sonicfan's Tamtacular Tama-Go Log!


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7/24/12 - 9:40 AM CT

Cocoa, you're still 2 years old. And I've had you for at least four days. What's up with that?

Cocoa: I dunno.

Whatever. Currently she is a Shelltchi! Woohoot! She has full training bars, friendship, and hapiness! Lovelitchi, I WANT! I WANT YOU!

Also, almost 450 views! I noticed one of you rated me down to four stars. I understand and hope to make this log better!

That's it for now.

7/25/12 - 12:57 PM

The most amazing thing just happened. Cocoa evolved into Lovelitchi! I have never gotten a perfect care character before, so this is an accomplishment! Even better, when I sent her to the park, she met none other than Kuro himself.


Guess what...fufufu...I GOT KUROMAMETCHI! Yesh!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I got a bit sidetracked. Anyway, say hi Noodles!

Noodles: Oh, hi.

By the way, this is my 5th generation. The fourth generation was just a Kikitchi again. Sigh.

Noodles: Don't you diss dad!

Well...FINE! For every stage of Noodles's growth, I got the best care character possible. Ahirukutchi, Kilalatchi, and then Kuro!

Noodles: You played on Minecraft untill I had lost 3 hunger hearts!

Heheh, sorry about that one! Anyway, I guess this is all for now.

9:32 AM CT

Restocked on some food because I have virtually unlimited Gotchi points (learn how to do it in the tips and tricks section of this forum.)

Next I'm sending Noodles to the park! EW HE MET OLD FART GRIPPATCHI!


He came home in a hurry. Ooh! I think I can buy a new wallpaper!

There's a beach wallpaper available, good enough.

Gonna go get 100,000 more gotchi points brb.

9/28 8:14 PM CT

I noticed my Tama-Go sitting on my desk, all dusty and alone. I felt sad for pausing it for so long, and unpaused it, pulling me back into the world of Tamagotchi!

Spaghetti: Nice to seeya!

Broth: You actually came back for us?

Milkshake: Gaga!

Oh hey guys! I'll buy you a new wallpaper. It's the fourth default house. By the way, Spaghetti is a Makkiko, Broth is a Kuromametchi, and Milkshake is undetermined as of now.

Milkshake: Haha! Da-

OH NOoOOOooo! Not Batterytchi! Now I have to find the freakin' screwdriver.


30 minutes later...


Broth: Thank goodness! You switched the batteries, eh?

Sure did, and you aren't doing anything at all. I guess this is all for now!
