Should I get one?


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Mistress Kat

Jun 11, 2005
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I really, really want a tamagotchi connection. But I'm afraid that I might not be able to take care of it during school and stuff. So should I still get one?

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I would! They are loads of fun. Get a newer version though, like A V2 Connexion or Connection (when they come out in the US). Reason being -- they have a PAUSE feature that comes in handy when you have to go to school. I can't even tell you how many times that comes in useful.

You could also get a V1, which have the same feature, but you might as well get the new version with the "SHOP" feature and all the neat little extras. :D

You should get a Tamagotchi Connection, or any kind of Tamagotchi for that matter beacause all Tamagotchis are so fun! (Trust me, I have 7)

Well now that they're only selling the V1, I can pause the game on that? Does that stop time in the game or does time just go by and your tama won't do anything?

I'm not sure. It probably does if you leave it paused for very large time increments. Once, I kept mine on pause for about a month because I was so busy!! But time doesn't freeze on the Tama. Your Tama won't grow or get older, but the clock keeps going.

Just me, its the best $14.99 you have ever spent. I work a full time job and still manage to take care of five tamagotchis to tip top care. my sugestion, use the pause feature. Its very useful and helps keep your tamagotchi from dying while you are at school/work. They can be a lot of fun to watch when they do their animations. Really like when they take baths they look to cute! If you know someone with one you can connetion with them. Lots and lots of fun.

Just me, its the best $14.99 you have ever spent. I work a full time job and still manage to take care of five tamagotchis to tip top care. my sugestion, use the pause feature. Its very useful and helps keep your tamagotchi from dying while you are at school/work. They can be a lot of fun to watch when they do their animations. Really like when they take baths they look to cute! If you know someone with one you can connetion with them. Lots and lots of fun.
I totally agree. I work full-time as well in Medical Records at a Dr.s office. It gets hard juggling all of the stuff, but you learn how to do it!

Just curious -- how old are you? I just turned 18 this Friday.

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