I have a funny story.
Once, when I tried to become one, I decided at school not to eat a hamburgar. So I ordered a salad.
(note: I Absolutely HATE SALAD! I'D RATHER EAR SOCKS!!! well, maybe not...but still!)
*at lunch*
I glare at salad. I eat some
"Bleh!" I say
My friends stare at me.
They giggle. (it's ok)
Then, I STOP! Because I HATE it!
Ok, I also love chocolate milk. To become even healthier (no, I am not overweight thank you very much) I got WHITE milk. ok, the salad and the white milk were both horrible. But, you can't be dimissed from lunch unless you eat most of your lunch. SO, I stuff some SALAD in my milk bottle!
THen, I hid my salad, and raise my hand to go. THen, they think I ate all my food, and say I can go.
But then, secretly, behind the trash can, I threw it away! Lol It was really funny.
But I was hungry.
Next time, I'm getting a baked potato.