Shaving/Other Hair Removal.


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I am paranoid of having my body hair seen. I don't even know why, my skin is really pale and my hair is so light, it looks more white than blond so unless you look really closely, (which would be extremely awkward) you wouldn't be able to notice my hair but I still shave and I started pretty late too, around 2 months ago. I use an electric razor which is the kind that have 3 rotating razors but my hair grows really quickly, yet I usually shave every 2 weeks or so due to pure laziness. I really want to use Veet because Mom used it a couple of times and she claims it works, "like magic" but she says I'll have to wait 'till I'm at least 18 to try so I've still got 4 more years to go. My Philips razor (which is my Dad's) never leaves scars or anything; that's the beauty of having an electric razor, they spare you a lot of pain but the only problem is, hair grows back quicker and when that happens, my hair sticks up straight like a cat's. When I'll turn 18 I'm going to start shaving at least every 2 days (I've already made my new year's resolution :ichigotchi: )

I'm not too worried about my underarm hair but I still shave quite often though I use a normal Bic razor with soap. My underarm hair grows pretty slowly.

I've read about how some people on here have started or have already attempted shaving their bikini line (yes, TamaMum and all the other British members here, I'm referring to "down below") I really want to try it (more paranoia involved) but I know I'm still too young and Mom would never let me. Also, I've been meaning to ask, how do you even shave that spot? Isn't it like, awfully cramped?

I'm lucky, my hair is blonde, and it's extremely fair on my legs, so you can't really see it unless it's ridiculously long.

I used Veet hair removal cream, and, I've gotta say, it beats shaving 8D It's so quick and easy, and there's no risk of cutting yourself, so it's particularly good on underarms.

And my legs feel smoother than ever =D

I I've read about how some people on here have started or have already attempted shaving their bikini line (yes, TamaMum and all the other British members here, I'm referring to "down below") I really want to try it (more paranoia involved) but I know I'm still too young and Mom would never let me. Also, I've been meaning to ask, how do you even shave that spot? Isn't it like, awfully cramped?
its not that bad.

just shave in the direction hair grows and use a clear gel for shaving~

man, i feel weird.

nobody else i know shaves their arms ;___;

is it weird?

i come from a hairy family, and don't feel like walking around with thick arm hair.

^^ No, it's okay!

Funnily enough, I just shaved my arms now.

Not sure if it was as necessary for me as for someone with dark hair, and most people said it was fine, but I eventually just decided to shave it off.

I wasn't sure if you were supposed to until it said on the box for my cream that you could.

Didn't work so well on my right arm, though.. Weird.

Still, you're not the only one, Sam :3

I just shave my armpits and legs. I'd shave my arms, but my big brother tells me "Noel, NOBODY shaves their arms!" So I don't, even though it's kind of weird being "light and tiny-ish" and I have dark hair on my arms. Just doesn't go together.

Mah goodness! There are girls who actually shave down THERE? Eek...I don't like body hair, but shaving that area sounds crazy to me...why do it? =S

Also, if I can pluck/wax my eyebrows.
Lol, my mom told me I can't until I'm 16 (which is going to be in Feb) but my big brother (he's 20) wanted to experiment so he plucked the excess hairs of my eyebrows and actually used a pen to darken the parts with less hair to make my eyebrows look "archier." I kept going "Ouch!" every time a hair got tugged out. XD It was funny. Afterwards he asked me to help darken a part of his eyebrow that was "missing" hair. :D

man, i feel weird.nobody else i know shaves their arms ;___;

is it weird?

i come from a hairy family, and don't feel like walking around with thick arm hair.
My cousin does that. ;D I don't, only because my hairs are blonde so they don't bother me.

I shaved a whole lot this past year, but I slowed down once school ended. I wouldn't be around 300+ other kids, so why bother?

I do shave my armpits, because that hair is only hair that isn't blonde and invisible.

I shaved last year without my mom knowing, so I actually asked her a few weeks ago, she said I could. I asked her to get me like one of those Venus Embrace razors because they look better, she said she would, and I still don't have my Venus Embrace razor. D:<

I need to ask her when she gets home from work.

I shave. legs and sometimes armpits.

I felt like it one day, so I did.

then my mom commented saying it looked nice.

I didn't ask, but she trusted me and knew I wouldn't, like, saw off my foot or something.

Ok well now I shave. I use Smooth~Away. It works well on me, but doesn't work at all on my sister. -_- I'm so happy!!!

But, I don't know if it will work... er... "down there". It only works for hairs that are 1/4 inch and lower. But it worked on my leg hair and it was longer. Oh well. xD I'll figure something out.

(off topic// As I said in my other post I wanted to wear deodorant. I told my mom I had sweat stains on one of my shirts so she said she would buy me it. Yay)

Ok, so those two are out of the way. Not everyone at my school plucks their eyebrows, so I might ask to do the hairs so it doesn't look like I have a unibrow. So I'm all set now.

I recommend Smooth~Away to anyone. It actually doesn't work on everyone, unless it just doesn't work on my sister. Lol. You can do it anytime, anywhere. I do it on my bedroom floor. xP You can't use it in the shower though.

Sooo... I forgot to say, I shave my legs, as odd as it seems, I also shave my fingers (near my knuckles), my toes (near my.. toe knuckles...???) and that's it. I might do my upper lip. I don't know yet.

Sorry for the long post.

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man, i feel weird.nobody else i know shaves their arms ;___;

is it weird?

i come from a hairy family, and don't feel like walking around with thick arm hair.

my sister does that.

I would, I geuss, but my hair is red/blondeish so i don't mind.

^haay my sisters getting SmoothAway ;3

and yeah I geuss you'd have to, but you shouldn't if you think you don't really need to, it just seems like it would be great to have smooth arms. wait a little bit and see if it really bothers you, because my sister told me it's rather annoying once you start because if you decide to stop the hairs are more distinguishable.

oh and this is emilee. brb on my other account

Corrupted! O: I thought you loved us Americans Esther! ;~;
Never said I didn't!

God bless America. And I love you Kat xD

I shave my legs every couple of days - the hairs are very light and grow slowly, but I take precautions.

My armpit hair is horrible. It's dark brown and if you look closely there's stubble [it grows incredibly quickly] so I have to shave it away every night.

I wish armpits were never invented xD

I started when I was in grade 6. I really regret it, because I didn't actually have to. My hair was nearly invisible. When I look back, I could have waited a year and a half and spared myself a lot of time.

I want to try veet, but I have sensitive skin, so I am scared it will irratate it.Does it still work on sensitive skin?
When I went to look for hair removal cream, I looked through the Veet range and bought a special one that was for sensitive skin. I say special, but it's no more expenisive.

So yeah, you can buy that one if you have sensitive skin.

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