Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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Aire nodded, chuckling lightly. "It isnprobably personal. Please do not constantly asknher questions about it oir prybher for answers. I do not wish for your muzzle to get swiped." Aire warned, his voice soft, almost a whisper, now.

"Hey, I kind of want to go for a swim." Shelly said to Prince, oblivious to everything going on around her. "Wanna come?"

Shelly smiled and started trotting towards the river. "Last one there's gonna be eaten by that buffalo!" She joked.

"Oh don't worry, I've learned my lesson in that department." Chloe chuckled looked down as Alexa pranced up to her. "That's great sweetheart. Is there anyone you would like to stay with?" she asked.

She laughed. "You and Svetlana seem very close. I know that she really does care about you Aire. I hope you know that," Chloe said with a warm smile.

Cooper shook his head slowly. "At the moment, no," he replied with a small chuckle.

Grace trotted past Alexa and Chloe while Jack sprinted ahead of her. "Excuse me," she giggled and finally caught up to the pup. By this time, Jack was exhausted, so he stopped and was panting heavily. She only smiled at him and picked him up by he scruff of the neck and walked past Chloe and the new pup once more to get to camp.

Grace sat down between Cooper and Sterling quietly. She released Jack and turned to Sterling. "I'm sorry about that," she said and giggled softly. Jack licked her ear and laid next to Sterling. He figured that if he hid next to the new male, he wouldn't get in too much trouble.

"There are plenty of pretty girls here. Why don't you get to know one. Chloe's pretty cute," he said with a chuckle. Sterling lay down beside Jack, excited that he was willing to get close him. Sterling put his paw on Jack's backside. "How are you little man?" he asked, moving his paw back and fourth. He looked up at Grace, smiling from ear to ear.

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"Oh, I don't know. She's always so busy," Cooper said sheepishly and looked out to where Aire, Chloe, and a little pup stood.

"I'm tired. That was a long run!" Jack said enthusiastically as he looked up at Sterling.

Grace smiled back and stretched out, much like Julien was. She turned her head and watched them contently.

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"Oh, I'm sure she's not that busy," Sterling said and grinned. "So does that mean you like her, but you're reluctant to go for it because she's busy all of the time?"

"She's not all that busy," Fang said as he walked up, unaware of the topic of conversation.

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Cooper hid his face in his paws and didn't answer their questions. "She's busy now," he muttered and closed his eyes.

Grace laughed at him and turned to look at Sterling again.

Sterling laughed heartily. "You are very funny Cooper. If you like her, then tell her. Just go for it." Fang cocked his head, his eyes grew wide. "You like Chloe Cooper?" he asked smiling.

Chloe sat not too far away, although she could not hear what was going on.

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"Cooper likes Chloe," Fang said grinning. Sterling laughed. "I told him to got for it if he liked her."

Cooper finally stood up, grumbling under his breath. If a wolf could blush, he most definitely would have been. If anything, the way his head was down and the words he mumbled were enough to show his embarrasment. He walked over to Chloe slowly and sat down beside her somewhat shakily. "Hi Chloe."

Grace smiled. "He'll be back. He won't tell her either. He is kind of a sissy," she said and laughed.

Chloe smiled wide. "Why, hello there Cooper! How are you?" she asked cheerfully.

Fang laughed. "Well brush my fur, he does like her!" Sterling looked at Grace and laughed. "Well how about that?"

"I-I'm good." Cooper said and brushed his tail across the ground nervously.

Grace laughed once more. "Yeah, he told me earlier today. I wonder if he'll do anything about this though," Sshe mused and rolled onto her side. Jack hopped up and nestled against her stomach and, once again, fell asleep.

Fang shook his head. "That's too bad. Chloe has been so lonely. Don't tell her I told you, she'd kill me, but she is painfully lonely. I'm sure she would love a guy like Cooper. I've heard her talk about him, and it seems that she likes him as well, although she has never admitted it."

Sterling nuzzled Jack, a feeling of warmth spreading through his body. "Grace, I'm affraid that you'll either have to become my mate, or let me adopt Jack. . . . or both" he laughed, although he secretly did mean what he said.

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