Somthing strange


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If you play with it more it gets quieter sometimes for some reason, but sometimes it gets so loud that you can hear it about 30cms away :D

i think the beeping is the a spesial time for tamagotchi envolve so even if u adjust the time in your v watever it will not involve meaning u cant cheange the time of your tamas grwoth IS A SECRET TIME!!!!!!11 :) :wub:

my tam went of during my entrance exsames :) :wub: :lol: :) :D

yes it can be annoying, i was at my nans and me and my sisters sleep in a massive bed (two kiong beds pushed together for the three of us) it was quite hot so i put the air con on and it was dark and quiet, all very relaxing. So i put my head against the pillow to get to sleep then I hear beep beep beep beep for the very first time, i thought my v2 was going to blow up but then i realised it was only the tama clock!! :)

I know the real reason for it, let me explain..
You see, the computer that keeps the tamagotchi moving turnes on and off every second or so, and it makes a sound as it turns on. Try listening to it as you're looking at it, you will notice that your tama moves to the beat, instead of a bomb, I always thought of it as a heart beat!!
yeah me too lol :)

i kind of knew that but i never knew what the beep was for.

[SIZE=14pt]Hi all people,[/SIZE]This isn't really anythink special but it is fun to do....

If you put your ear to the back of your tamagotchi you will hear this beeping sound I wonder if it is your tama trying to blow his way out with special tamagotchi bombs!?!

thanks for your time! :ichigotchi: <_< :furawatchi: :mimitchi: :hitodetchi:
its the tama's heart beat :wacko:

No no no no no no no NO! Silly goofs! Every animal has a hertbeat unless it's dead! Are you mentally ill or did you flunk out of school or is everything you see dead? Because you may need to go back to kindergarten soon.

P.S. Tamas are alive :wacko: :) :) :) ;) :wacko: better belive it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is the heartbeat in a way. Every second or so, the Tamagotchi screen "updates" itself. It seems louder at night because everything else is quieter. Is you are playing a game with the sound off, the sound is one continous beeeeeeeeeeeeep, because the screen has to update more frequently. It is quite cool and the heartbeat is also a good way of putting it! :eek:

StarTama :huh:

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