She who Smiles is Always Cheerful


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
Keisha the :D walked into her house after school one Tuesday afternoon. "Mom, I'm home!" she called. "How was your--" She trailed off. I guess I've gotta REALLY remember now, she thought sadly, tears starting to run down her cheeks, My Mom is dead. She sat down on the floor, taking off her backpack and curling up in a ball, still in her school uniform, and freely sobbed.

Now, there was no-one left except her father, but Aron was mean. Her father would hit her when her mother was at work, and now.... Leafy was dead! Keisha realised she couldn't just sit around and ignore it.

Hmm.... I wonder if Ella Cho is home? Or Bella Fu? Those were the names of some of Keisha's friends. Or Applebel.... Applebel was her very BEST friend. She got on the phone and called the three Tamagotchis.

"Hello, is Ella Cho there?.... Hi, it's me Keisha. I was wondering.... You heard? Yeah, I cried when I got home from school.... Listen, can I move in with you? ....Oh! You're a HORRIBLE friend! Maybe I'll forgive you tomorrow, but for now, BYE!" She dialed another number, punching the keys in fast.

"Bella Fu!.... Hi.... Yeah, my Mom DID die.... I'm really sad.... Hey, say, could I move in with you for a little while? My Dad's really mean and.... No? You have relatives over at the moment? ....Oh, you have to discuss it with your Mom; get back to me soon, please!" Keisha hung up. At least Bella Fu is CONSIDERING it. Ella Cho yelled and screamed at me how she would NEVER want me to move into her house.... one more Tamagotchi to go! Applebel!

"Hi, Applebel! ....Yeah, my Mom died.... Could I stay at your house for a little while? ................ That's great! Should I get my bags, then? ....Oh, you'll be right over? Great!" So, she could live with APPLEBEL now!!!! She sang and danced around, and the doorbell rang. She danced to get it and let Applebel in.


"Let's see, should I pack my wonderful pink blouse?" Keisha wondered.

"Yeah, and you'll need your school uniforms, too.... I don't go to your school anymore so I can't necessarily get you what you need!" Applebel said.

"Dammit, I forgot about that.... I don't have much room, but I DO need my school uniforms...." Keisha agreed.

She had changed out of her school uniform already and was in a pink T-shirt and purple-and-blue jeans. They were very pretty on her; and Applebel had gasped when she saw them.

They continued packing Keisha's bags; they were ALMOST done.


Keisha and Applebel had JUST lugged all the heavy bags downstairs and were about to leave when the doorbell rang and somebody knocked, really hard. Applebel ran to get it, and Keisha was right behind her.

They opened the door and there, standing all menacingly and mean in the doorway, was Keisha's father.


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