sodalitee's Tamagotchi ON Log! (Comments okay!)


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Active member
Feb 24, 2022
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Berry Town
hi, everyone! since i've been getting the hang of raising tamagotchis and currently own two devices, i thought it'd be nice to share my progress with my first device; my fairy pink tamagotchi ON / Meets! i'll make a log for my tamagotchi pix at a later date.

NOTE: for this device, i will be using the computer program called MyMeets for my tama's genetics after gen 1, as i have some ideal tamas in mind i'd like to raise! i know this isn't really necessary; i just like making custom tamas ♡

7/7/2022, Day #1 - so far, i'm on my 1st generation. i forgot to take a picture of her as a baby, but currently, she is a female chiroritchi in her child stage! she seems to be very happy at the moment, and soon i will be connecting her to the official app before it shuts down so i can customize my profile and earn some gotchi points to keep her fed. will keep updating as she grows and evolves!

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Good luck with your Meets!
thank you very much! i'm looking forward to raising a whole family of cuties!

as for today's update...

7/8/2022, Day #2 - after a whole day of raising her, feeding her snacks and playing games, chiroritchi has evolved into a hanbunkotchi! no care mistakes have been made yet, but i don't usually make too many of them unless i'm trying to get a specific tama. i even bought her an adorable carousel room, and she even met a new friend today; a blue harapparatchi! maybe i'll work on breeding the tama pet later on, but for now, i'm just going to let the two hang out. sometime tomorrow, hanbunkotchi should evolve once again; then things will start to get really fun! she should be going to sleep soon, but i'll do my best to keep updating this thread as she grows!

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7/10/2022, Day #3 (technically day #4, but don't worry about it!) - oopsie, i forgot to post last night for yesterday's update! but, i'm happy to announce that hanbunkotchi has evolved into an adorable nijifuwatchi! it was pretty late at night so i forgot to upload this sooner, but i also connected with the MyMeets app and had my nijifuwatchi hatch a new baby boy! i named him kumofuwatchi (雲 - kumo, cloud) (ふわ - fuwa, fluffy) and have started to raise him into a child!

although, due to porting this new tama from the MyMeets app, their evolution stages seem to change in random colors in contrast to the chosen adult form, so he's somehow red now, haha... but! i hope you're all looking forward to seeing who kumofuwatchi evolves into!

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Ok I love the little red guy though XD This makes me want to get an On.
haha, thank you! he is very cute, isn't he? i'm also glad i could inspire you to get a tamagotchi ON! i highly recommend it if you can afford it, they're very cute and worth the money imo.

also, an update on this log! my device has currently ran out of batteries, and i currently don't have any more left to spare, so this thread will be on pause until i can buy some batteries to continue playing. thank you all for your patience!!
hi, everyone! this is a bit of a bump, i apologize; but i'm really sorry for forgetting to update this log! i'm not really great with keeping up daily with things, haha... but, i got my tamagotchi device some new batteries, but the last two months have been pretty hectic for me. however, i did end up screenshotting the final evolved forms of my tamas from my ON device! i might add more in the future, but for now, i'm moving on to my PIX. maybe i'll make a proper log there! but, here's my full line of tamas in my tamagotchi ON! thank you to all who kept up with this very short log~


in order:

Kumofuwatchi - ♂

(kumo; 雲 - cloud, fuwa; フワ - fluffy)

Amabaratchi - ♂
(ama; 甘い - sweet, bara; 薔薇 - rose)

Kirakayotchi - ♀
(kira; キラ - sparkle, kaiyo; 海洋 - ocean)

Kuromajotchi - ♀
(kuro; 黒 - black, majo; 魔女 - witch)

Ichigotchi - ♀
(ichigo, いちご - strawberry)

i probably messed up some of the translations (;´д`)ゞ