Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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Cooper smiled gently. "She'll come back, I'm sure of it. It seems as if she really loves you," he said. "You two look like youre perfect for each other."


Grace nodded slowly. "Don't worry, I promise I won't." She could see the concern in his eyes, and it would kill her to hurt in any way. "I'll go to sleep now, but where are you going?" She asked.

Fang smiled warmly at Cooper's words. "You think so?" he said dreamily.

Sterling breathed a sigh of relief. He licked her cheek tenderly. "I'm just going to go out and talk with the guys. They're out there sitting together. I think I'll go join them," he said with a loving smile.

Cooper nodded. "Of course! Can't you see it when you talk to her? She clearly likes you," he said and let out a small chuckle.


Grace returned that smile and rested her head on her paws. "Oh, alright. Tell them I said hi for me," she said happily and flicked her tail back and forth happily.


Jack listned to Fang and Cooper's conversation contently as he harrassed a beetle near his paws. He swatted it away and looked towards his den where he saw Sterling standing. His ears perked up and he rose to his feet. His tail was wagging so furiously that he almosed fell over.

ooc: x333 Jack is just so darn cute.

Sterling paused to look at his girl for a few moments before making his way out toward Jack and the guys. "Hey Coop, Fang," he said with a bright smile. "Grace just got back. She promised me she wouldn't go out anymore." Sterling motioned for Jack to come to him.

(I know ♥ I want a kid like Jack :D )


Grace closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Jack let out a happy bark and bounded over to his father's side. "Are the puppies here yet?" he asked enthusiastically.


Cooper smiled as Sterling approached the group. "Hey Sterling." He shifted so Sterling could join them before continuing. "So, any day now, huh? You really made Grace's day when you became her mate, just know that. Take care of her," he said with an easy smile on his face. His voice was kind, but there was a hint of protectiveness in it as he talked to Sterling. He knew Sterling would be a good father and husband to Grace, but he didn't want to see her hurt.

./sorry I haven't replied in forever guys!

Shelly smiled at Prince then asked, "So, do you have any...'rules', you want me to know about, that you hold to?"

Sterling nodded. "Oh, I will. I will protect her and our children with my life." He swung his paw gently over Jack's snout. "No buddy, the pups aren't here yet, but they should be here any day now. I'll let you know when they're coming." He grinned wide. "You guys, having pups is one of the most exciting experiences. I bet you can't wait to be a dad huh Coop? Hopefully that'll be very soon. You and Miss Chloe would make beautiful pups."

Fang laughed. "This pack is about to become a whole lot bigger."

Chloe closed her eyes. "There must be some reason you keep coming. Is it because you want to become a member of my pack? If so, you have an odd way of showing it, being rude when I ask you a simple question. Saying that this is a free country and whatnot."

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Cooper nodded and buried his head in his paws in embarrasment. "It would help if I told her how I feel first," he replied sheepishly. He lifted his head again and laughed nervously.

Jack smiled at both of them and stretched out on the ground.

(pups now? -super impaitent- XD)

lD Naw, I didn't mean it like that. WAIT! Do you mean you want Grace to have the pups now, or were talking about something else? lDD

Sterling laughed. "That would be wise. I was just poking fun at you Cooper. Take your time. The best things in life are worth waiting for," he said and put his head down on Jack's back, pretending to be asleep.

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(Haha, yes now. :D )


"Oh, I know," Cooper said with a small chuckle. "Once she's done with that lone wolf, I'll tell her."

Jack squirmed under his head and laughed. "Daddy!"

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(Sure. You're the mom. You decide when it's time. l3)

Sterling opened one eye. "What?" he asked innocently.

(YAY! Haha, I feel like a six year old right now.)


Inside the cave, Grace's eyes flew open. She whimpered softly as her labor began.


Jack giggled and turned to look at Sterling. "Your head is heavy! I wanna visit mommy!"

Sterling laughed and picked up his head. "You want to go visit mommy? I think she's still resting Jack. I don't want to wake her. How about you tiptoe in there and check on her. Shh," Sterling whispered. "Be real quiet."

ooc: Sorry there Apple, but I have to go for the night. Labor lasts awhile anyways. . . lol.

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Jack nodded and slipped out from under his head and trotted off towards the den. Once he was inside, he gasped softly. Grace lay on her side panting. Grace picked her head up and took a deep breath in. "Please go get your father," she instructed Jack and let out a small gasp of pain as the pups kicked inside her belly.


Jack turned around and ran back to Sterling as fast as he could. He tried to stop, but he clumsily tripped and ran into Cooper. "Daddy! I think the puppies are coming. Mommy wants you in there," Jack said and righted himself.


Cooper's ears perked up. "Grace is having her pups? Sterling, you better get in there," he said and stood up himself. "I'm going to go let Chloe know real quick." He mumbled and ran off to where the she-wolf stood and talked with the lone wolf.


( Alrighty, good night :) )

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"If you were me you would feel the breeze, spitting in your face. If you were me you would run fleeing from poacher like how I am generally, that was how I came into your territory, fleeing."

Dawn fidgited slightly after finishing the meal she'd just caught and devoured, her mind wondering to thoughts about Fang and whatnot. Devlyn rolled around frantically beside her white coat, dust flying up and attatching to his pelt. She rolled her icy eyes and swatted his ear with her bushy tail, "Stop that. You'll never get clean if you continue." Devlyn just huffed and sat down silently next to her with half-closed eyes.

Sterling jumped up quickly. "The pups are coming!" He zoomed over to the den, finding Grace on her side panting and looking to be in extreme pain. "I'm here Grace," he whispered, sitting beside her and giving her a soft nuzzle with his head.

Chloe was about to reply to Kale, but instantly paused when she saw Cooper hurrying up to them. Something looked to be wrong. "Kale, we well continue this later. I will allow you to visit with your daughter while I handle something." With that, she brushed by him and hurried up to meet with Cooper. "What's going on?" she asked, worried.

Fang began to pace. He was excited, but very nervous as well. Grace's pups were coming and he wanted to do something, not just sit there doing nothing. But what else could he do? I wish Dawn were here he thought, a sting of sadness rushing through him.

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Cooper nudged her towards Grace's den. "Grace's pups are coming. I thought I would let you know since you're the alpha and all," he said, hoping that she couldn't tell that he only wanted an excuse to be close to her again.


Grace oppened one eye and nuuzzled him back weakly. "I know," she whispered back. Jack had followed Sterling as he took off and was now standing at the mouth of the den waiting paitently.

(Um, so I don't really know how to roleplay the pups being born, so do you want to timeskip to right after the final pup was born?)

Sure. Sterling will be waiting outside.

*Umpteen hours later*

Sterling sat directly outside of their den along with Chloe, Fang, and the others. Grace wanted to do the rest alone and said that she would call when she's ready for everyone to come in. So there he sat, waiting. Fang patted Sterling on the back with his paw. "Loosen up man," he said, trying to comfort his anxious friend. "It'll be over soon."

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