Spelling error on the celebrity Familitchi


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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2009
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I noticed a spelling mistake on the celebrity Familitchi. Here's how you'll find it: Go on the infra-red icon, select it. Go on "Special". It says "Passwoed", :angry:

not "Password". On the normal Familitchi though, it just says "Password." No spelling mistake on the normal one.

i can't believe it!

i've never even noticed that!! i've been on that screen on my celebrity tama loads of times and i've never noticed it. It's pretty funny. the A in "passwoad" does look a lot like an R though if you don't look too closely.

Hey and there is also another spelling mistake on the Music city logout screen.

It says passwoad. No offense but the Music city designers are kinda dumb for making that.

This type of stuff is very typical in Japanese/other language based games. =P

In fact on my Dance Summit 2001 booklet it says "Let's Dnace!"

But give 'em a break, at least they can speak other languages to make our lives easier. :]

I noticed that...

I personally wll give bandai a break on that error.

They are working on toys and many animes lately. I know they've been sponcering in with animes too.... They work hard for us, these little mistakes shouldn't be looked too hard upon.

Even though, it is simple... It is funny too.

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