Showtime! The Magnificent Adventures of Salad and Friends!


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Hello, once again, my lovely reader! We've two evolutions for you this time!

Lyra evolved into Puchitchi and Syrie evolved into Himespetchi.

And I'm going to let Lyra introduce herself now!

Sup, dudes!! I'm totally excited to be here on the show. My dream is to help run it with you, Salad!

Goodness, me! That can certainly be arranged, darling!

Oh, dang, for real? That's wicked cool! Oh, geez, I'm gettin' all excited now.

Feel free! Why don't you deliver our lovely audience the technicalities.

Really? Holy cow! Alright! Okay, uh, my between, uh, reader! Here's the numbers!

Tamagotchi P's
Name: Syrie

Age: 2

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Intelligent

Puzzle Pieces: 3/4

Tamagotchi iD L
Name: Celeste

Age: 3

Character: Shigurehimetchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 3/4

Tamagotchi v4

Name: Lyra!

Age: 0

Character: Puchitchi

Training: |||

Intelligence: 5

Style: 3

Kindness: 0

Lyra: Hiya! I'm Lyra!

Celeste: ...Well, we knew that already.

Lyra: You could at least pretend you were meeting me for the first time!

Celeste: Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Celeste, and your sister.

Lyra: ...!

Syrie: Huh? What? Me? Well, okay. I'm Syrie! A master of updog.

Lyra: What's that?

Syrie: What's what.

Lyra: Updog. What's updog?

Syrie: Ohohohohohoho! You naive idiot! You have no idea how hard I just owned you! Gracious me!

Lyra: Updog...oooohhhhh...I get it! What's up, dog?! Haha!

Syrie: ...You take the joy from my victory over you, small child.

Celeste: Do you not find it at all pathetic that you wish for victory over a small child in the first place?

Syrie: Ohohoho! Is that a joke? I'd hope so! I desire victory over all things, good sister! I'd make a really great dictator! Or perhaps a scientist for a dictator...

Celeste: Mmm. I'm sure you would.

Syrie: Do not speak to me in such a condescending tone! I'll steal your arms!

Celeste: I'm sure you would, too. Lyra, be sure to know that Syrie is never serious about the things she says.

Lyra: That's good to hear!

Syrie: It's also! A pathetic lie! Made up by your sister! To undermine me!

Celeste: Calm down, won't you?

Syrie: Grrh...I'm going to the garage...

Lyra: Have fun!!

Kids...You have them, and then they die, but you keep living. It's a cycle that you wish would break and that just once you could die before the children you take care of, but that's not an option. You just keep living and living and living...I'd imagine it feels a bit similar to immortality. They leave and they leave and they leave and it breaks your heart every time. You want them to stay, perhaps, just once, but you know that isn't possible. To them, it's nothing. This is life for them. Their whole life takes place over a week to us. But ours is so much longer, isn't it? You don't understand the perspective until it's too late and you're stuck. I'm not so similar to them. Well, until next time, reader.



Excuse me, my dear reader! I have been trapped inside of the Fridge for nearly three months now!

I'm going to overlook the fact that you didn't offer any assistance and get right along with an update on my little tamas.

Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 4

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Intelligent

Puzzle Pieces: 3/4

Tamagotchi iD L
Name: Celeste

Age: 5

Character: Shigurehimetchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 4/4

Tamagotchi v4

Name: Lyra

Age: 1

Character: Young Memetchi

Training: ||||||

Intelligence: 5

Style: 19

Kindness: 0

Salad: May I ask, my friends, why no one let me out of the refrigerator?

Celeste: You looked like you were having fun.

Salad: How could you tell? The door was shut?

Celeste: Well, weren't you having fun?

Salad: Yes, for the first ten minutes. After that I got hungry, so I had a snack. Then, I got bored and took a nap. This went on.

Celeste: Well, excuse me for being incapable of telepathy!

Salad: Syrie, what's your excuse?

Syrie: I thought it would leave you inside...ohohoho...

Salad: Well, it wasn't, I don't think.

Syrie: Yes. Uh. I didn't think YOU would find it very funny. That's one of the reasons I left you in there for so long, actually. However, I was able to remain sustained by Lyra, who consistently brought food from McDonaldtchi's.

Salad: Mhm. I'm glad that in my unfortunate absence, Lyra was able to take the initiative and keep you two alive. Speaking of which, where is she?

Syrie: Were it that I had my way, she would be in my laboratory...pardon me, the g-garage, but I believe she is at school right now.

Salad: Oh. At least she isn't skipping. That's good.

Syrie: Why would we skip? In this day and age, good schooling is paramount! That is, unless we want to find ourselves working as a gadabout, or something equally as ridiculous.

Salad: I guess not, but the temptation's there!

Celeste: If we crumbled to every temptation, there'd be little left of the world, wouldn't you agree?

Salad: Why do you two talk so pretentiously? My god!

Celeste: Because we aren't the ones who locked ourselves in a fridge for three months.

Fridge: She's right, my dude.

Salad: Ah. Fridge. Why didn't you let me out?

Fridge: I enjoyed not having you around.

Salad: ...

I'm off for a jog to counter the atrophy taking my legs! Until next time!


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Our lovely Syrie has obtained her final puzzle piece! I'm not actually sure what this means on a physical level, but she is "complete" now!

Ohohohoho...Ahahahaha...! I am complete!

I have achieved perfection! Finally, after months of lab work, finally! There is nothing I cannot do now that I have the fourth puzzle piece.

Truly, I am immortal! Ohohohoho! My mind...there are concepts which I had no grasp of before...suddenly, I understand! I understand everything! OHOHOHOHOHOHO!

Mm, Syrie, my sister, are you quite alright? You are acting...well, aptly put, rather deranged.

Celeste! Surely! You would understand? You have your four stamps. Didn't you have a similar experience?

I can't say that I suddenly decided that I was a supreme being, no.

Are you saying it's a placebo?

I...a placebo? Mm, the stamps are not the same as your puzzle pieces, so perhaps there is a discrepancy between our makes and models?

Hmm...yes, it's a possibility. There are a multitude of differences between the iD L and P's, to be sure. Maybe I was too quick to assume the puzzle pieces were merely a replication of the stamps.

That's still not a POOR assumption. But I do think you let matters get to your head far too quickly!

Myeh, you're a bore. I'm going to continue pretending that I'm a perfect being now.

Certainly, dear sister. Enjoy your delusions of grandeur.

Erm, were you two talking about your "models"?

Yes, why?

I'm not sure if you're supposed to know about that!

Oh, please... Did you honestly think we wouldn't find out? We had three months to do whatever we want. It was simple.

Try to keep it a secret from Lyra if you haven't already told her! I don't want her knowing she's THAT much less advanced than you two.

Oh, puh-lease. They told me IMMEDIATELY. Don't worry about it. I couldn't care less that I'm not as technologically advanced as them!

Oh. Uh. Hi, Lyra.



I coulda been updating the log the whole time you were in the fridge!

Yeah! Or you coulda LET ME OUT OF THE FRIDGE!

Listen bud around here I got a reputation I need to uphold. These guys see me as hard and I need to keep it that way.

...No one sees you as hard.

Syrie might.

Yes, but...Syrie's...well...Syrie.



Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 4

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Strong? (it's a muscle...)

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Tamagotchi iD L
Name: Celeste

Age: 5

Character: Shigurehimetchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 4/4

Tamagotchi v4

Name: Lyra

Age: 1

Character: Young Memetchi

Training: |||||||

Intelligence: 6

Style: 37

Kindness: 2

I'll be back with you when something else happens, my friends!


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Hey, dudes of all race and gender, it's Lyra.

So I was reading back a little bit on the log and noticed in one of the earlier entries Salad was wondering about the weird obsession tama culture has with poo, and I've got a way I can explain it.

You know how sometimes on the v4's and v4.5's you'll be mailed a turd? That's like, in human culture, when you get an unpleasant picture of someone's naughty part when you didn't ask for it.

Y'know, the thing that rhymes with "slick tricks". It's like that!

Man, this is racy. I hope this isn't too vulgar.

Anyway, hope I could shed some light on a subject nobody wanted to think about!

Until next time, guys!


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Ahaha! I got this candid shot of Syrie when she wasn't looking! Ain't she cute? :p

Anyway, sorry about all these short little whatever posts, I'll try and update for REAL next time. Or not.

Til next time!

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Everyone's just hanging out right now. Not much happening. Pretty nice!

I'll probably update later, assuming Lyra evolves.


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Okaaaaaaay, so Lyra didn't evolve. Weird!

I'm writing this from a café in downtown TamaTown. Celeste, Syrie, and I decided we would spend the evening here while Lyra sleeps, the little student.

Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 5

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Muscle Muscle! Hustle Hustle!

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Tamagotchi iD L
Name: Celeste

Age: 6

Character: Shigurehimetchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 4/4

Tamagotchi v4

Name: Lyra

Age: 2

Character: Young Memetchi

Training: |||||||||

Intelligence: 6

Style: 46

Kindness: 2

Celeste: Ah, we really ought to do this more frequently. It's fun to escape the house for a while!

Salad: Yeah, it is.

Celeste: And don't you just feel so sophisticated hanging out in a spot like this that just screams "culture"?

Salad: I...guess?

Syrie: Oh, boo! Who cares about "culture"? I could wipe all the culture off of this planet with one well-placed doomsday machine!

Celeste: I forget; are you a scientist or an inventor of doomsday machines?

Syrie: Who says I can't be both?! Ohohohoho!

Celeste: You oughtn't act so dangerously! You'll get yourself into trouble.

Syrie: Trouble? Don't be silly! I've got a PhD in Engineering. That's, like, proof of my capability.

Celeste: If you say so. But don't drag me down with you when you're inevitably penalized for your criminal actions!
Syrie: Nothing I do is technically illegal!

Celeste: That's what you tell all the lawyers, I presume? Even if it isn't TECHNICALLY illegal, say Fridge were to punch someone?

Syrie: Don't bring that up! That's why I had to take his arms and legs back! While bringing unholy life into an object isn't illegal, assault certainly is...

Celeste: That's what I'm saying! Do you not think you're bound for more danger by creating a doomsday device? Building one isn't illegal, but using one is.

Syrie: That's so ridiculous. If I used a doomsday device, it wouldn't matter if anything were legal. Because there would be nothing. Ohohohoho...

Celeste: See, that's...unnerving. You shouldn't talk about ending all existance. It's not cultured!

Syrie: We've been over this. I don't care about what's cultured to talk about!

Celeste: Well, SOMEONE has to, or else there wouldn't BE any culture.

Syrie: If you're the only cultured one, is there really any culture to begin with.

Celeste: I suppose there wouldn't be, if I WAS the only one. But there are many who share my view!

Syrie: Like who?

Celeste: Like the owner of this café, for example.

Syrie: That's a cop-out answer.

Celeste: Is it? I think it proves my point rather nicely, no?

Syrie: Pff. Whatever.

Salad: So, uh. How's the coffee?

Until tomorrow, my lovely reader!


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My dear reader! You will not believe what has happened! Or actually, I guess, you will.

I've evolved!

That's right! Into a delightful-looking Memetchi!

Finally, I can be you!

Aha! Ahahahaha! Darling! Thank you very much!

Mind telling us the numbers?


Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 6

Character: Himespetchi (droplet head)

Personality: Strong (Bara Neechan uou)

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Tamagotchi iD L
Name: Celeste

Age: 7 (getting so old!!)

Character: Shigurehimetchi (pretty pretty princess)

TamaTomo Stamps: 4/4

Tamagotchi v4

Name: Lyra

Age: 3

Character: Memetchi

Training: |||||||||

Intelligence: 6 (i don't need to be the brightest bulb to shine the brightest!)

Style: 46 (hella hella hella hella hella hella)

Kindness: 2 ( comment)

Celeste: Why, Lyra, I absolutely ADORE the classic look you've put on for yourself! And your top hat does so accentuate your features! Excellent fashion sense, my younger sister.

Lyra: Thanks, Celeste! Means a lot comin' from the fashion queen herself. Well, the other fashion queen. Y'know, besides Salad.

Celeste: Salad's fashion sense is nothing compared to our own! While it is good to have respect for your elders, be careful not to get too caught up in blindly praising them.

Salad: There's nothing wrong with complimenting me!!

Celeste: Oh, you WOULDN'T have a problem with it, would you?

Salad: No, I definitely wouldn't?? Because I raised you guys?? From babies??

Celeste: That does not grant you a free pass to be more fashionable than us!

Salad: Ok, I'm not saying it does! I'm just saying you're allowed to appreciate me!

Lyra: Guys, please. We can ALL be fashionable!

Celeste: I mean. Except for Syrie.

Lyra: Yeah. Not Syrie.

Syrie: Why would I care about being fashionable?! Fashion is so impractical! All those puffy sleeves would just get in the way of my work.

Celeste: The fashionable and cultured have no need for manual labor.

Syrie: Uh, yeah, for yourselves. You fancy rich types don't seem to complain too much about laborers when you need something done...

Celeste: Excuse me! That is an unfair accusation! I am not disrespecting you for your choice to work with your hands.

Syrie: ...Yeah you are?

Celeste: Goodness me! You're right!

Lyra: This conversation is dumb! Why don't you guys just accept each other for who you are.

Syrie: Lyra, buddy, stuck-up sore thumbs like Celeste and I just don't see eye to eye! And there really isn't anything wrong with that. It's okay to not get along.

Celeste: Are you trying to make this into a lesson?

Syrie: You'd like that, wouldn't you? Ohohohoho!

Lyra: Man. You guys bicker so much! How do you stand it?

Celeste: Quarreling is good for the soul. It helps us relieve our aggression in a manner that only offends one person at a time! That way you can be nice to everyone else.

Syrie: I just bicker with everyone, because I don't understand anyone, and it seems like they don't understand me either. Ohohoho.

Lyra: Bluh, fine, I guess! It just seems exhausting.

Salad: Nah, that's just how they interact. No harm in it.

Lyra: Well, I don't get it.

Aaaaaand that's fine, you don't have to. Until next time, my lovely reader!


Heyyy, Lyra here.

We've all been pretty busy these last couple of days, so we haven't been able to update. Sorry!

But this weekend will definitely give us a chance to catch up a bit. Look forward to it!



Hello! Not much has happened! But I will give a report nonetheless!


Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 8

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Strong

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4


Tamagotchi iD L
Name: Celeste

Age: 9

Character: Shigurehimetchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 4/4


Tamagotchi v4

Name: Lyra

Age: 5

Character: Memetchi

Training: |||||||||

Intelligence: 6

Style: 46

Kindness: 2



Someday, hopefully. The older sisters are growing quite old for their ages. But I'd know all about that, wouldn't I? Haha.

Until next time!


Hi. While I'm not quite in the mood to be logging, I'm going to anyway, because I love you.

Mhm. Ok.

Lyra got married and had a kid. This kid will never see the light of day, because after Lyra leaves I'm pausing the v4 and unpausing the Friends.

I'm not sure how many of you actually care, though! So! Have some numbers.


Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 9

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Strong

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4


Tamagotchi iD L
Name: Celeste

Age: 10

Character: Shigurehimetchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 4/4


Tamagotchi v4

Name: Lyra

Age: 6

Character: Memetchi

Training: |||||||||

Intelligence: 6

Style: 46

Kindness: 3



Until next time, my lovely reader!


Can I be the first one to say

And also
OH MY GOD THIS LOG IS SO COOL. *O* You make the Music Star sound so fun!! I actually bought one off of Amazon that's coming relatively soon <33

Mind if I ask what you use for art? ;v; You don't have to just I'm just a teeeeeeeeeeeeeny bit curious

I'm surprised that no one's commented on this in a while xD; This log is just too awesome! <3 8D

//maybe while you're at it you could check my log out?? ;v;


The Music Star is an absolute BLAST!! Easily my favorite of the connections!

As for art, I use Paint Tool SAI!

And anyone+everyone that reads this, check out their log here!


YES! It's a blast from all the goofing around I've done on it!! ;v; First Connection I've owned and I picked a good one! 8D

Ah, I see 8D I use GIMP and MS Paint for my art


Well! It has been a while! Hopefully I was missed at least a little bit...

Anyway! In my absence, Celeste met a nice Maisutatchi and they had a little baby boy! His name is Manic.


Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 10

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Strong

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4


Tamagotchi iD L

Name: Manic

Age: 0

Character: Nittobotchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 0/4


The baby is taunting me.

No, it's just curious. I think he likes you!


I shall update when Manic evolves!

Until next time, my lovely reader!


Manic evolved into Kaubotchi! No surprises here... But it's still fun to watch him grow.


Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 10

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Strong

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4


Tamagotchi iD L

Name: Manic

Age: 0

Character: Kaubotchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 0/4



...Ahem. If we're finished here, we ought to go out to eat, as was planned.

Of course. you're right, Celeste. Let's enjoy the night!

And with that, we'll be off! Bye, reader! Until next time!


Hello, everyone! A couple of points of news here. One, Manic evolved into Bokuhoshitchi. Two, I've started up my Tamagotchi Friends! I apparently had a little toddler Terubotchi going. Her name's May!


Tamagotchi P's

Name: Syrie

Age: 11

Character: Himespetchi

Personality: Strong

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4


Tamagotchi iD L

Name: Manic

Age: 1

Character: Bokuhoshitchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 0/4


Tamagotchi Friends

Name: May

Age: 0

Character: Terubotchi

BFF Point: (i don't know what this is lol)




Until next time, reader!


Ooh this log is quite creative. I'm reading through logs and fan-fics. Not a lot that I like, but when you find one where the writer clearly put a lot of effort in-then all the wading finally pays off!
Well done! This log is great! :)

Hello, hello. Been a while, I know!

Uhh... Yeah. Been a while.


Tamagotchi P's

Name: Mira

Age: 0

Character: Terubotchi

Personality: Fashionable

Puzzle Pieces: 0/4


Tamagotchi iD L

Name: Roxanne

Age: 0

Character: Paletchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 0/4


Tamagotchi Friends

Name: May

Age: 2

Character: Coffretchi

BFF Point: (still don't know what this is. it's at 0.)


Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuntil next time, reader!

-Salad <33

Hello, hello. Mira evolved into Nokobotchi, and Roxanne evolved into Painaputchi.


Tamagotchi P's

Name: Mira

Age: 1

Character: Nokobotchi

Personality: Creative

Puzzle Pieces: 0/4


Tamagotchi iD L

Name: Roxanne

Age: 1

Character: Painaputchi

TamaTomo Stamps: 0/4


Tamagotchi Friends

Name: May

Age: 3

Character: Coffretchi

BFF Point: Empty?


I'll update soon~

-Salad <33
