Signatures, do you read them?


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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Do you guys read people's signatures?

I do every now and then. If there is a link or something related to cricket or guinea pigs, I'm there!

I do usually; sometimes I don't when I'm in a hurry.. I usually just glance at it though, more than actually read it.

If it's got black and dark colours, sometimes. If it's bright and cheery, I want to throw myself of a bridge.

It normally depends. If it's really big (and annoying, taking up too much space), then I normally will read what it is they feel needs to be that large. If there's a link, I read as to what it is and click on a few. But otherwise, I really don't unless I notice it's a certain person or pertaining to something I like.

If it's got black and dark colours, sometimes. If it's bright and cheery, I want to throw myself of a bridge.
How about mine? It's both. XD

I read them sometimes. I don't know why, but I end up reading some people's signatures over and over and over in some topics. And then I go to a different topic, and they posted in that one too, so I start reading it again, in every post they make. And then I finally realize halfway throught the signature how many time's I've read it, so I stop. But then I do it again.

Well, most people can see on TamaTalk, am I right? Yeah. So, I get to glance down at the signature while reading the post. If I see something like this:

View my RP Character, Sasuka!
or something like that, I'm not bothering >.<' Oh, and if you try clicking it, the link won't work. I just grabbed the name out of some random member's signature. If it is interesting like this:
Article on the new planet, Plutobwoueo!
and I then scroll my mouse over it, and then look at the link thing on the bottom left of the screen, then see if it really is an article about it, then yeah. I just made up a fake "new planet" name XD
All the time man! I luv reading people's avvie. It gives me a hint about what they are like, and what they like! That is how I made about 3/4 of my buddies here!

BTW:I LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV your avvie, candygirl93!!!!!!!!!!!

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