Should I get it?


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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2008
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The moon
OK, so, I always go to this pharmacy near my house, and they always have the previous versions of tamagotchi that sometimes I dont have.

I went there the other day, and I saw that they had a V3 for sale! Those things are SOOOO old! My mom wouldnt let me buy it at the time, but I'm not sure if I should buy it anyway.

I went through this whole ordeal when I really didnt like having that many tamagotchis at all, and now that I'm at a number that I like (I only have two or three that I use now) I'm not really sure if I should buy any more tamagotchis ever.

But this is such a good oppurtunity! People pay a lot of money for the older versions of tamagotchi over the internet, when I could buy one for regular price! And the tama is so pretty (emerald butterfly?) and I dont have a V3! So its kinda almost perfect :D I'm so confused

So do you think I should buy it, or not? :p

I definately think you should buy it.

Especially 'cuz it's at normal price, & you can't find them in many places anymore.

& if you don't have one, the V3's are a very good version. [:


Well, hopefully my mom will actually take me there so I can buy it, but I doubt she will do that D:

(But the good thing is, I hid it behind some other junk so noone can see it and buy it :D -teehee!-)

Yes you should if you want it, in my opinion the V3 is an awesome tamagotchi.

I think you should, v3s and v1s are my favourite versions (but a new v1 is proving hard to come by...after one was stolen and the other glitched up and the B button wont press unless you have a very strong thumb) and I have a v3 that I keep in a good condition so that if anything happens to my current one (touch wood) I have it. Its a great oppurtunity cause I was looking on the net last night and could only find one or two at around 80 dollars! So....if u like v3s i would get it.

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