ShutUpAndSmiles Angelgotchi Log


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
East Cost, USA
Well my angelgotchi came today! While I was asleep. I opened it at six and turned it on!

So far its been on for about 20mins. It's so hard to figure this out! D:

I've figured out snacks and healing my tama but some of the other ones I cant.

(If anyone has an angelgotchi, maybe lend me a hand at where the controls are?)

I'm not really sure how the game works either?

I shall keep playing with it till I understand!

Edit: I found this guide. Helped so much. Guide

Now if only I knew how to pause it?

7:17 My angel went to sleep :)

7:23 Shes awake again and now one death day thing old! Yayy She's growing up so fast. -tear- lol <3 Hopefully she'll grown into her next form soon.

7:43 My angel is now a Maruten! Wooo

8:00 My angel is now asleep, and believe its for the night. :3

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Well I kept her paused all day yesterday but unpaused today at 8am

She constantly(every 20mins or so maybe less) needs to be fed, made happy, and trained.

She's prayed for me once so far today and I praised her.

Other then that nothing new today. I hope that she grows into her next stage soon :3

Oh so I decided to upload a pic..can't see the character though :(


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