Shaving/Other Hair Removal.


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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2009
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My computer, Ontario, Canada
Do you Shave/Wax/Laser/Other? When did you start?

I started shaving not too long ago, actually. My leg hair was practally invisible, so there was no need at a young age.

Yes, I shave.

I started late last year because I was getting fed-up with hiding my legs because of their terrible leghair. Mummy helped me shave the first few times, because she was the one who convinced me to do it in the first place.

I shave.

My hair has gotten darker, so I have to shave more often.

I use Nair too. It works great ;D The Shower stuff doesn't really work, so don't get it xD It just makes your legs feel all sliky xP


For my legs, I use an electric thingy. It works good for quick touch ups before going out while wearing shorts. Otherwise, I use a razor. I don't need shaving cream, actually. The water is enough for me. ;3 (Which I recall Esther saying also. xDD)

For my underarms, I shave only if I am wearing a sleeveless or cap sleeve shirt. The hairs are pretty invisable so I'm lucky.

My leg hair is practically invisible, so I only shave about once a week. xD

However, my armpit hair.. Is not. I shave that every day, along with constant touch ups with tweezers. I'm a freak about that stuff.

I remember, when I was a swimmer, I used to shave my entire bikini area.

I'm thinking about trying waxing! I've never done it before. Any tips? I'll probably just do my armpits, because that's all I have the patience to do.

Edit; oh, and I started like four years ago. Not because I had hair, but because my swim team coach recommended it. I kept shaving my legs as a habit, but stopped with the bikini area.

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I shave. My legs and pits. I use my dads razor blade (even though I'm a girl) because the hair comes off and stays off for a month. With mine, it goes away for 2 days. It sucks.

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i use hair removal for both :)

haha but i sometimes dont even do it if i plan on not wearing a skirt or shorts etc. for a while.

BUT, its takes a long time before they grow back. which is good :)

I started shaving like a year ago. And I only need to do it on my legs.

^I've heard that waxing is better than shaving. Lol, the only tip I know is not to burn yourself, lol. :eek:
I don't think it is. With waxing you could leave serious scars from ripping the skin off. Razor issues heal (I know)

No. I think I need to though.

I mean... it's pretty invisible, but when I am cold it sticks straight up. It's emberassing though.

However, I really want to, ever since last year. I don't know how to explain it to my mom...

Oh, and it really stinks because I have really nice legs, so I look nice in shorts and skirts. So it's not good. =O

^ I was the exact same way when I needed to shave. I just one day asked my mom, "When we're done making this cake, will you show me how to shave? 8D" She willingly helped me.

^ Yeah, that was kinda goofy. XD Cakes and shaving ftw.

When I was done when I first shaved, I felt so different! My legs were like... clean or something. xD

My leg and armpit hair grows unbelievably fast, so I have to shave at least every two days. (At least during the summer.) I don't bother shaving (my legs) during the winter because I don't wear shorts, and no one is going to see my legs, so I just leave them alone. (I'll occasionally shave in the winter time cause I'll get tired of looking at them, lol, but other than that, I rarely do in the winter.)

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I didn't start shaving until I was a bit older... I was probably twelve or thirteen. I got my period a bit later, and my hair is very light blonde so it wasn't a big deal. And my mom was against it for some reason. :I

At first I used Veet or Nair because my mom was afraid of me cutting myself while I was shaving. I only use Veet now for the inside corners of my eyebrows. My eye brows grow like crazy and they are soooo thick! So I dab some on the edges and in between me eyebrows and then I don't have to tediously pluck. :)

Now I shave my legs instead. I shave about every other day. It stubbles a lot. :I It grows back light blonde though, so sometimes I can get away with skipping a few days, especially in the winter. I shave my pits ever week or two. The hair grows back medium brown, but *knock on wood* my pit hair doesn't grow very fast.

I haven't shaved my bikini area, just because even in a bathing suit (bikini) the hair is below my swim suit. And I'm not sexually active, so I don't see a reason to yet.

I want to try Veet for my legs, but my mom says it doesn't work. :)

I probably started shaving at 11.

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