Shop Passwords?


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How do you put in passwords for shops??
well, what you do is: you go to the shop - then press the A button 3 times fast - and when the shopkeeper looks suprised, you enter in the code!!! ;) like this one: A B B A A C B A

hope i helped!

How do you put in passwords for shops??
Cake: Press A, B, B, A, A, C, B, A

Steak: Press B, C, A, B, A, C, B, C

Cuckoo clock: Press C, B, A, C, C, A, B, C

RC Car 2: Press A, A, B, B, C, A, C, B

Stuffed animal: Press C, A, C, A, B, A, B, C

Hair gel: Press A, C, B, B, B, A, C, C

Love potion (honey): Press B, C, B, C, C, A, B, A. just do these codes. after you get the rare costume you can use it. note: you can only use it when your tama is an #####.

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ok thank you fro your help! Love & Peace People!!

Why have you # it out??
It is a stage after your teenager evolves. I dont know why they do that i just typed down the you-know-what.Then the word i just typed turned into a ##### :blink:

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