Today I woke up early cuz Jen was walking with me to schoolio
So, being my birthday, mummy came and woke me up to give me my presents. Then I did the normal things of a normal morning, as well as kicking over my cat's meat food, which was yuckyyy >.<. Then Jen came and we stayed on the computer until we had to go, though the computer was being all freezy.
So then we walked to school, and came into class. First thing we did was tell Mr K about our long weekend [so baby-ish xD] and yeah. Then we had to write a recount bout the weekend and stuff. During that time, I drew on the desk, and filled in mine and Jen's 'Random Book'.
Then we had lunch. Jen and I spent lunch walking around, arranging a soon-to-be film clip, and trying to hide from Sarah, as she is being a meanie again. When it was class time again, on the way, Kaitlin hugged Jen. Kylie kept on trying to persuade Kaitlin to hug me, but Kaitlin refused, so now I know who my one and only true enemy is.
Then we had to do this weird 'Self Evaluation' thinggy, about maths and english. I said that I'm satisfactory at both xD. After that, we had to decide what different types of chairs to get for our class, so we had to line up in height order. I was the tallest, as always. Everyone got child chairs, but I had to get an adult chair... like, a teacher chair.
Next we had recess, which was very boring. We spent that time looking for Emily's lunchbox, and practising our film clip. Jen and I also swapped sandwhiches, like we always do 8D
After thaaaaat, we had science. We went around the school measuring the wind of each place... the carpark was the windiest

And then we had reading, though I didn't have a book so I was drawing in the Random Book. We then painted our mini Planetarium that we're making for schoooool.
I then walked Jen to OSHC, and then walked home and ate some dinner, etc. Mummy left for work, and here I am now, on MSN, and seeming pathetic while worrying that one of my closest friends ever may leave TT.