I like no boys. Frankly, through my way of thinking, "Young Love" never works out. If you had a fake wedding with a boy when you were five years old, what are the chances you're still going out with him?
Ooh! I have a story!! It happened today. (SICK, dude!)
There's this boy in the same grade as me, and he's been in the same class as me forever, even kindergarten, except the last two years. Anyway, we were best friends up until second grade, when we were both walking down the hall together going to the shcool library, when he sorta just blurted out, "I like you.". Anwyay, from then on it was kind of akward, our friendship, because I didn't really say anything back to him on that situation... Well, now we're in fifth grade, more mature, and today his friend told him I looked sad or something and he ran up and HUGGED me. And so here I am, standing in the middle of the blacktop, stiff as a rock because I have been traumatized. Later he hugged me again, and once again, paralysis. And then I ran away.
