Sneaking tamagotchi into school


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I bring my two iD-L's to school with me. My Princess Spacy hangs on a Tamatomo Stap, which is really handy. You're required to wear school IDs on a lanyard at my high school, so I just wear my Tamatomo strap and PS on my neck along with my school ID lanyard. The teachers expect to see something hanging around your neck, so they don't even notice the PS. It's also easy to take care of it, as the Tamatomo strap provides quick access to the tamagotchi on it. I keep my normal pink iD-L in the right front pocket of my loose jacket; it's only a little bit harder to get away with this method. Both tamas have their sound turned off all day at school, though I occassionally forget to turn the volume off. A teacher hasn't confiscated one yet.

As far as my friends and classmates go, they either don't care or are interested in my tamas. If they're interested, they'll be like: "Hey, what's that?" or "ZOMG IS THAT A TAMAGOTCHI?!?!?", the first usually being a boy and the latter a girl. Then again, everyone knows I like girly things already, so they're never really surprised and just let me be myself xD

Hey how do you put the sound off on the tamago? Because iam abit scared leaving it at home just in case it dies! Because you are at school for 7 hours and 30 minutes at my school so yeah
What you can do is this: set the time to when it's sleeping (I set it to about 11pm to 12am), then leave it until you can get to it. Your tamagotchi won't die, and the growth pattern won't be messed up either. (for you, I'd recommend setting the time to 11pm)

i used to hide it in some BIG layers of plastic bag so when i take it out no one can see it(bcuz the BIG layers of plastic bag made it blurry) XD

I just keep it in my pocket when I take it and turn the sound off xDD Ounce I was talking to my science teacher and I was playing with the keychain part. The /whole/ Tama came out of my pocket and he dident say a thing...I just hate when it goes off in class because I forget to turn the sound off. I left my V.4 in my gym locker room ounce....and the teacher let me go get it~ was a sub. Either way I was glad no one stole it. In my school people steal a lot.... As for bringing in a Tama-Go I think it would be safer to keep it in a pencil poutch...I've never tried to bring my Tama-Go before...

I bring it to school and I just keep it in my purse. My friend keeps it in her backpack and looks after it when ever she can. :p

I was sneaking my Tama-Go in my class and I kept it in my inside jacket pocket. It is REALLY useful if you forgot to turn off the sound.

Well, SOMETIMES it's useful -_-

And I didn't get in trouble :D

My story - I was in my first year of college, I was in my Maths class and my tama started beeping.

I tried to pretend it wasn't me so the lecturer decided to search everywhere for this sound, when they eventually spotted it (my tama was clipped onto my messenger bag so it wasn't difficult) everyone in the class just stared at me with a look of "are you serious?!" I tried to bluff it off saying that I was tamasitting for my cousin so they didn't think I was weirder than they already did.

It didn't work, but luckily I managed to find people that didn't care that I still love my tamagotchi's.

Now I'm in university I just turn the sound off and play games with it through the whole lecture, especially good for early monday mornings :D

My friend brought her tama to school. The sound was on, and.... it died during indoor break! Thankfully, it was so loud in the classroom we just had to run into the hallway. We aren't allowed to have electronics, except cellphones, and they can't be used, but the teachers aren't really strict... in our school, our backpacks are in the hallway outside the door, so all we have to do is, everytime we go to our backpacks, to get snack, lunch, jackets, homework, etc etc, we just have to peek in the pack and check the tama, and pretend to be looking for something. :rolleyes:

aww i remember doing this back in 4-5th grade :) lol all the boys in my class would get mad at the girls for playing tamagotchi's saying that they were dumb

and there was this one time i brought my v4.5 to school and while there was dead silence my teacher was speaking giving us a lecture my tamagotchi beeped because it was hungry she asked what was the noise and i said nothing and people were looking around hehe ^^ and then a few minutes later i went to go use the bathroom ( i made it pretty obvious it was me -,-) and yeah good old times

At my school none of the teachers really check. All I have to do is make sure I don't take it into the one class where my teacher hates me, keep the sound off, and keep it out of sight. I also have to make sure that my parents don't figure out that I take them to school. They would KILL me. :hitodetchi:

I used to put mine on a lanyard. Don't reccomend it. Use pockets or purses with the sound off.

The people whose parents don't want them taking the tamas to school:

Do you mind sharing why? I'm curious.

I would like to sneak my tama to school but it's not worth the risk if I get caught so...what if you pause it for the whole day while you're at school? Or will its growth get messed up or something? :unsure:

I would like to sneak my tama to school but it's not worth the risk if I get caught so...what if you pause it for the whole day while you're at school? Or will its growth get messed up or something? :unsure:
It's growth will mess up if you pause it, but another helpful way of pausing it is to set it to the time it sleeps, and turn off the sound. (press A and C simultaneously and a screen will show up and say "Sound?". Just select off, and when you're out of school/ when you need to, turn on the sound.)


I have had some experience of sneaking Tama's into school, but this year I didn't do it very often because my teacher was pretty strict this year, and he counts Tamagotchi's as "fiddle toys". =.= A few tips:

1. Do not go to the washroom and play if it's really dirty in there. @.@

2. Try to play outside when no one's looking or in a little corner, hiding it.

3. If you're outside during recess and have it with you in a unsecure pocket, it might fall out. I had a LOT of trouble looking for my black V6. It was broken because someone ran over it..... .___.

ok I just put my v4 to sleep and carry it around in my pocket all through school now.

TO PEOPLE WHO PUT THEIRS TO SLEEP: if it passes midnight the date will change so remember to change it back

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i'm going into 10th grade in september, the only thing i did to this that was remotely close was attach my poke walker onto the inside of my jeans. XD

but this year, if i use my locker, i'll probably bring a tama and keep it in there for the day and check on it between classes. i would love to just keep it around and bring it to classes with me but that's also just asking for me to get made fun of. DX :mellow: :angry:

Hey, hope i'm not bumping but,

I wouldn't really suggest you guys really hide your Tamagotchis in schools. Honestly your putting your V - Pet in risk of taking it away for the day, which means if you dont care for it, it could die or you could end up getting a character you dont want, etc. Or just get it taken away forever/end of the year. Plus, you shouldn't even should be having tamagotchis in schools, they're mostly considered electronics. Electronics arent allowed in school (other than phones but you need to place them in your bookbag) so you really dont wanna risk getting in trouble with your teacher and/or principal. But if your really concerened, just store them in your backpack and just check on them during recess or afterschool. Other the less, I wouldn't suggest bringing your tamagotchi, just put it on pause/sleep before heading out for the day.

- TamaTamatchi

Hey, hope I'm not Bumping but,

I haven't had any problems taking my tamas to school, my primary school allowed them. Now, in high school, I always ask the teacher at the beginning of every lesson if it is okay to just check up on them. If a teacher said no I'd try my hardest at the work for a month or so and wouldn't ask any more of it, then when you could see an improvement in my work I'd ask again, they’d usually say yes. It works with most teachers, but not all. Also you have to keep your work at that level or higher so it's not the most popular one to do.

If I don't want them to be seen by some people I just put them in a hollowed out book and pretend I'm just reading. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for playing games with them or any harsher more noticeable movements. Another good one is to use a decoy phone; make sure your tama is always in the same pocket as the fake/old phone because when the teacher comes over to take your tamagotchi off you, just take the decoy phone out and pass them that. But, once you've done it once that lesson you can't do it again.

You can also use your real phone but at my high school the lessons are 90 mins long and you have to have a parent/guardian collect your phone out of school hours so it's less hassle using a decoy phone because you can leave it there and get another one.

I think that I have some helpful advice for bringing your Tama-Go to school


Yeah... I don't know what you could make it look like..maybe a pencil sharpener that you never use?

On a more serious note though, to make your pet seem less girly if that is what you are worried about, make a custom faceplate like I did. I made a Sherlock Holmes one and my friends though it was cool.

Also I have no problem putting my Tama pet on pause. Personally I would want to be around to keep it healthy instead of worrying all day. And your pet will grow eventually!

Don't worry about putting your pet on pause unless you really want to grow it fast.

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