Sinister Intentions


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TamaTalk Guides / Moderator
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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 3, 2009
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Have you ever purposely used someone else for your own personal gain?

Are some people around you just pawns you send out so your queen can attack without worry? (Chess metaphor)

This is just mainly a curiosity of mine. Personally, I enjoy having people do work for me or spilling information about others to me.

I've used people to grow higher on the hierarchy of life this way.

Usually I come off as a good person willing to help and care. However I love a little chaos and drama here and there. Usually at school. It's most fun there.

Now, has anyone else done anything kind of sinister in nature on purpose?

If you can share, what was it? What was the outcome?


Sometimes I pretend to get mad at and break up with my boyfriend.

It hurts me to upset him so much but sometimes I get paranoid that he doesn't love me, so I break up to see how upset he gets :p

If he didn't love me, he wouldn't get so upset ;)

Why isn't this in SNTT

I can't remember doing anything for sinister intention, though I know I did when I was a young-un.

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I mean, in high school (and even now, love how I'm talking about my high school days as if its been years. I graduated literally a month ago xD), my friends and I would gossip about people and sometimes I'd be really nosy and try to get information out of my friends about other people, but I don't think I've ever done anything with very "sinister" intentions.

Hmm...I don't really have any "sinister intentions"... x) I'm pretty nice and honest usually, and I don't "use" others for personal gain. :p

Edit: This is post #666.

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I might've done something like that at least a few times, years ago, but never really with a malicious intent (probably).

Reminds me of a day in the first grade. I was going to talk to some classmate about what they were doing (i.e., hurt their feelings) until I noticed they were already trying their best to change :D

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