Seriously Bandai?


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Apr 16, 2018
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Hello ladies and gentlemen!

I thought it’s time to talk about the issues that most tamagotchi lovers are dealing with, specifically talking about the technical problems with the Meets and ON.  :angry:

I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of people complaning all over social media, about their “bugged” toys, and sadly we haven’t heard anything from Bandai regarding those issues.

Two common issues so far that I’ve seen, the first one is that your tamagtochi is not growing up (also known as Peter Pan Syndrome), The other one is the device resets itself (personally happened to me) and that happened when I married a tamagotchi through the official app. Not sure if it was because the other tama was carrying a corrupted data. That takes us now to MyMeets app users, it will force people to be cautious and be careful who they marry their tamas with.

All of these issues are killing the experience and the joy to play with our favorite toy!  :(

I would like to know what you guys think and if there’s anything we could do to make Bandai aware of these issues and if there’s a way that we could avoid them? 

My 3 won’t connect to each other they will only connect to travel nothing else Bandai won’t reply to my emails on this topic. I’ve sent repeated emails and repeated messages on fb with video etc

I haven't even married off my first gen and I've been anxious about something bad happening to either of mine. I thought about trying to test things a little, but as there are so many variants (who the tama marries, where the tama came from, even what kind of device you use to connect to the app...) but it's too much for me to handle.

The only thing I would think might help our cause is to tweet at them, write to their facebook page... things that are public. But of course, as always, trying to be kind and give them as much info as possible (anything rude has a bigger chance of getting deleted or ignored)... do things to show the product in a negative, but truthful, light (which, as someone who is just scared herself, I admit would be hard to do when someone has already had a glitch happen to them). Maybe even suggest the story to gaming news sites or big toy review sites... the more news about this the more pressure they have to *at the least* admit there is a problem and (hopefully) have them say they are trying to fix this. Or just tell us what we should not do until they fix it (like, don't marry Tamas unless you know and trust the owner and where they go their Tama's genetics).

I could see them just as easily blocking/deleting anything public about this too... so really, it's all up to how their PR team wants to handle this. :(

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I contacted @tamapalace, they’ve been serving the community for a long time now and they might help sending our complaints to Bandai!

I would like for everyone who is having issues with their toys to reply with them to this topic, or PM me if they wish. Preferably with pictures!

This is our chance to let Bandai know and maybe try and fix them for future releases. 

My 3 won’t connect to each other they will only connect to travel nothing else Bandai won’t reply to my emails on this topic. I’ve sent repeated emails and repeated messages on fb with video etc
That was happening to me actually. I thought it was a bug. Do you mean the playdate option? Mine couldn’t have a playdate but would travel together. When you choose playdate, in the middle of the waiting for connection screen (which ends up failing to connect), press B (middle button) in both of the Tamas at the same time. That will make them connect and play with each other. Hope this helps!

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I contacted @tamapalace, they’ve been serving the community for a long time now and they might help sending our complaints to Bandai!

I would like for everyone who is having issues with their toys to reply with them to this topic, or PM me if they wish. Preferably with pictures!

This is our chance to let Bandai know and maybe try and fix them for future releases. 
I do hope they can help... and I hope Bandai will finally do something about this. I'm only learning that these problems are not as new as I first thought... they really have no excuses for any of these well known glitches to still be in their game since they keep adding new versions to the line up without fixing things. Maybe their next version of the Meets/Ons should be a hospital version that, when interacted with, will fix all other version glitches XD. Or... y'know... use the app to fix the patch the glitches out... but from looking at Bandai's business practices, that really doesn't look to be something they'd do without getting a profit out of it.

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I do hope they can help... and I hope Bandai will finally do something about this. I'm only learning that these problems are not as new as I first thought... they really have no excuses for any of these well known glitches to still be in their game since they keep adding new versions to the line up without fixing things. Maybe their next version of the Meets/Ons should be a hospital version that, when interacted with, will fix all other version glitches XD. Or... y'know... use the app to fix the patch the glitches out... but from looking at Bandai's business practices, that really doesn't look to be something they'd do without getting a profit out of it.
It will be hard to do anything for the units that they sold already, like you said they need to fix/work on the current bugs and glitches before releasing any new versions!  :angry:

Hopfully, we will hear something from them soon, I have high hopes that @tamapalace will shed the light on the current situation  ;)

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Some people are worried about how Bandai are going to receive and may not take our complaints very well.

Sending them these notes/complaints and making sure they acknowledge them is better than not talking about them, so they can fix them and easily avoide them for future releases.

I understand it’s been a very long time since we’ve had an english release, but to be able to enjoy them we must realize that there’s also some problems and Bandai should know about them and maybe try and fix them, in fact I think they will appreciate it if the fans are giving them feedbacks. :)  

As you can see below, after I offered that I will gather the Tamagotchi ON bugs and send it to them, I was asked if I could provide screenshots/pictures or anything that could prove to them that there are some problems that NEEDS to be fixed! after all this is all for the community and the company to give us what we want in the future  ;)


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Some people are worried about how Bandai are going to receive and may not take our complaints very well.
As long as everybody is polite and their complaints are clear and well-written (and leave out any ranting or rambling), this will never be a problem. The Tamagotchi On is not a cheap device, and the complaints are perfectly valid.

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My biggest complaint about the ON is that the screens are already lightly scuffed / scratched upon opening the package   :(  
So far, I haven't experienced a glitch after 5 generations but we'll see how we go ^-^ 

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My biggest complaint about the ON is that the screens are already lightly scuffed / scratched upon opening the package   :(  
So far, I haven't experienced a glitch after 5 generations but we'll see how we go ^-^ 
Unfortunately I have the same problem with my meets versions  :angry:

You protect your screen by buying a screen protector fro Japan You Want  :)

My 3 won’t connect to each other they will only connect to travel nothing else Bandai won’t reply to my emails on this topic. I’ve sent repeated emails and repeated messages on fb with video etc
Something similar happend to me, when I first tried to connect via play date I didnt realize after you press "connect" you need to press the middle button again on both tamas for it to actually connect. It sounds silly but a huge problem at start actually turned to a misunderstanding, hope I could help.

today was the first time i experienced a serious problem with the On, i had ordered another Fairy On for my younger brother and when i put the batteries in, the screen was completely blank (luckily i am able to return it and amazon says they'll send me a replacement)

i have to wonder how common hardware problems with these are, considering i see so many reports of similarly broken screens, or ones that look almost like they've been shattered from the inside when the thing hasn't even been dropped or through any kind of similar trauma

come to think of it, the plastic the screen is made of seems really soft, too, it scratches extremely easily. the m!x had the same problem :(

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