Shawn's V5 Log


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I just woke my Tama family up, here's they're current stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 30%

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 540

Mattaritchi [Takk][Male/Child]

Sakuramotchi [Lilly][Female/Child]

Ahirukutchi [Zuri][Male/Child]

Around 9:14am, they will be evolving into teens! I can't wait! I'm going to get on Neopets while I wait, I'll post again a little later.

Its almost time for them to evolve!!! I have around 20min to to wait. Time is going fast this morning! I bet now it will go slow tho, cuz I'm getting impatient again and looking at the clock more.....

I'll post again, after they evolve.

They just evolved into teens at 9:33am., guess who I got.....the same 3 teen tamas I had before I restarted the tama! Now, I just have to wait intill Saturday around 9:33am - 10am for them to evolve into adults.

Here's another update:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 30%

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 1,700

Mamekatchi [Takk][Male/Teen]

Chamametchi [Lilly][Female/Teen]

Bakutchi [Zuri][Male/Teen]

Whats weird is that they are in the same exact order as when I first had them! Mamekatchi was 1st hatched, Chamametchi was 2nd hatched, and Bakutchi was 3rd hatched. Its probably because I took care of them almost the same way as the first time. I wonder if there is some sort of child to teen growth pattern.......I'm too dumb to be able to figure it out tho! lol

I woke up late today! Well, lets get started on this morning's update!

My tama family has been very needy so far, and its only been 40 min! When I woke up, they had 4/5 hungry & happy hearts, so I filled them. Then about 10 min later they pooped and had lost another hungry & happy heart! So I took care of them again. Then just a few min ago they needed training (I used the 1st icon).

Tomorrow they will be evolving!!! I can't wait! That also means I will be getting my 1st set of adults on the V5! Yaaaaay! I hope all 3 of them I never raised before! (Which is a good chance, since 95% of the adults are new tamas!)

I should probably update on my tama family's stats, huh? Well, here it is!

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 50%

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 450

Mamekatchi [Takk][Male/Teen]

Chamametchi [Lilly][Female/Teen]

Bakutchi [Zuri][Male/Teen]

Also, I got tired of collecting 50 or 70 gotchi points at a time, so I just used the free item, don't worry tho! I'm not going to restart again!

Well thats all I have to report for now........

........oh yeah! I almost forgot! I have 172 views of this log so far. (I'm just keeping track to see if anyone is even interested in my log!)

Wow....almost 200 views.....and my log has the purple box thingy (Hot topic).....I guess that is good! lol!

Anyway, for unknown reasons I restarted my V5 log....I need to delete this one, but first I want to save all of the entries.

To all of my readers: My new V5 log is in my signature, its called "NeoMame's V5 Log". If you would like to keep reading my logs (which I hope u do! Cuz I want to get over 1,000 views!) go check out my new starts of on generation 2 of the Kirba Family. I'm planning on making that log even better than this one! This will be my LAST post in this log. Also my other Log (for my other tama connection versions) will not be restarted! And this is the last time that I'm restarting a log!


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