Spring Confusion


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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Yesterday it was warm and sunny and beautiful. It was a day of spring, you would say. And then yesterday, as I watched television, they had on a commercial for the news "Look what you could wake up to" and there was a blizzard! This morning, my mother slides a sheet of paper under my door saying "2 hour delay, go back to bed", so I do. Then I talked to my friends on IM and they said, "school's closed" and I did the wave! lol. So here I am on my computer, looking outside the window. 5 plump robins and one cardinal are huddling together for warmth! Poor birds! Looks like they flew in a little too early. The roads are white and the snow is really deep. So much for spring. :huh:

So, what are your weather conditions like?

We had yesterday off too!

and we're going snowboarding today but it's Freezing. anyway enough about me .

With all the Global warming and stuff the birds are bound to be confused..It's raelly sad how they think springs comming and then they get a icy blast :huh:

It's a beautiful day here in Nottingham (UK). Sun is shining, it's warm, and the sky is blue...

In Spain it is quite the opposite. Winter came late, and wasn't awfully cold, and right now it is meant to be coldand raining, and yet it is 30ºC, and I am wearing a short sleeved t-shirt. :huh: The storks have come early too.

awsome haha weathers GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!(sarcasm) :) :D .well unfortunatley i'm in wisconsin and well lets just say it's HORRIBLE outside!!! the snow is 10ft tall(exaggeration)actually it's only 2ft tall!!!!!!!!!!!!it's hard as rock,about broke my but when i fell.I HATE THE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It could be a blizzard and my school wouldn't be off...always 2 hour delays...

It snowed today...not evan 1 inch...maybe a cm...

We got school off as well, on March 2nd, and thank goodness we did.

Anyways that is very sad, also for the other animals too. This sudden climate and weather change is probably driving them insane because they don't know if they should migrate, or stay, or what. It is ruinning their natural pattern.

The weather is pretty nutty down here. It's cold one day and hot the next. Today it was pretty warm. Yesterday it was in the 40's. x_X It's hard to keep up. I like the cold, though, and wish it would stay.

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Last year was the same. One day it was so warm (it was febuary) I was in a short-sleeved shirt. The next day it was freezing! But right now it is cold as it has been the past week.

Last week we had a blizzard. I live in Nebraska. We got 2 feet of snow and 3 snowdays! YAY! © I like pie!

On Friday, it went up from the low thirtys (cold enough to snow, but it wasn't raining, so there was no snow) to the low seventies. It was in the high sixties this morning, and now it's in the low forties, and going to rain.

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