Smoking - Your Opinions


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I'm kind of on the fence about smoking. In New Zealand, there's this huge bias against smoking, and it's portrayed in such a negative way (Actually most substances such as alcohol, smoking and drugs are put in a very negative way in NZ). I can understand why NZ wants to just ban cigarettes completely, but it doesn't really make sense to ban just cigarettes, and keep all the other harmful substances legal. I personally couldn't care less if you smoke or not. If you don't like it, you can just leave, or stand the way the winds not blowing so you don't get a face full of second-hand smoke. It is literally that simple. All the same, it wouldn't matter to me if NZ were to become smokefree anyway. What the whole 'ban movement' doesn't get is that it's really hard to quit, and nicotine is extremely addictive, and it's not as simple as just banning them. Because if you're addicted, then the law is probably not going to stop you getting your hands on some cigarettes.

Drinking can cause kidney, liver, brain and heart damage, aswell as taking it's toll on your physical appearance. It is a depressant, and has so many more negative behavioural side-effects than smoking. It is not perfectly healthy to just drink and not get drunk.
But that's drinking excessively. If you drink normal it really is not unhealthy, and can even have good effects. I would think smoking is worse, since that is harder to not get addicted to. We know of smoking that it really can cause cancer. But that is not said a bout normal, healthy drinking.

But that's drinking excessively. If you drink normal it really is not unhealthy, and can even have good effects. I would think smoking is worse, since that is harder to not get addicted to. We know of smoking that it really can cause cancer. But that is not said a bout normal, healthy drinking.
I can drink one drop of poison, it won't kill me though

I guess I'll do it anyway though.

I heard that if you were born after 2000 and live in Tasmania, you can't smoke even when your old enough because they're trying to get rid of it slowly

I heard that if you were born after 2000 and live in Tasmania, you can't smoke even when your old enough because they're trying to get rid of it slowly
The Tas government are attempting to introduce a law that would mean anyone born after 2000 would be banned from buying cigs when they turn 18 years old.
I'm not convinced that the government making something illegal solves the problem. It does leave them open to criticism about restricting an adult's right to make their own decisions. (And don't a lot of teens and young adults tend to want to do the opposite of what their parents or the government tell them)?

I can drink one drop of poison, it won't kill me though

I guess I'll do it anyway though.
Alcohol =/= poison; It is MUCH more fun than poison!

I really don't think that drinking moderately is a problem. It shouldn't be used as a coping mechanism (like some people drink when they are feeling really stressed or depressed), because that is what leads to problems, but when done by a legal, responsible adult, I don't see the issue with it.

Smoking, on the other hand, is much worse for you, and way easier to get addicted to.

As for the Tasmania thing, I think that might cause a few problems.. because they are not outlawing it straight up, it will be a lot easier for people to access. For example, someone might have been born in 2000, but their friend was born in 1999. So their friend can simply buy it for them...

Do you know if it will also be illegal for them to actually smoke, or just for them to buy the things?

I don't smoke, and I wouldn't want to make it a part of my life because I don't see the attraction of it. But I don't have a problem with other people choosing to do so. It's a very personal lifestyle choice.

I think there would be issues with trying to make smoking illegal. Pulling cigarettes straight from the shelves would have serious effects on those with an addiction. If it were to happen, it would be a slow and steady process.

But more of an issue is the fact that there are so many other things out there that are terrible for us. For example, you could smoke twenty cigarettes a day and expose yourself to the risk of cancer and emphysema. Or you could eat twenty chocolate bars a day and expose yourself to the risk of diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and strokes. Those are all serious health problems, and yet I think if the idea to make chocolate illegal was proposed, it would be laughed at. Plus, there are many of us who enjoy the odd drink, sweet or for some even a smoke whose ability to do so would therefore be unfairly affected.

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My parents smoke. I'm fine with it because it's their life choice. It makes me cough really badly though so they don't smoke around me. If I'm in public and someones smoking I just try to move away, but if I can't then I'll ask them if they wouldn't mind stopping, If they don't then I just tolerate it.

What I don't like though is when people don't stop if you ask them to because you're having a coughing fit or something, when people force others to smoke, when people start because it looks fashionable and when smoking in public buildings got banned so everyone was forced to smoke outside so it meant more litter from smokers everywhere because no new bins were made for smokers.

But that's drinking excessively. If you drink normal it really is not unhealthy, and can even have good effects. I would think smoking is worse, since that is harder to not get addicted to. We know of smoking that it really can cause cancer. But that is not said a bout normal, healthy drinking.
Can you give me a good, credible source (.edu, .org, print) that says drinking in moderation can promote good side effects? I have never heard of this before.

Can you give me a good, credible source (.edu, .org, print) that says drinking in moderation can promote good side effects? I have never heard of this before.
I am not sure which country you live in, but it's pretty common knowledge in Europe that drinking in moderation is acceptable and can have some health benefits. If you use google to search for a phrase such as "benefits of alcohol" you will find plenty of links - and many of them are credible - these are just a couple from the UK:

This is related - Forbes magazine - not specifically about the benefits of red wine, but if you take the time to read through to the end of the article it acknowledges that drinking red wine in moderation to take advantage of a component in the skin of grapes contained in red wine is beneficial.

There are others around - just google - but I think it wise to keep on topic - Smoking - rather than alcohol ;)

Everything in moderation is normally a pretty good guide. Personally (from experience) I don't think it is possible to become addicted to tobacco if you smoke occasionally - in the way that some people drink a glass or two of wine with a weekend meal.

It all becomes debatable when people have a different idea of what is "occasional".

The last time I checked there were very few studies which looked at the personal health risks of smoking to those who smoke 5 or less cigarettes per day.

This doesn't prove that it's safe at all - I am just mentioning that there doesn't appear to be any research data to indicate the long term health effects of smoking at this low level. I am talking about personal heath - not effects of passive smoking - although again, 5 cigarettes or less per day, smoked outside away from others... hmmm - not sure anyone will ever collect data to prove or disprove that kind of smoking is harmful.

Thank you. I live in a pretty conservative area and within a very conservative where drinking (whether it be alcohol, coffee, or tea) is looked down upon, so I guess I'm just not as exposed to it as others might be.

I think no one should smoke. Almost everyone who smokes knows how harmful it is, but still they don't stop. They don't even try. I think the Government should actually ban smoking, but they don't because they get lots of money.

That is what I am angry about. They ban things with less tobacco but they don't ban smoking. What would you rather want: To get millions of money from everyone buying ciggarettes and watch millions suffering or watch people being happy and free from tobacco?

I choose Option 2. -_-

I think no one should smoke. Almost everyone who smokes knows how harmful it is, but still they don't stop. They don't even try. I think the Government should actually ban smoking, but they don't because they get lots of money.

That is what I am angry about. They ban things with less tobacco but they don't ban smoking. What would you rather want: To get millions of money from everyone buying ciggarettes and watch millions suffering or watch people being happy and free from tobacco?

I choose Option 2. -_-
The thing is, that is taking away freedom away from people who:

-smoke bad and unhealthy but also

-smoke good and healthy

Smoking on it's own isn't so bad. It's the attitude of the smoker that (can be) bad. Of course cigarettes are also to blame, since they're made to get addicted to(but pipes and cigars aren't (at least most of them afaik)).

So the problem is also the person himself too.

Maybe they should ban cigarettes, but then people would probably roll their own.

Both my Mom and Dad are smoking. I HATE IT. I have 4 siblings. 2 of them are half and one of them is also smoking. :(

Since I was a kid, I had asthma up until now. My brother also has asthma as a kid but now, he doesn't. My parents smoke a lot of the time but the try to move as far away as they can from me. Even though I appreciate their efforts to go away fro me when they smoke and they strongly discourage me to smoke, It clearly doesn't help.

Sometimes when I'm near them, I inhale a small amount of smoke. It's not only me that I'm concerned about. It's for the whole family. It's for our whole family's health. And if they also stop smoking, we can save a lot of money.

So for those who are smoking, I know this is hard to do and in your mind you're probably saying " Who is this kid to rule my life!?", but please... Stop smoking.

There are a lot of benefits you can get from stopping this very bad habit. You get to live longer, your family and people surronding you are safe, you decrease pollution and you get to save money :) )

The thing is, that is taking away freedom away from people who:

-smoke bad and unhealthy but also

-smoke good and healthy

Smoking on it's own isn't so bad. It's the attitude of the smoker that (can be) bad. Of course cigarettes are also to blame, since they're made to get addicted to(but pipes and cigars aren't (at least most of them afaik)).

So the problem is also the person himself too.

Maybe they should ban cigarettes, but then people would probably roll their own.
You're very right. People should control it, but they just go too far with smoking.

My uncle had to go to hospital because he smoked. He was in a very serious condition. Now, he has lowered the smoking down a bit but he is still smoking.

Although, if these cigarettes weren't invented at all, there would be less people catching serious diseases. Yes, the smoker's attitude is also included in the problem..That is why I think they should be banned. It's a bit like someone getting a chocolate one fine morning. She loves it, so she gets another the next day..and the next..and the next. Then, she buys a 12-Pack and eats them each day for 12 days. Her teeth are ruined because she ate so much chocolate! Now, if the mother of this person makes a topic stating the Government should ban chocolate because it's unhealthy, everyone will disagree. It is not as unhealthy as smoking..It doesn't give you black lungs does it? Smoking is a very serious problem..Chocolate is not.

Let's get back to the topic. Smoking - cigarette and attitude of smoker.

It's all happening because of the cigarette. It changes the brain from "Okay, just one smoke.." to "I'm just going to smoke some more, it will be okay."

That is the problem I have with smoking.


I would never smoke. And under my opinion there's no excuse to it.
What is the hidden truth behind this is that cigarette is a slow and suffering poison that once you try out you can't escape...
It's a bad habbit that stucks inside you without turning back until slowly kill you!
It is not my place to tell someone what they can and cannot do with their bodies. However, smoking does not just hurt the smoker, it can also hurt the smoker's family as well. I am not just talking about secondhand smoke either. My mother smoked for years. She quit when I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 17. But her days of smoking caught up with her. I spent three months ( close to four ) sitting in a hospital room watching her slowly die of lung cancer. No one should have to watch a loved one deteriorate like that. Even if you quit, it can still catch up to you.

Although, if these cigarettes weren't invented at all, there would be less people catching serious diseases. Yes, the smoker's attitude is also included in the problem..That is why I think they should be banned. It's a bit like someone getting a chocolate one fine morning. She loves it, so she gets another the next day..and the next..and the next. Then, she buys a 12-Pack and eats them each day for 12 days. Her teeth are ruined because she ate so much chocolate! Now, if the mother of this person makes a topic stating the Government should ban chocolate because it's unhealthy, everyone will disagree. It is not as unhealthy as smoking..It doesn't give you black lungs does it? Smoking is a very serious problem..Chocolate is not.
I think the difference between chocolate and cigarettes is that most people know how to eat chocolate responsibly, and being addicted to it takes a lot longer and is not as strong as the nicotine addiction. They are, however, if taken in equal quantities, probably as bad as each other. If you have diabetes and suddenly your blood sugar either drops or skyrockets, that can mean you die within hours. If you have a stroke or a heart attack, your life could end in minutes. Cancer can at least, to a certain point, (and I'm not saying it isn't a horrible, horrible thing, because it is) be held back to give time to the sufferer to live their life rather than being as instantly unforgiving as many conditions related to eating unhealthily.

I agree with you in that smoking is clearly bad for you, I'm not a fan and my biggest issue is that it is a habit that can at times affect me because of passive smoking, and it should be discouraged in the same way as unhealthy eating and excessive drinking are. But I think it would be difficult to ban it without raising questions about banning alcohol and extremely unhealthy foods as well.

I think unhealthy food can be handled more than smoking. Smoking is way more addictive. Although, I agree with you on the alcohol part. :)

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