Smart and kind Pochitchi, mean hanatchi!


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Jan 21, 2006
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Once upon a time there was an intelligent young :D named Anna. Anna was not only smart, but she was very kind and good-hearted.

Anna's worst enemy was an evil hanatchi named Whine. Though there are many good-hearted hanatchis, Whine wasn't excatly the pick of the litter. She was a heartless spoiled brat, and got everything she wanted. Even though she was a monster, and was quite stupid, she was beautiful and all the boy tamas fell in love with her. Anna wasn't ugly, but she hadn't found that special someone, while Whine was an expert as breaking that special someone's heart.

One day Anna was walking along when...

a handsome :D walked by. His name was Joey. Anna fell in love with Joey at first sight. But then Whine came. Joey looked at Whine. He was amazed at how beautiful the hanatchi was, unknowing of her heartlessness and stupidity. He fell in love with her.

He ran up to her. "hi." Joey said. He bought a smoothie for him and her, and she increased the effect by slipping love potion in his. Now no other love potion could affect his heart. He sipped his smoothie as he looked lovingly over at Whine.

Anna stood there, dumbstruck. She had found the love of her life and Whine stole him away. She started to cry.

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Anna was just crying when suddenly another handsome boy came by :unsure: and saw

Whine he was amazed by her beauty but then he saw Anna crying and asked her what was wrong.Anna told him about how idiotic Whine is and her heat inside was plain black but the boy ignored her and walked over to Whine.Whine liked the second boy better than the first one but she gave the first one love potion and she was stuck with him forever.Soon

Anna found out :wacko: was just as stupid as Whine

Whine saw the other pochitchi talking to Anna, and became envious, even though all the other boys fell in love with her. Whine came up and slapped the pochitchi, named Lenny, and pulled him away by the ears. She stuffed love potion down his throat, so he'd fall in love with her, and then brought him to a secret lab where they expiremented on tamas.

Now poor Lenny was not only in love with an idiot, but he became an idiot. They used a machine to damage his brain, and suck his knowledge away.

Anna ran home to her room and cried. The next day was Sunday so she went outside to play with her brother, Danny. :huh: Around noon some Tamas moved into the house across the street. There was a girl, Lola ^_^ and a boy, Mike. ;) Anna invited them inside for a drink. Danny made smoothies. After the smoothies Mike was all :lol: over Anna. She had no clue why. Later Danny told her he put an extra special love potion in his smoothie. The next day when they went to school Whines was all :eek: :D :D ;) :p .And she told Anna this:.....


the 2 most handsome boys heard that and stopped liking Whine because she was so mean

But Joey and Lenny were affected by the love potion. they tried to fight, but didnt work...

Soon Whine decided to get all the boys to drink the love potion so Anna could never find that special somone...

But Mike who was still all :wub: over Anna was there for her when there were rough times ahead .Her dad :ph34r: went to the army and her mom :furawatchi: got sick and died. So Mikes family adoped her and Danny. Then they moved!!!! But there was a mean girl named Sara :ichigotchi: at her new school. She was Whines penpal!!! She soon made Annas life horrible.Anna sill had some friends though, her brother, Danny :blink: ,Lola :chohimetchi: Mike :wub: and two new friends, Lilly :mimitchi: and Bob :angry: . One day she saw Sara at the park....

"I do hate you"said Anna.Now this something Whine or Sara might do but surprisely Anna did it....

Anna pulled a bottle liquid from her pocket and forced it down Sara and immedily Sara became her zombie

"Because...well I don't know but I just decided I could be nice." said Anna.

And they became the bestest friends and soon Sara heard all about the love potion and wrecking brains and all that other stuff.

"I didn't know that Whine had done that stuff!!! I thought she was my friend!" said Sara and she became very :ph34r: at Whine. But one day, when Sara :D and Anna :D were walking down the road...

"Because...well I don't know but I just decided I could be nice." said Anna. And they became the bestest friends and soon Sara heard all about the love potion and wrecking brains and all that other stuff.

"I didn't know that Whine had done that stuff!!! I thought she was my friend!" said Sara and she became very :eek: at Whine. But one day, when Sara B) and Anna :( were walking down the road...
and they saw Whine... looking sadder then ever B)


Sara :huh: : Why are you are you upset?

Whine :) : Anna is being mean to me!

Sara leaves Anna alone and walks away laughing with Whine

"But... I!" Anna started.

"Forget it!" Sara Replied. "You can't complain about someone being mean, when your being mean yourself!"

Anna didn't bother saying anything else, cuz she knew Sara wouldn't believe her. She walked away sadly...

-Bubba28 ^____^

So she moved away cause she was a adult.She went to a high class college.But the worst thing of all was The TEACHER.She picked on anna always gave her F's.So she got out of the class and went to a baby class.Because she was pregnat with Bob the dad.

So when she gave birth Whine kidnapped her shiropuchi.Whine did it because she was jealous.She wanted revenge.So she starved the baby Ally.

As soon as Ally turned into a child, she noticed a hole in the wall where she could escape.

When whine left ally alone for a bit, she crawled through the hole, and into the street. She ran for ages, and then...

-Bubba28 :furawatchi:

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