Spot, Mocha and Nazotchi login codes! PLEASE READ!


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We could always got to plan c if we don't want to email them or try to find the code ourselves: DEBUG THE MUSIC STAR!!! If we can debug it we can get nazotchi and get the code. In order to do that, we will need some people to risk some tamas! Put one in water and we will see what happens.
ya I THINK someone could of debuged there tama and they got a nazotchi. so I THINK we should know how to debug the v6 to. in the tamagotchi debuging a v6 topic.

The problem is, how can we debug it? To do it we will need one person (me) to risk there tama and try out some things.
i would not if i9 were you. be very careful when you do it. i 'asnt careful and broke it.

The problem is, how can we debug it? To do it we will need one person (me) to risk there tama and try out some things.
i know we dont know how to debug a v6 but like dazziltchi now said that we should be careful investigating.

i know we dont know how to debug a v6 but like dazziltchi now said that we should be careful investigating.
yes, i broke my v1, v2, v3, v4, and v4.5 doing this. i've decidesd never to debug again.

does anyone know the dazilichi code :lol:
would you look at the TOPIC TITLE. THEN AFTER THAT think of what my quistion is going to be and the anser is going to be. any way, we should also think of the codes to. just in case. cause there is got to be a way too get thoose codes.

Debugging is really dangerous. It could break your toy, like what Evil Dazzilitchi said.

Bandai has told me to tell everyone, that I give the codes too. Not to share the codes not more and use them, sorry. :(


Dear Tama-Star girl,

We have found out that you are sharing the Mocha and Spot login codes, for Tamagotchi Music City. We are not mad, but we wish that you will not share the codes no more for the Tamagotchi Music Star. Please tell everyone, that you give the Mocha and Spot login codes to. Not to use and share them no more. But this doesn’t mean then you can’t use the Mocha and Spot login codes. We still need you to test them out on Tamagotchi Music City.


Bandai America, Inc.

Consumer Services

5551 Katella Ave.

Cypress, CA 90630

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