K kupatchithelover Well-known member Joined Oct 28, 2007 Messages 479 Reaction score 0 Location definetly not telling Nov 3, 2008 #1 I wondering if I should use RosettaStone to learn Hebrew. Have any of you ever used it? Does it work? I think it might cause on the commercial it said rojo=red and perro=dog and I can't forget it!!!!
I wondering if I should use RosettaStone to learn Hebrew. Have any of you ever used it? Does it work? I think it might cause on the commercial it said rojo=red and perro=dog and I can't forget it!!!!
Band Geek Well-known member Joined Oct 28, 2008 Messages 1,120 Reaction score 2 Location USA Nov 3, 2008 #2 I think RS is $600.... Try getting into a hebrew class? Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2008
T Tamagirl#1 Well-known member Joined Aug 26, 2005 Messages 2,137 Reaction score 1 Nov 3, 2008 #3 Well, it is expensive. But you can take a whole free course on it over the internet. Try going to Rosetta Stone.com. Just look around. You'll find it. Oh, and yes. It works fabulously.
Well, it is expensive. But you can take a whole free course on it over the internet. Try going to Rosetta Stone.com. Just look around. You'll find it. Oh, and yes. It works fabulously.
V vampire.kisses Member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 10 Reaction score 0 Nov 3, 2008 #4 I've never tried it, but I've heard many positive things about it. I'd say that it's worth taking at least an online class.
I've never tried it, but I've heard many positive things about it. I'd say that it's worth taking at least an online class.
T tamacrazy_101 Well-known member Joined Mar 1, 2006 Messages 2,837 Reaction score 0 Location Lost in the Abyss. Nov 3, 2008 #5 Well, Rosetta Stone is pretty useful. But if its like the version that we used in school........MAD ANNOYING. I forgot pretty much like everything I learned. But back on subject... I think its pricy, but I guess it is worth it. :]
Well, Rosetta Stone is pretty useful. But if its like the version that we used in school........MAD ANNOYING. I forgot pretty much like everything I learned. But back on subject... I think its pricy, but I guess it is worth it. :]
K kupatchithelover Well-known member Joined Oct 28, 2007 Messages 479 Reaction score 0 Location definetly not telling Nov 4, 2008 #6 Thanks you guys!!! Special thanks to Tamagirl#1 for telling me about the free trail (I didn't think they had any) Also, why is it so exspensive?
Thanks you guys!!! Special thanks to Tamagirl#1 for telling me about the free trail (I didn't think they had any) Also, why is it so exspensive?
T Tamagirl#1 Well-known member Joined Aug 26, 2005 Messages 2,137 Reaction score 1 Nov 4, 2008 #7 I'm not so sure why it's so expensive. I guess it's because you're learing a whole language. It's not a piece of cake.
I'm not so sure why it's so expensive. I guess it's because you're learing a whole language. It's not a piece of cake.
C cecib Well-known member Joined Feb 20, 2006 Messages 807 Reaction score 0 Nov 4, 2008 #8 Or maybe because it's very fast. Cecib
E East Army Well-known member Joined Oct 23, 2008 Messages 98 Reaction score 0 Location TDF. Nov 4, 2008 #9 I don't know if it works. I never tried it before... I can't learn another language. I've been taking Spanish for 4 years and still don't know much.
I don't know if it works. I never tried it before... I can't learn another language. I've been taking Spanish for 4 years and still don't know much.