re-read my tamalog all over again to figure out what's going on. Also, I'm going to start a blog tonight on my daily life and such, and any of you are welcome to go ahead and read :rolleyes: I figured that some people might enjoy reading (i hope) and with school starting again soon, I might lose track of this tamalog, so just saying.

Goodnight, will post again tomorow!

EDIT: i mixed up ivy and taco. ivy is an adult and taco is the teen, problem solved!

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Good afternoon everyone :D I decided to go ahead and post on my log because as you guys know, I am a VERY forgetful person, and I will most likely end up forgetting about it by the end of the day. But hopefully I'll have another entry for you guys tonight.

Last night I stayed up playing with Ivy until she went to bed. We got her weight down to 30lbs, but she gained some back this morning. It's like a person who's so obsessed with her weight she just can't keep it off. Haha, or at least that's the way I see it. Ah, I'm so obsessed with weight and exercise that it's affecting the way I view my tamagotchis xD Oh god, now you probably all think I have a disorder or something. Trust me, I don't!

I realize I blab to much on this log and I just need to get to the point.

Back to Ivy, I bought her some blocks last night because I found out she only had one item. What a terrible mother I am :D Usually I spoil my tamas to no end but I don't know what happened this time. She ended up happily playing with them and begged me to buy her more. I think I'm going to go ahead and look at the shopping icon and see what they have.

Oh, why you look at that. They're having a sale :D I bought her pizza and milk. I would have also bought the pencil, but the king will ~most likely~ end up giving me one as a gift. It's happened before e_e

I woke up this morning to Taco ringing at my ear for attention. He needed to be praised so his training bar is up one. Hurray :nyatchi: Because he is a tad more spoiled that Ivy, I bought him an RC Toy afterwards. Okay, he's a lot more spoiled. Looking back at his item list, he even has a TV in there. I don't remember buying that actually. There's a sale going on and I just bought him a corndog.

That;s about it for now, I'll update later with stats and everything. Ta-ta :D

I told you guys I would be back didn't I? Right, now I don't want to make this post too long as I usually do, so I'll make it short and simple.

During my day out, my sister took care of my tamas. And good care, actually. She usually neglects them and I come home to starving, unhappy tamagotchis, but this time it was different. Taco finally evolved into-> :) that thing. Too lazy to look up for the correct name. But it's the robot dude xD Yes, anyway. When I came home I bought Ivy drums and Taco..I forgot what I bought him. He's sleeping at the moment so I can't view the list, but I know I did buy him something!

Now for the stats!

V4.5- Ivy

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 3

Skills: 56-29-14

Age: 4yrs

Weight: 32lbs

Points: 60491gp

V3- Taco

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 6

Age: 4

Weight: 22lbs

Points: 5194gp

OH, before I forget. Ivy got fired from her job (WTH I didn't even know she had a job!) and now she's a preschool teacher. Pretty cute in my opinion. I'm sure she enjoys her new job :> If only they had the same option for the V3. I made a blog btw, for those who are interested, so check it out?

Until tomorrow! I will most likely post late at night because I'm going over to my cousins house and will come home pretty late. But if my tamas aren't sleeping by the time I come back from my jog, then I will surely post.


EDIT: Typos, typos

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Oops, I forgot to update yesterday. I was busy all day with my family and everything, and I came home pretty late and just knocked out. I don't remember much. I had some allergy pills and those make me sleep like a baby. Enough about me though, let me tell you what's been going on with my tamas.

I've been spoiling Ivy a bit more, such as buying more snacks when toys aren't available. And also, for some reason today she kept getting mail and when she'd open the envelope, it turned out to be a heart everytime. Ah, does this mean she has a secret admirer, perhaps? I mean, there's really no other explanation, but we'll see what happens. Now that we're on the subject, I'm hoping Ivy gets a visit from the matchmaker tomorrow. She's already going to turn six and I'm getting tired of the same character. I want a change! But I don't have the heart to reset her :(

As for Taco, he is doing splendid. I bought him a few snacks as well :) Maybe the matchmaker will come to visit the day after tomorrow for him? Wait a second, isn't his character a bad care tama? xD Oh god, I need to keep updated on these things. I'm going to do some research on the characters after this!

All in a nutshell, today was boring. Nothing exciting overall happened so I'll feed you guys with the stats~


Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 3

Skills: 61-42-23

Age: 5yrs

Weight: 31lbs

Points: 60561gp


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 6

Age; 5yrs

Weight: 22lbs (shouldn't adults weigh around 30lbs??)

Points: 6244gp

Night dudes!

I'm quite excited at the moment, and I bet you guys can't guess why. No, you probably can. Guess who arrived today at 3pm? :furawatchi: That's correct, the matchmaker! At first, I wasn't liking the choices the matchmaker was giving Ivy, I thought that perhaps she deserved a little better in my opinion. I kept changing the time so I could get more choices, until I came across and Ura Mametchi (i believe) and I instantly clicked yes. Within seconds they mated and now Ivy has a cute baby boy hopping next to her at this very moment. I'm happy with the outcome, I was hoping for a boy this whole time. I already have a name picked out and everything.

I will probably end up getting rid of Ivy tomorrow by changing the time, mainly because I'm tired of her and I want to start over. Therefore, expect that to happen. xD As for Taco, nothing new with him, he's being quite boring.. Actually, very boring indeed. I used the shop today and bought many food items which both of my tamas are pleased with. Ivy went to work as always, and for some reason she kept receiving mail and it turned out to be a snake or a poop each time :D Maybe it's an excuse for me to play with her. I feel as if sometimes I don't pay enough attention.

I'll end my post here and post stats later because overall it's been a boring day and I just want to shower and get to bed and read :lol: Bye

The matchmaker came for Taco today! I wasn't really expecting it because my attention has been on Ivy most of the day, I've been getting her to leave to Tamaplanet and leave her baby to me to take care of, but that hasn't happened. I already changed the time numerous times and still nothing, so I'm quite sad. Anyway, back to Taco. Um, well, it's a boy! He got married to :p which is a bad character, so I'm hoping the baby won't grow up to be a bad care tama :angry: That would be awful!

This is a rather short post but I'll update again tonight!

Oh man, I haven't been in a logging mood lately, but I'm here to update you guys on the wonderful news. As you all know, I've been trying to get Ivy to leave which I successfully accomplished yesterday after posting :D Then afterwards I named the poor, crying baby Tomo. I took care of him for a good hour, and played with him and fed him when needed. He then evolved into kutchitamatchi then went straight to sleep. This morning I came back from my jog and he was ready to be fed an played with. Later on, the king gave him gotchi points (I forgot how many), so I then visited the shop which was on sale and bought him a few snacks. Oh, and I almost forgot, today was Tomo's first day of preschool :p He enjoyed it very much actually.

Then there's Taco, and I don't have any /new/ news except he's a tad overweight. I'm getting so lazy in caring for him now that he's an adult, so I just feed him until he's satisfied. However, Taco DOES leave tonight (thank god) I really want to start over. Therefore, tomorrow you'll be hearing from the new baby boy :> Hmm, I still need to come up with a name.

STATS TIME~ (haven't done these in a while..)

Tomo- V4.5

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 3

Skills : 15-40-9

Age: 0

Weight: 12lbs

Points: 60101gp


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 6

Age: 7

Weight: 33lbs

Points: 7104gp

I was thinking that if my v4.5's battery happens to die, I'll have to use my V3's battery instead. The V4.5 is much funner, and I don't want to spend money at the moment. But if I don't forget on friday to buy batteries, then perhaps I can keep both. Ah, but batteries are so expensive.

I'll see you guys soon :)

This morning I awoke to a sad baby boy on my V3 and I gladly named him Quinn and took care of him for a while. It was sad seeing Taco leave last night, but I really like starting over :huh: Right now, Quinn is a toddler, a mizutamatchi (took me a while to find that). He's so cute! I keep playing the Get ♪ because I honestly don't know how to play bump :s Does he have to be overweight or something? Oh, tomorrow he'll be turning into a teen! How time flies.

Speaking of teens, Tomo evolved into one this morning. He's a Daiyatchi, which is the diamond character. I gotta admit, he looks a bit odd, but I'm excited because I've never gotten this character before :D Haha, funny how tamagotchis still excite me. They're really amusing,, so different in their own ways ^^ Tomo received a heart in the mail and I bought him a fishing pole, a lamp, and a chest which was a complete waste because nothing special happened except he evolved into an oldie and he caught a WHALE with the fishing pole. My sister told me you could eat the whale and make it into sushi, I believed her :s

I'll update later ~
